“you think you can kill me, you can catch up with me first.” After leaving a sentence, Yang Xuan turned around and ran fast, he knew that Yan Ruyue had already recognized When he got out of himself, she flew away immediately, not wanting to pester the other party.

“Where to go?” Yan Ruyue has the cultivation base of the 4 Heavenly Layer of Guiyi Realm, but she didn’t put Yang Xuan in her eyes at all. With a flick of the white jade hand, an Origin Force turned into a big net that is hard to see by naked eye. , Headed towards Yang Xuan in extreme speed, to capture him alive.

Yang Xuan looked like eyes growing behind his back, twisting his body at an incredible speed, turning into an afterimage, flashing away, and rushing into the sky.

“Girl, it’s wrong to fight and kill. Let’s find a place to sit down and talk about life and Fengyue calmly?” Yang Xuan stood in the void, and said with a mellow look.

This is also because Hong Wan, the virgin who took Yan Ruyue, feels ashamed, otherwise, with his current cultivation base and strength, he is confident to fight Yan Ruyue, and even kill him.

“Shameless thief, who has the time to sit down and talk with you.” Yan Ruyue bit her teeth, and saw Yang Xuan escaped. Her heart was both shocked and angry, didn’t expect short In just over a month, Yang Xuan did not die, and his strength has improved so much.

“This girl is wrong, I don’t seem to provoke you to provoke you, how come I have become a shameless villain.” Yang Xuan said.

“You will die for me.” Yan Ruyue was furious. It was too damning. This kid had defiled her body and pretended not to know. She never wanted to talk to him again. With a swipe of his hand, five sharp sharp lights like sharp swords shot out one after another, piercing the void, trying to beat him into a sieve,

Yang Xuan moved laterally, avoiding the four sharp lights, seeing the last coming Menacing, he simply did not hide, squeezed his fingers into a fist, and the gorgeous Origin Force on the front of the fist surged and turned into a condensed fist, shouted: “Broken!”

What secret skills did he not at all use? , But he cultivated great burning skills, within the body Origin Force is strong and pure, supplemented by the powerful fleshy body, a series of rumbling sounds like landslides and tsunami are triggered with a bang, and the sharp light of the future attack is destroyed, strong and powerful. overbearing.

“Really strong strength, who is he!?” Someone shouted, shocked by Yang Xuan’s battle strength.

Others didn’t speak, but they were all stared wide-eyed. Who would have thought that Yang Xuan, who had just entered Celestial Realm, could defuse the fierce attack of Yan Ruyue, an expert in the first realm.

“How is it possible!?” Yan Ruyue has red lips, and Yang Xuan’s ridiculous strength makes her a little unbelievable.

After a brief absence, she became angry and directly shouted out Yang Xuan’s name: “Yang Xuan, you’d better obediently surrender, otherwise this Miss didn’t play with you.”

“What, he is Yang Xuan!?” The crowd was in an uproar, and their hearts were hard to calm. They had learned that Yang Xuan had survived miraculously two days ago, and they were also in the East of Zhong Prefecture Jinyang Houfu. , But they did not expect that the young man who unimposing in appearance above is Yang Xuan.

“Where is Yang Xuan, did he come to the city of chaos!?” all directions, many people were attracted by Yan Ruyue’s voice, all were very surprised, one by one, they rose into the sky, fast Come here, want to see what happens.

“Ai, fairy Yan, isn’t this giving me trouble?” Above the sky, Yang Xuan lightly sighed, casually tore off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a handsome and elegant face.

“It is Yang Xuan, he really is not dead!” The crowd’s eyes condensed, and they all recognized it.

Most half a month ago, after Yang Xuan reached the top of the supreme list, countless people rubbed his face into portraits, and some even used an array stone to record his appearance in the supreme The image of the test below the list, so many people know what he looks like and are impressed.

“…” Yan Ruyue didn’t speak, but her eyes burst into flames. It was this youth who seemed to be a little immature and evil, and fucked her in a deserted cave.

“hehe, fairy Yan, I said I once saved your life, you treat your benefactor like this…” Yang Xuan couldn’t help but grinned when Yan Ruyue didn’t say anything. The word “Benefactor” bite particularly hard.

“Asshole, you damn it.” Yan Ruyue didn’t understand what Yang Xuan was referring to. The pretty face that looked like a flower and jade suddenly became as cold as ice and frost, and she shattered Yang Xuan’s body. Duan’s heart is gone.

“With my Junior Sister’s cultivation base, when do I need you to help?” Suddenly, a cold voice came, and a silhouette came to Yan at a very fast speed. Standing beside Ruyue, her golden robe was hunting, majestic and majestic.

This is a young man of 25~26 years old. How old can’t be considered, but his cultivation base is fully restored. 6 Heavenly Layer.

His body is tall and sturdy, with well-defined features, and very handsome, but his eyes are as cold as a knife, and they are intriguing. Many people dare not look at him.

“Who is this person? At a young age, his cultivation base is actually higher than Di Tian of Sword God Palace and Meng Shaoyu of Heavenly One Sect!” Someone cry out in surprise.

“Who did I say, it was you, why, do you think I will retreat like I did last time?” Yang Xuan sneered at the corner of his mouth. I’m not familiar with it. This person is Yan Ruyue’s Senior Brother and Yan Ruyue’s fiance Jin Ming, a Divine Demon Temple in Heaven’s Chosen Child who once threatened to kill Yang Xuan in the Monster Emperor’s grave. But Yang Xuan easily escaped.

“You are crazy and very confident, but I want to kill you, it’s easy.”

Jin Ming’s voice is cold, and cold light bursts in his eyes. This is the second time he has seen him Yang Xuan, but when he first met Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan hadn’t made a name for himself in Zhong Prefecture, so he naturally didn’t know Yang Xuan.

But now, Yang Xuan is already famous, like the sun at high noon.

Speaking of the word Yang Xuan, many people call it evil.

“It’s ridiculous, anyone can talk big, I’m afraid that you don’t have the ability.” Yang Xuan sneered, looking serene, he wanted to tell Jin Ming that Young Master has been on your fiancee, give you Wearing a green hat, but thinking about Yan Ruyue’s reputation, he finally chose to give it up. After all, that was not the work of a gentleman.

Of course, he is not a gentleman in the first place. Yan Ruyue really wants to be hopelessly muddled. He can’t tell when he can tell the truth about it.

“Then let’s see the real chapter below, I would also like to see what is unique about you, a human kid who overwhelms all the venerables on the Supreme List.” The voice fell. A pair of golden giant wings with the size of several meters emerged from the ribs of Jin Ming, and they suddenly rose up and stood still in the void away from Yang Xuan ten zhang, killing intents all over.

“Is this going to war!?”

“I read it right, Yang Xuan is going to fight a genius of Guiyi Realm 6 Heavenly Layer!?”

“Hehe, there will be a good show next, but I don’t know the two are stronger and weaker.”

“After all, the difference in the cultivation base is too big. Yang Xuan is probably lost, but that The kid wants to kill Yang Xuan, I’m afraid it’s extremely difficult.”

“Of course, Yang Xuan can escape alive from a void crack, which means that he has the ability to save his life. If he died in a unified state In the hands of the martial artist, wouldn’t it be a joke.”

The crowd discussed spiritedly, and their eyes all focused on Yang Xuan and Jin Ming. At the same time, many people came from all over, making this area extremely crowded, above heaven under earth, silhouette buildings.

“He is mine, don’t do it.” Just when Yang Xuan and Jin Ming with swords drawn and bows bent, Yan Ruyue opened the mouth and said.

“Junior Sister just watch it, I will catch him for you.” Jin Ming frowns saying, for some reason, he always feels that there is something unclear between Yan Ruyue and Yang Xuan The relationship made him very uncomfortable, and he was determined to fiercely teach Yang Xuan a lesson, and it would be better to completely abolish him.

“Women should stop interfering in the fight between men.” Yang Xuan lowered his head and glanced at Yan Ruyue, then lifts the head, looking at Jin Ming on the opposite side, drwsily said: “Go all out, otherwise You have no chance of winning.”

“Funny, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue.” Jin Ming’s face became savage, and a pair of golden giant wings suddenly appeared one after another. The scales exude a strong breath fluctuation.

“en?” Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows picked, he understood that this pair of golden giant wings covered with scales is out of the ordinary, it should be some kind of ancient Demonic beast’s Innate Divine Ability.

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