In an instant, the two confronted each other with swords, each did not know how many swords they had drawn. The people outside could only see the two figures colliding continuously, and the sword energy erupted all over, like two swords. energy The storm is opposing, and the burst of energy fluctuates as turbulent as the storm hits the shore.


The image trembled and rippled, almost torn apart.

Two young geniuses fought fiercely, and the destructive power produced can be imagined.

If Qi Han hadn’t taken the initiative to maintain the image, the image would have collapsed long ago, and it would be difficult for everyone to see this wonderful battle of geniuses.

Soon, the warring parties separated.

Yang Xuan face deathly pale, panting like a cow.

On the other side, Tianshu Shenjun’s body has dimmed a lot, and it seems that the damage is not light, showing signs of dissipating.

“Too strong, this is definitely one of the most exciting duels since our Sword God Palace set up Sect, enough to be recorded in history!”

“Strange, Yang Xuan is pregnant with the ancient rare treasure, why he hasn’t used it for so long, but fights the sword with the god of Tianshu!?”

“Yes, he still has Martial Spirit, and I haven’t seen him use it.”


Just when there is noisy outside…

zheng! zheng! zheng! zheng!! ! !

Tianshu Shenjun fully urged the sound kill sword array, as he swings his sword, one after another sword energy draws shatter void, the sound of killing sounds like a tide, like a thousand army myriad horses galloping forward, roaring , Let the world tremble.

“Break for me!” Yang Xuan expression grave, Purgatory Sword waved continuously, igniting countless sword energy, and the sound killing sword energy blasted towards the incoming sound, with a violent confrontation, a series of explosions were endless , Detonated the whole world.

I have to say that Yang Xuan is very strong, especially the comprehended 3rd-layer Slaughter Sword Intent. His sword energy is extremely powerful. Every sword energy exudes the power of tearing everything. It can be compared with the god of heaven. The sound kill sword energy to contend.

However, these sound kill sword energy are also very difficult to deal with.

After all, this is the Supreme sword energy urged by the sound kill sword array.

As soon as sword energy comes out, its sound comes first, which is breathtaking.

It is no exaggeration to say that if other Celestial Realm martial artists kill the sword array on Shangyin, they will be shocked by the sound of the killing on the spot.

Martial artist fights, pay attention to imposing manner, once weak, the result needless to say, it is definitely strangulated by one after another sword energy, Divine Soul is all destroyed.

bang bang bang!! !

The sword energy in the sky blasted and exploded, and the burst of rays of light was even more dazzling than the sun, like one after another star crumbled in the void.

At this moment, whether it is Yang Xuan or Tianshu Shenjun, both are swinging their swords. The sword energy emitted by the two is like a pin against an awl, fierce confrontation. In a short time, no one can do anything. Nobody.

For a long time, all the sword energy dissipated, Yang Xuan gasped, and only 10% of the Origin Force in the sea remained.

And the god of Tianshu, still lively dragon and animated tiger, he was originally an illusion, evolved from a large array, the large array will naturally provide him with energy, and the Origin Force is almost endless.

“Origin Force will never dry up. If Yang Xuan fights the sword with the god of Tianshu again, he will definitely lose!” Someone sucked coldly.


At this moment, the god of Tianshu once again swung his sword to attack, and he did not give Yang Xuan any time to breathe. He was an illusion. There was no Seven Emotions and Six Desires in his heart. There is only a single thought, and that is to kill the examiners who enter this space.

Yang Xuan raised his head, and saw a tide of sound killing swords, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“War Puppet!”

He no longer dared to fight the sword with the god of Tianshu. The battle puppet merged with the fleshy body and swung his fists madly.

For a time, there was a golden shadow in front of him, and under a series of muffled sounds of pēng pēng pēng, one after another sound killing sword energy collapsed, but when he defeated this wave of sound killing sword energy After that, his whole person was also shaken back a few ten zhang.

Sword energy by sound kills people with sound, which is extremely terrifying.

Although Yang Xuan and the battle puppet are one, the fleshy body strength has skyrocketed, but his Divine Soul is constantly being hit by the sound of killing and cutting. The tearing pain of Divine Soul sweeps through the body and mind, and it is terribly uncomfortable.

This is because he once made Spirit Transformation light baptism, Divine Soul has a peculiar layer of natural gas defense, otherwise he is dead.

“Little thief!”

“Yang Xuan!”

“this bastard!”

Su Ziyao, Xia Yuwei, and Shen Yuexin were worried for a while , I am afraid that Yang Xuan has three long and two short.

At this moment, many Outer Disciple, Xiao Buye, Jiang Yichen, and Shen Xingchen all held their breath, not knowing how Yang Xuan would respond next.

bang! bang! bang!! !

A loud noise shook the sky and the earth. Yang Xuan attacked with both fists and resisted with all his strength. One after another sound killing sword energy collided with his fist, and then exploded directly, turning into a flood, unable to hurt Its body, but the most powerful thing about the sound killing sword energy is the unstoppable sound of killing and cutting, which shook Yang Xuan Divine Soul, almost vomiting blood.


Finally, his throat was sweet, a mouthful of red blood spurted out, and his face suddenly turned pale.

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