Chapter 328 Divine might

Under the oppression of a supreme might, many people almost want to fall to the ground. It is better than a divine force powerhouse and face pale, full of drama No one can calm down.

How to be calm in such a terrifying imposing manner! ?

The huge black shadow with six pairs of black wings and bloody eyes stood in the distant sky, squeezing the whole world and making them scared witless.

“Demons, that must be the demons mentioned by Heavenly Knowledge Hall!” With a loud cry, someone remembered the news recently released by Heavenly Knowledge Hall, saying that there are demons that will soon rise from the deadly mountain range. Born in this world, do harm to the world.

“What kind of evil demon is this, it is so huge, if he shoots, I am afraid that I can raze to the ground with the entire chaotic city!”

Inside the city, people were alarmed, many people were horrified, sweating all over, being looked down upon by such a terrifying demons, they all felt the pressure that they could not resist.

Just as ants are looking up at an aloof and remote Blood Demon God, everyone’s face becomes pale, and the body is shaking involuntarily.

This is an absolute suppression of higher creatures on lower creatures. It is derived from the fear in the depth of one’s soul. It cannot be erased, and the heartbeat is about to stop.

“The evil demon is born, why don’t the venerables of all parties show up yet!?” Ji Yi said nervously.

“It’s too sudden, even if you get the news, it will be difficult for the sages of all parties to arrive immediately.” Ditian said solemnly.

“This evil demon is definitely stronger than the supreme, and the venerables of all parties may not be able to deal with it when they come.” Leng Yun squinted, and the color of terror flowed in the depths of his pupils. He found that the evil demon was imposing Under the manner, he could hardly move his steps, as if he had been under some kind of evil curse.

“The emperor took action to destroy this city today, what can you do with me?”

Suddenly, coldly shouted like thunder, shaking for nine days, that huge The black shadow moved, and a big hand came out, the black light gushed out and turned into a Heaven Covering Demon Hand, the entire chaotic city was covered, like a boundless black cloud pressed down, all the brilliance faded, and the endless darkness The entire city of chaos was flooded.

Everyone looked up, it was pitch black, and the blue sky and white clouds were no longer visible. With that Heaven Covering Demon Hand oppression come down, the sky and the earth were shaking, as if they were about to break apart.

one hand shrouding the heavens! ?

At this moment, all people just feel extremely suffocated, just like being grabbed by an invisible big hand, a fear of dying fills everyone’s heart, many people’s legs She trembled and couldn’t stand up anymore. She thumped and sat on the ground. Some women with a low cultivation base even fainted on the spot.

“Thousands of thunder bursts.” Shouting loudly, a divine force powerhouse attacked and used the trick of trump card. From a certain place, hundreds of lightning glows burst out, violently towards that Heaven Covering Demon Hand blasted away.

“Let’s do it together, or we all have to die.” It is shouting loudly again, a sword energy bursts into the sky, the cold light shining all over the body, a glow.

“Kill!” At the same time, many divine force powerhouses have taken action. At this moment, only they can move. The rest of the people are either scared or hard to move, just for a moment. The power of palm fists, thunder and lightning flames, various secret skills and brilliance flew, turning into one after another gorgeous divine glow, between Heaven and Earth suddenly brilliant, and blasted towards the Heaven Covering Demon Hand to destroy it.

“A group of ants also want to fight against the emperor, you are waiting for death!” With a disdainful grin, the Heaven Covering Demon Hand bluffed with five fingers, and then grabbed everything The splendid brilliance is taken in, and the puff puff puff is crushed.

“How can it be so powerful!”

“No, only the Venerable can contend with it. No matter how many of us, it is useless.”

Almost the same time , The divine force scenes that shot were all screamed.

“There is no way out, no one in this world can contend with the emperor. Let’s all go to death.”

With a boom, this world seems to burst, then Heaven Covering Demon Hand continued to shoot down, with unparalleled power. A violent storm swept down, many buildings in the chaotic city collapsed, flying sand running stone, and many people with a lower cultivation base rolled in the wind, wail like ghosts. and howl like wolves.

In the center of the city, Yang Xuan, Ditian, Ji Yi, Wu Fan, Leng Yun, Feixuan, each propped up Origin Force shields, spreading out layer by layer, the brilliance of all colors shone, barely Blocked this storm and saved Barbarian, Xia Yuwei, Cheng Shaofeng and the others from being swept away by the storm, but watching the layers of shields roar and vibrate under the storm, Barbarian and the others were all eclipsed in amazement, have one’s hair stand on end.

“Break for me!”

There was a mess in the city, and countless people secretly thought that when my life was over, there was a loud sound, a dazzling beam of pride. The bottom of the list rushes up, it is as thick as a dragon body, the whole body is red light surging, dazzling, like a beam of light completely condensed by flames, emitting the power of burning all things, passing through the void at an incomparable speed, and blasting The Heaven Covering Demon Hand.


Heaven Covering Demon Hand shuddered and stopped in midair, but the flame beam also disappeared under the impact and ceased to exist.

“A little Dragon Race Supreme, when you are the Dragon Race Dragon King, really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, what do you use to fight against the Emperor?” Standing in the distant sky The huge black shadow spoke, and the icy voice was like a thunderbolt, and the shocking person’s eardrum was torn like a pain.

“The strength of this foreign domain demon is terrifying!” Yang Xuan felt that his scalp was about to explode. This demon was the demon clansman, and it was also a Demon Sovereign, with the cultivation of the emperor. base, behind the twelve wings heavenly demon, a powerful guard against the sky, who can compete with the king if he can’t come out?

“a wisp of Divine Sense, the transformation can be rampant. When the deity can’t destroy you?” This was Long Youlan’s voice. She was obviously irritated, and she was ready to attack.

However, before she could take action, a soft voice sounded, “Youlan, you are not his opponent, let me come.”

The voice is still there, The stone tablet on the top list shakes violently.

Next, a silhouette jumped out of the stele and rose into the sky. It was a middle-aged man, clothes whiter than snow, abundance like jade, and its eyes were deeper than the endless starry sky.

He stands with his hands in his hands. He is tall and majestic. His black hair is scattered with the wind. Although there is no imposing manner in the whole person, his eyes are divine glow like electricity, destroying might of Heaven brewing in it.

“hmph, Yi Wuya, you can finally give it up, just right, I will take this opportunity to destroy your Remnant Soul.” The huge shadow roared, that Heaven Covering Demon Hand black light It blooms and shoots down quickly, like a horror mountain from the endless demon realm. It is suppressed with a thunder and thunder, making the world tremble.

“I, are we going to die!?” In the city, many women cried with fear, their faces deathly pale as paper.

“It’s okay, there is a king of war, no matter how strong the evil demon is, you have to destroy both body and soul.” There are also many divine force powerhouses to comfort themselves. They all recognize that the middle-aged man is the king of war. Looking forward to the warlord can kill the huge shadow, eliminate demons protect the dao, but the warlord is now just a ray of Remnant Soul, does he still have the invincibility of the past?

“Don’t be afraid, everything will pass.” Yang Xuan stretched out his arm to embrace Xia Yuwei, who was anxious, but looked towards the King of War, and saw the King of War raised his right arm and pointed towards the Heaven. Covering Demon Hand Click to go.


A seemingly ordinary finger, but there is a divine might that is hard to describe, a boundless fighting intent rushes out with his fingertips, vast Like the great tide of the river, it seems that this world is about to collapse. With only a bang, the Heaven Covering Demon Hand shook sharply, and then split every inch, disintegrating in the void, turning into black air, full of strong evil aura, Breathtaking.

“Disperse!” The King of War flicked his hand, and the invisible power gushed out, and the black air disappeared.

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