It’s no exaggeration to say that in Sword God Palace overwhelming majority Inner Disciple, you can only practice a normalized sword array, and if you can practice the other eight Great Sword Formation, you can become a new one sooner or later. Enter True Disciple.

“I don’t know what sword array was cultivated by Senior Brother Ji and Senior Brother Wu?” Yang Xuan curiously asked. He didn’t have much time to join Sword God Palace. He only knew about Punishing God Sword Array of Sword God Palace, Stars word array, Haoran sword array, and normalized sword array.

As for the remaining five Great Sword Formation, he doesn’t know anything.

“My cultivation has to be a thousand magic sword array.” Ji together.

“Thousand magic sword array?” Yang Xuan was at a loss.

“Let’s put it this way, I have cultivated a thousand illusion sword array, which can send out a heavenly sword qi in an instant, and only one of this heavenly sword qi is true, and the others are all illusions, but the illusions are very realistic , The common martial artist can hardly see it, it can only be destroyed by brute force until I beheaded by me.” Ji Yi explained, there is nothing to hide, after all, Yang Xuan will enter the Inner Sect elective sword array sooner or later.

“Awesome!” Yang Xuan gave a thumbs up.

“Hehe, in general, this thousand fantasy sword array is mainly used to confuse the enemy. Once the enemy cultivates the powerful Qi Viewing Technique, this sword array will not attack itself.” Ji Yi said with a bitter smile .

Chapter 324 Nine Turns Rebirth Pill

What Ji Yi said was the truth. The Ditian, Wu Fan, Leng Yun, and even Feixuan present were not affected by his Confused by the magic sword array.

“Senior Brother Leng cultivation is it?” Yang Xuan looked towards Leng Yun.

“Killing sword array!” Leng Yun spit out four words, murderous aura, giving a sense of a sharp sword resting on his neck, about to fall to the ground.

“The killing sword array ranks fourth in our Sword God Palace nine Great Sword Formation, but except for the Punishing God Sword Array and the normalized sword array, the remaining seven Great Sword Formations are hard to distinguish stronger And weaker, which is better or worse, mainly depends on their understanding of the sword array that they have cultivated. If the understanding is deep enough, the formidable power of the sword array will be stronger.”

Ditian said to Yang Xuan:” The killing sword array is the main killer, a sword that is breathtaking, enough to make the enemy timid before a fight, extremely powerful, a comprehensive Slaughter Sword Intent discipline cultivation of this sword array twice the results for half the effort, Junior Brother enters the Inner Sect When taking sword array as an elective, it’s a pity to consider this sword array. I think your cultivation of this sword array will go smoothly.”

“Many thanks to Senior Brother’s advice, I will consider it carefully.” Yang Xuan does not want to cultivation to kill the sword array, but wants to cultivation Punishing God Sword Array.

When he wants to come, pick up girls to be the most beautiful in the world, and the sword array will naturally also be the most powerful cultivation Sword God Palace.

“I hope you cultivation kills the sword array, then we can compete with this sword array.” Leng Yun said.

Yang Xuan hearing this just smiled and didn’t say much. He looked at Ditian, then at Wu Fan and the others, and couldn’t help asking: “Senior Brothers are far away. I don’t know what’s the matter?”

In other words, he was a man of two generations. Yang Xuan didn’t think that the Inner Sect True Disciple of Sword God Palace gathered in the Intoxicated Immortal Building to taste Intoxicated Immortal Wine.

“A few days ago, there was news from Heavenly Knowledge Hall, bluntly saying that there will be demons in the deadly mountain range in the near future, and the whole continent is in danger, so we all come to find out.” Ditian said.

“The evil demon is born!?” Yang Xuan’s eyes drenched, he thought of the foreign domain demon head in the depths of the deadly mountain range, under the pit of the eternal demon. He said that the demon head is about to be born, right? ?

“Junior Brother don’t have to worry, once the evil demon is born, the venerables of all parties, including our Sword God Palace master, senior, will show up.” Di Tian said, picking up wine cup and, said: ” Let’s not talk about it. It’s the first time Junior Brother came to Intoxicated Immortal Building. When I tasted this Intoxicated Immortal Wine.”

“Okay.” Yang Xuan came back to his senses, picked up the glass, and took a drink All.

In an instant, a burst of delicious and mellow energy melted away within the body, and Yang Xuan only felt that spirit was clear and bright, ecstatic, and uncomfortable.

“refreshed, Divine Soul is transparent, making people fall into the clouds, especially cozy, good wine, really good wine!” Yang Xuan’s eyes were bright and full of praise, but he just finished speaking. He felt dizzy and dizzy, his eyes were dark, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, he was fast enough to run Origin Force to dissipate the sudden burst of alcohol within the body, which stabilized the body.

“The strength of this Intoxicated Immortal Wine…” Yang Xuan flushed and drunk, looking at Emperor Tian and the others.

“haha…” Ditian and Ji burst into laughter, even Feixuan couldn’t help but smile, “Junior Brother, this Intoxicated Immortal Wine is not easy to brew, and it’s not easy to brew. But the stamina is too strong, next time don’t take such a rash guts, or the divine force powerhouse will also get drunk and unconscious.”

“I see.” Yang Xuan smiled wryly , He didn’t dare to drink any more, he was so bold this time he didn’t pretend to be almost embarrassed, it was also very embarrassing.

“I heard that Junior Brother Yang got a Divine Boat, I wonder if I can take it out for a look?” Ji Yi said suddenly.

“Of course you can.” Yang Xuan was very refreshed. After all, he had a big fight in Jinyang Hou Mansion. Everyone in the world must know that he has a Divine Boat, and Ji Yi, Leng Yun, Wu Fan could sit with Ditian, and he was also a trustworthy person. He didn’t have to hide it. When he thought, he called Feitianzhou out of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

With a buzzing sound, a palm-sized silver boat appeared, emitting gorgeous rays of light, extremely gorgeous.

“This is a middle grade Divine Item!” Leng Yun shot a bright light in his eyes.

“Senior Brother Leng has a good vision, yes, this is a middle grade Divine Boat.”

“Where did the Junior Brother get this boat?” Ji Yi asked .

“Frankly, this is what I bought from the Purple Yang Sect market stall for 1,000,000 low grade yuan stone.”

“pu!” Ji Yi heard Yang Xuan If I didn’t take a sip of the drink, it spewed out, making the table full.

He apologized repeatedly, but his face was full of incredible color.

What, I bought it from the stall for 1,000,000 low grade yuanshi! ?

He almost doubted whether there was a problem with his ears.

“Junior Brother, are you sure you didn’t joking!?” Feixuan’s red lips and beautiful eyes are wide and unspeakable.

“It is true.” Yang Xuan said seriously.

“Ai, this is the so-called Great Destiny. You can find treasures in a few steps, and you can find a Divine Item if you just walk around the stalls!” Wu Fan said with emotion.

“The story of luck is too mysterious, Junior Brother should have recognized it before buying this boat?” Ditian said with a smile.

“Senior Brother is great. I did recognize it beforehand. I bought it.” Yang Xuan slightly smiled, and immediately thought of something, and asked: “Dare to ask Senior Brother, we Sword God Palace can tell Spiritual Pill with limb rebirth?”

Looking for Spiritual Pill with limb rebirth is naturally for the barbarian. Yang Xuan does not want the barbarian to affect his future cultivation because he lacks a right arm.

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