Yes, this magical power is called countless changes. Once you develop this magical power, you can change your appearance and body at will. It can be hidden from the powerhouse of the divine force. If the cultivation base is not different It’s too big, even the supreme can hide it, it’s powerful.

Divine-Martial Continent, with a vast area and outstanding people, but if placed in the vast universe, it would be insignificant.

sky is high enough for a bird to fly through, Sea is broad enough for fish to leap about!

Yang Xuan’s talent out of the ordinary, rare in the past and present, the realm of the future will only be higher and higher, he will definitely go out in the future, proud of the boundless starry sky, walked all Heavens Myriad Realms, and The martial artists of the world from all sides competed against each other. When the time comes, it is indispensable to make enemies and even provoke strong men. With countless changes, this magical power is different. He only needs to change his appearance and body. It is difficult for anyone to take him. recognize.

“Brother Xiao, I am not hypocritical with you. This supernatural power is very suitable for me. It is completely tailored for me. I am not welcome.” Yang Xuan bowed his hand to Xiao Buye, solemnly Put away the jade pendant.

Just now, he checked it slightly with his mind and found that countless changes, Divine Ability Fruit, has extremely high requirements on the fleshy body. With his current fleshy body strength cultivation, this magical power also carries a lot of risk. , It is estimated that only after he has opened up the life and death of Eight Sects, it is possible to develop this magical power.

“What Brother Yang said, this supernatural power is strong, but the cultivation conditions are too harsh, and it is extremely difficult to train.” Xiao Buye waved his hand and said: “Great Burning Heavenly Art is different, I It can be done almost quickly, so that it can complement my Martial Spirit. In the future, the speed of cultivation will definitely be advanced by leaps and bounds, and I still have the advantage.”

Xiao Buye Heart of Martial Dao Resolute, once made the vow not to marry in this life, is a standard martial idiot, Martial Dao is more than anything for him, so he doesn’t care much about the magical power of countless changes, just want to get a strong cultivation technique .

Now that the great burning of heaven is done, it will be of great benefit to his future cultivation, and the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

“haha, we are friends, so whoever takes advantage of it.” Yang Xuan is sincerely making friends with Xiao Buye, said with a smile: “If there is any need in the future, Brother Xiao, just speak up “

“Okay, I remember.” Xiao Buye is nodded, he doesn’t have many friends. Except for the old rival Jiang Yichen, which is barely counted as one, Yang Xuan is the only one left.

“It’s late at night, I won’t bother Xiao brother cultivated.” Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand smiled, got up to leave, the two big men in the middle of the night were boring to talk, it might as well Go back and feel more comfortable holding two fragrant wives rolling on the sheets.

“Brother Yang wait.” Xiao Buye suddenly said when Yang Xuan was about to leave.

“Brother Xiao, is there anything else?” Yang Xuan was taken aback, and sat down again.

“It’s okay, I’m going to go to the Killing Formation tomorrow. If Brother Yang is okay, we can go together.”

“Is it phantom Killing Formation, well, I will do it tomorrow too. Go and break.” Yang Xuan touched the tip of his nose. He also wanted to break through the Illusion Killing Formation and enter the Inner Sect early, in exchange for the Nine Ranks Regeneration Pill for the Barbarian, but he was also a little confused: “With the strength of Brother Xiao, it should be early You can get past the magic Killing Formation, why wait until today?”

“There is a reason for this naturally.”

“What is the reason?”

“Earn some Sect contribution points.”

“What’s the answer to this?” Yang Xuan startled. He didn’t have much time to come to the Sword God Palace, and he only had a little understanding of the fantasy Killing Formation.

Fantasy Killing Formation, as the name suggests, is a combination of imaginary formation and Killing Formation. When the Divine Soul of martial artist enters it, you will encounter endless enemies. Those enemies are illusions, but illusions can also kill people. If the person in the phantom Killing Formation suffers a devastating blow, Divine Soul will have to collapse and become a living dead.

In addition, Yang Xuan has not heard that Killing Formation can also earn Sect contribution points.

“There will be many illusions in the Magic Killing Formation. The strength of those illusions can’t be considered. A Vientiane Realm eight Nine Layers Heaven’s discipline can almost succeed in breaking through the level, and thus promoted to Inner Disciple, but After successfully breaking through the barriers, there will be seven light gates. We can choose any light gate to enter the assessment. After passing the assessment, we will get a large number of Sect contribution points.” Xiao Buye explained.


“Yes, it is the assessment. In our Sword God Palace Inner Sect, those who are expected to be promoted to Inner Sect True Disciple, all have passed The assessment in the light gate.”

“What’s in the seven light gates?”

“Inner Sect Seven Peaks Peak Master.”

“Uh, Do you mean that we are going to fight the Inner Sect Seven Peaks Peak Master!?”

“It is true, but Brother Yang rest assured, within the seven light gates, whether it is the person conducting the assessment or the Qifeng Peak Master, the same age and cultivation base, as long as you defeat any Peak Master, you can get 1,000,000 Sect contribution points.”

“so that’s how it is.”

“This Not counting, it is said that there is a light gate behind the seven light gates. After the assessment person has completed the Peak Master assessment, they can also enter the eighth light gate for the ultimate assessment.”

“Eighth Daoguangmen? The ultimate test? Don’t tell me there is our Sword God Palace palace owner!?”

“hehe, Brother Yang guessed it, the eighth door of inner light is really our Sword God Palace Palace lord, no, it should be said that he was the lord of the boyhood.”

“This, since our Sword God Palace set up Sect, has anyone defeated the lord?”

” Fantasy Killing Formation has been established for a full thousand years, but no one has ever defeated the palace lord. However, Brother Yang’s Tianzong posture may be able to create this record and get 10,000,000 Sect contribution points, except for us. Sword God Palace’s most powerful Punishing God Sword Array.”

Hearing this, Yang Xuan was lifted up. Not to mention 10,000,000 Sect contribution points, he is bound to win the Punishing God Sword Array. Decided to defeat the boyhood Gu Tongxuan.

That’s Sword God. Although it’s just a young Sword God, Yang Xuan feels excited just thinking about it.

For a while, he felt that his blood was hot and the fighting intent was boiling. He yearned for this battle, eager to fight against the young Sword God, and dignified rightly defeated the opponent to prove him Yang Xuan The talent is even higher than the young Sword God.

Xiao Buye sighed, he clearly felt the fighting intent on Yang Xuan, and understood that Yang Xuan was destined to fight with the young palace lord of their Sword God Palace.

Soon, Yang Xuan stopped fighting intent and asked: “I don’t know when Brother Xiao will go to Magic Killing Formation tomorrow?”

“At the time of tomorrow, we will see Killing Formation. “

“Well, I will be there on time.”


The Magic Killing Formation, located in Divine City Northern Part of City, is a square The scarlet formation of ten zhang is a large formation that Sword God Palace spent a lot of money to build thousands of years ago.

This formation is very magical. All the people who enter it, their bone age, weapons, secret skills and other information will be recorded, and then the Formation will be able to evolve these people into the Killing Formation.

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