With a scream, he spread his blood wings, shook his figure, and disappeared from the spot, avoiding the three-person killer with no difficulty.

“Did off, what are those wings, when did Yang Xuan have this thing!?”

“Is it Martial Spirit!?”

“It is possible , But I remember that Yang Xuan awakened a pair of Martial Spirits. One of them was evil, and the other was Martial Spirit, a mutated flame. It seems not at all, Martial Spirit, a feathered beast!”

As soon as the blood wing came out, the outside exclaimed again and again, except for Su Ziyao who knew it was the blood wing of Innate Divine Ability of Blood Race, everyone else guessed that it was a kind of beast Martial Spirit.

There are many types of Martial Spirit, including many beasts, Martial Spirit.

For example, Ditian’s Silver Wing Martial Spirit is a kind of beast, Martial Spirit, derived from some kind of strange beast in ancient times.

In the formation, Yang Xuan was no one next to him. As soon as he avoided the attack of the three, he was like Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, and came to Wu Fan in no time.

His speed is too fast. Before Wu Fan came back to his senses, he was hit by him fiercely.

With a bang, Wu Fan’s body burst on the spot and disappeared.

In this attack, Yang Xuan didn’t use Origin Force, but he practiced the Great Accomplishment, and his fleshly body strength reached 20,000 jin.

The power of 20,000 jin, coupled with the urging of blood wings, produces unimaginable power. Wu Fanzong can’t stop Wu Fanzong with an Origin Force body.

“Knocked Wu Fan to death!” Seeing Wu Fan was hit by Yang Xuan and turned into fly ashes, many Outer Disciple eyelids jumped, such a brutal and very ruthless method, which seems to be cutting Killing geniuses is clearly crushing weeds.

“This fleshly body strength!” Qi Han was also taken aback, his sinister vision, he saw Yang Xuan’s collision just now, relying on pure fleshly body strength.

A 17-18 years old boy, he can kill the same-level geniuses only with fleshly body strength. He can’t imagine how powerful Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is.

“It’s almost 60%, can Yang Xuan continue to kill Yuwen Feng and Ditian?” Someone also wondered about the time, wondering if Yang Xuan could finish 10,000 people in 60% of the time.

bang! bang!

At this moment, two tyrannical aura fluctuations broke out in the video, and then everyone saw Yuwen Feng and Ditian urging Martial Spirit, among them Yuwen Feng’s Martial Spirit is a vine.

The vine is about the thickness of an adult’s arm, about three feet long, covered with barbs, and abnormally hideous.

With a wave of Yuwen Feng’s hand, this vine flew out and rose against the storm. It turned into a huge vine, as thick as an adult’s waist, and reached more than ten meters in length. Like a scarlet python, the moved towards Yang Xuan of baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed over.

On the other side, the silver light on both ribs of the Emperor Tian gushes thin, spreads out the Martial Spirit of silver wings, bursts out twice as fast as before, swinging a sharp sword towards Yang Xuan.

“Yuwen Feng and Ditian have used all their strength, I don’t know if Yang Xuan can stop it!?”

“I have heard of Ditian’s Martial Spirit. But what is Yuwen Feng’s Martial Spirit?”

“It should be some kind of rare plant-based Martial Spirit!”

Many Outer Disciple kept their eyes on the flashing one Video, heated discussion.

“Kill!” Suddenly, shouting loudly came from the video, and Yang Xuan was not ready to play. The fleshy body merged with the battle puppet, and the golden light shone all over, instantly becoming a majestic golden man.

“I remember, that is the rare treasure of the ancients, Yang Xuan used to use it in the sword fight!” An Outer Disciple mouth opened wide shouted.

“Yang Xuan seems to be going to be real.”

“This is not his full strength, you must know that he has also awakened an evil Martial Spirit!”


While speaking, everyone saw Yang Xuan disappeared in the video, only a fuzzy golden afterimage rushed out, and then the peng sound exploded, exploding the huge vine.

The vine is definitely a powerful Martial Spirit, but in front of Yang Xuan, it is as fragile as paper, unable to withstand a single blow.


At the same time, Di Tian killed him and slashed Yang Xuan’s chest with a sword, but it did not cause any harm to Yang Xuan, only a stroke on his chest A series of sparks.

“Emperor Senior Brother Heavens, don’t blame me.” Yang Xuan spoke lightly, leaned forward with his big hand, grabbed Di Tian’s neck and snapped it suddenly.

With a sound of Peng, the silhouette of Di Tian disappeared, leaving only Yuwen Feng not far away.

For Yuwen Feng, Yang Xuan was not very polite, and killed him at an incomparable speed.

Yuwen Feng is just an illusion and cannot speak, but he is not passively beaten either. The Spirit Sword in his hand pierces straight out, aiming at Yang Xuan’s throat, fast and hard.

“Death!” Yang Xuan shouted loudly, and the power erupted like a mountain torrent, and the entire image trembled violently.

It’s like the reflection in the water was suddenly thrown down by a huge rock, which caused ripples one after another. People outside could hardly see the situation in the image, but only heard a bang. Then the image slowly returned to calm.

Soon, in just a few seconds, everyone looked through the image, can you still see Yuwen Feng there?

In there, there is only a silhouette standing proudly, it is Yang Xuan.

At this moment, Yang Xuan has returned to normal. Except for his face a little paler, his whole body is unscathed.

“A man to kill Wu Fan, Yuwen Feng, Ditian, this is simply invincible!”

“I said he was a wicked evildoer, if he had used that kind of ancient rare Treasure, I’m afraid I’ve already finished killing thousands of people!”

“By the way, how much time did he spend!?”

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