For Jin Ming, North Ming State is not very familiar, but I also know that Jin Ming is the Inner Sect Heaven’s Chosen of Divine Demon Temple, within the body flowing with the Ancient Divine Beast Golden Wings Great Peng’s bloodline is extremely powerful and can compete with Ditian and Meng Shaoyu.

But now, Yang Xuan is able to fight both sides with Jin Ming to suffer. Doesn’t it mean that Yang Xuan already has the strength to fight Ditian and Meng Shaoyu.

“He has just entered the Celestial Realm’s cultivation base, this is simply against the sky!” Wang Teng from the Grand Purity Palace looked surprised. He was right next to the North Ming State and naturally witnessed Yang Xuan’s battle with Jin Ming.

There were also many older martial artists, and many young talents from Sects of all sizes, but they all fell silent when looking at the energetic Yang Xuan above.

Everyone understands that Yang Xuan has stepped into Celestial Realm and his strength is not what it used to be, and martial artists below the same level can no longer fight against it.

“Come to fight, I will accompany Jin Ming to the end.” The eyes of everyone are in full view, Jin Ming can’t show weakness, but compared to Yang Xuan, his injury is much more serious.

However, he covered up very well, and it was difficult for others to tell who was seriously injured from Yang Xuan.

“Look at you look weak, there is no need to fight.” Yang Xuan cultivated Xiantian Qi Viewing Technique, knowing that Jin Ming is strong in appearance but weak in reality, he chuckled softly and prepared to leave go with.

“Can you go away, one song breaks the soul.” At this moment, Yan Ruyue floated up, holding a jade jade piano in his arms, and quickly plucking the strings with both hands, one after another The sound of killing and cutting turned into a life-threatening light blade, like raindrops, killing Yang Xuan.

“Woman, you are bully intolerably.” Yang Xuan was angry, black hair danced wildly, pupil light was cold, and his mouth opened a long whistle.

“锵”, “铮……”

He was full of anger and continuously waved the Purgatory Sword and issued a heavenly sword qi to resist the sound of the attack.

Amidst the series of muffled sounds, there are countless fireworks exploding above the sky, gorgeous and eye-catching, but everyone understands that there is a deadly murderous intention, and the ordinary martial artist falls into it. There is absolutely no life.

Not long after, Yang Xuan flew back and received two blows. He was beaten with torn skin and gaping flesh and blood splashed. Fortunately, his fleshy body is strong and has Origin Force defenses, but he suffered a little Superficial wound, but this is enough to make him angry, didn’t expect Yan Ruyue will take advantage of his battle with Jin Ming to suddenly kill.

“Woman, if you make another move, I will ruin you.”

Yang Xuan gave a cold drink, letting Yan Ruyue’s loving body trembled and the strings in her hands again Unable to fiddle, she could see that Yang Xuan must do what he said. If he continued to make a move, he would definitely make the thing that she was ashamed of publicize.

“That’s the right thing. Let’s meet each other somehow, why bother to fight for life.” Yang Xuan grinned, it was painful. He just suffered two sound killing blades. Two bloody mouths with deep bones appeared, hot and painful.

“Junior Sister, you and him!?” Jin Ming browses tightly frowns, he is not a fool, he can see what happened to Yan Ruyue and Yang Xuan.

“You don’t need to care about my business.” After saying that, Yan Ruyue broke through the sky and disappeared into the distant sky in a blink of an eye.

“Yang Xuan, what did you do to my Junior Sister!?” Jin Ming hated and glared at Yang Xuan.

“If you want to know, just ask her yourself.” Yang Xuan shrugged, and immediately no longer paid attention to Jin Ming, said with a big smile: “Since the Senior Brother is here, come here. Okay, let’s find a place to drink some wine.”

“Junior Brother very difficult to deal with, I actually found me.” A spring-like laughter sounded.

next moment, a silhouette stepped into the air from a distance. It seemed that it was not a short distance, but it arrived in an instant, and appeared beside Yang Xuan.

This is a young man of the same age as Jin Ming. He wears a silver robe, a silver scabbard, and is completely untainted by even a speck of dust.

His black hair moves with the wind, his body is well-proportioned and slender, his dark eyes are radiant, and his face is so beautiful that it is more beautiful than many women.

Especially the corners of his mouth are raised, always with a little smile, giving people an incomparably cordial feeling, and the edge is restrained. It is the Sword God Palace Inner Sect True Disciple Ditian,

According to legend, since his debut, he has fought numerous battles, but he has not failed. He is brave and invincible. He has an invincible myth. It is a well-know figure in the younger generation.

“Senior Brother also watched it for a while, why didn’t you come out to help?” Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, but he was a little surprised in his heart. He remembered that Ditian only returned to the first realm more than two months ago. Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, and now, its cultivation base has actually broken through to 5 Heavenly Layer.

The speed of this cultivation is terrifying. Before the opening of the Eternal Life Palace, it is entirely possible for Ditian to break through to Fate.

“I see you are in no danger, so there is no need to take action.” Di Tianhan said with a smile, he was also surprised in his heart, absolutely didn’t expect Yang Xuan, a teenager from Stars Island, This level can be reached in just a few months.

“Sword God Palace Ditian!” all directions, countless people’s eyes condensed and they recognized Yang Xuan side at a glance. The young man is Sword God Palace Inner Sect True Disciple Ditian, a cultivated star. Heaven’s Chosen of sword array.

“One family and two evildoers, this is too illusory!”

“I heard that Sword God Palace has three more awakened Sun, Moon, and Stars three Great Saints Level Martial Spirit’s Outer Disciple, I don’t know if it’s true!?”

“This can still be fake. All three of them are dead genius. In the Sword God Palace Fighting Sword Conference, one after another was defeated by Yang Xuan.”

“Ai, anyway, Sword God Palace genius gathering is destined to rise and dominate Zhong Zhong. Prefecture, I will become my Divine-Martial Continent Number One Sect, and look forward to the world.”

Human** heads to ears, restless, dare not to imagine Yang Xuan and Ditian and the others growing up, Sword How strong God Palace will be in the future.

“Di Tian!” Jin Ming’s eyes narrowed into a thin slit, pupil light locked Di Tian, ​​and his body released a fighting intent involuntarily.

“You are injured, even if I win, I won’t be able to win, you go, let’s fight again in the future.” Di Tian said lightly, although his voice was not loud, but it showed strong His self-confidence, coupled with his beautiful appearance, can be said to have earned enough eyeballs. Since his appearance, many young women have turned their eyes to the body, wishing to give them a hug.

“Two months later, outside of Dyinghunyuan, there is nowhere to see or leave.” Jin Ming also understood that it is not suitable to fight with Di Tian, ​​and agreed on a time and place, so he rose into the sky and left the chaotic city.

“How is it, is it severely injured?” Di Tian ignored Jin Ming and looked towards Yang Xuan.

“It’s just a small injury, it won’t get in the way.”

“In this case, let’s sit in the Intoxicated Immortal Building.”

“Okay, Last time I came to the City of Chaos, I heard that Intoxicated Immortal Building has a fine wine, Intoxicated Immortal Wine, and now I am going to taste it.”

while speaking, the two walked side by side and flew towards the center of the city.

On the road, many people involuntarily retreated to the sides. These are two enchanting evildoers. Together, they are enough to kill the ordinary powerhouse. How dare they stand in the way?

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