In an instant, the flying boat burst out with strong light, and two silver light curtains like water waves appeared.

This is a two-tiered defense prohibition, which requires a large amount of primordial stones, but Yang Xuan’s primordial stones are enough, and I don’t feel distressed at all.

“Go to die.” Song Boming has lost his mind. He issued a dazzling blade with his bare hands, which seems to be able to cut open the mountains, showing off one’s ability, violent, like a huge lightning, all at once. It exploded and hit the flying boat.

Chapter 318 Are you in love with me?

“The boat destroys and the people die!?” The crowd jumped their eyelids, thinking that Yang Xuan would follow the flying boat and be wiped out under the light of the sword and turned into dust.

However, in the next scene, they were dumbfounded. They saw the blade glow blasting on the flying boat, and failed to cut the body of the flying boat. Instead, they were exposed to the two layers of silver light inside and outside. The curtain was blocked, and the two silver light curtains were not even breached, but ripples appeared almost undamaged, and the defensive power was incredible.

“What prohibition is this!?” Many people exclaimed. This is incredible. Even a top grade spirit boat’s defense prohibition should not be so strong. A full strength attack from the Peak powerhouse in the Fateful Realm was blocked.

“This is!?” Fu Gongyang eyes shrank, as if seeing something, blurted out: “Divine Item, you actually have Divine Item!”

“What, this ship Yinzhou is a Divine Item!” The people present boiled and almost thought they had heard it wrong.

Yang Xuan actually has Divine Item on him, and it is still very rare flying Divine Item.

“Yes, this is the Divine Item. You and Song Boming have the ability to chase me.” Coldly snorted, the flying boat soars into the sky, turning into a silver beam, and disappearing into the distant sky.

At the same time, an indifferent voice echoed between Heaven and Earth.

“Song Boming, I said that killing your son is asking for some interest. When I step into the realm of return, I will come to take your head.”

“evil creature, Xiu Go.” Song Boming heard this, his lungs exploded, and he pursued Yang Xuan with all his strength.

Yang Xuan killed his son Song Yun, and then put down the cruel words to kill him, how could he allow Yang Xuan to leave alive?

Even, he had forgotten the Sword God Palace behind Yang Xuan, and he was determined to get rid of Yang Xuan, otherwise he would have trouble sleeping and eating from now on.

Fu Gongyang was stunned, and also rose into the sky, following Song Boming’s pursuit.

“The two powerhouses in the powerhouse of the fall of life are hunting down, can Yang Xuan escape!?”

“He can escape alive from the void crack, naturally he has the ability to start from Song Boming Escape with Fu Gongyang.”

“Yes, he is armed with a Divine Item flying boat and has the ultimate speed. Unless it is a divine force powerhouse, don’t try to catch him.”

“Ai, Yang Xuan is still alive. This time we are going to have a major earthquake in Zhong Prefecture.”

After Song Boming and Fu Gongyang left, the square became no longer peaceful, and it was like a noisy vegetable market. , People are heads to ears, discuss spiritedly.

Everyone understands that Yang Xuan miraculously survived the void crack, and the riots in Jinyang Hou Mansion will soon spread to the world, destined to cause a huge storm in Zhong Prefecture .


Flying Tianzhou is extremely fast, several dozen li in a flash, making Song Boming and Fu Gongyang rush away.

At this moment, both of them stopped.

Fu Gongyang sighed: “Brother Song is sad.”

Song Boming’s face is ugly, his heart is both angry and aggrieved, as well as intense fear.

He knew very well that with Yang Xuan’s talent, it would take his life for as long as two or three years, or as long as 7-8 years.

“Brother Song, let me be an Elder of Hunyuan faction, right?” Fu Gongyang groaned, then his voice turned cold, and said, “As for Yang Xuan, he injured many Hunyuan faction Inner. Disciple, my Hunyuan faction will never give up.”

“The little beast must have gone back to Sword God Palace. How will Your sect deal with him?” Song Boming gritted his teeth.


In Feitianzhou, Yang Xuan took out some healing Spiritual Pills and distributed them to the barbarians and the others to let them Heal.

Everyone is not polite, take the Spiritual Pill, meditate and adjust your breath.

After one hour, Yang Xuan stepped to the front of the barbarian and asked: “How can the barbarian big brother be with Wangchuan and the others?”

“I was originally a People, but I happened to meet Wang Chuan and the others on the road. I heard that they were also coming to Zhong Prefecture, so I walked with them. Who knew it didn’t take long to learn that Brother was beaten into void by a woman called Dreaming crack, afterwards, we will experience in Zhong Prefecture, hoping to find brother, but unfortunately, we have not found brother you yet, we met Song Yun…”

Speaking of which, the tyrant will not Go on.

For that, Yang Xuan still understands what happened next. He coldly said: “Song Yun deserves to die, and his father has to die too. Don’t worry, the big brother, this little brother will pay you back.”

The bully is hearing this, both moved and ashamed. He didn’t expect a couple of months. He is no more than the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, but Yang Xuan has stepped into Celestial Realm.

Wang Chuan, Xie Fei, Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng and others thought of Yang Xuan’s peerless beauty in Jinyang Hou Mansion, which was shocked and shocked.

“Yang Xuan, your silver boat is really a Divine Item!?” Xia Yuwei knew that Yang Xuan was a pervert, and was not surprised at the speed of his cultivation, but was very curious about Feitianzhou.

“Yes, this is a middle grade Divine Item.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Where is that little girl, who is she?” Liu Yueer’s big eyes flickered, and she pointed her finger at the baby not far away.

“Elder sister, my name is Baobao, I am the Artifact Spirit of Feitianzhou.” The baby turned his head, crisp and authentic.

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