“You, what did you say!?”

“I said I want you to be my Yang Xuan’s woman.”

Yang Xuan said every word. “Xin’er, I know it’s interesting to me, how about being my woman obediently from now on?”

“I, I won’t be your woman…” Shen Yuexin pushed Yang Xuan away, scornfully Seeing, my heart beats peng peng straight

“I will assume that you have promised. From now on, you will be my Yang Xuan’s woman. Whoever dares to beat you, I will kill whoever.” After speaking, Yang Xuan turned and left, leaving Shen Yue in a daze.

After a while, she reached out and touched her small mouth. There was still liquid left behind after the man kissed it, and her face suddenly became red. A few drops of bleeding come.

“Where is Yang Xuan, get out of the old man.” Just when Shen Yuexin was confused, she yelled like thunder and shook the entire Sword God Palace. Everyone heard this clearly. Road full of angry voices.

“Who, dare to yell at our Sword God Palace, really tired of living,”

“I came to Yang Xuan, did that kid provoke me outside What kind of strong man!?”

“It must be!”

all directions, many people rose into the sky, flashed quickly, just watched three silhouettes whizzing, are you The void in the distance stood still.

The three, two young men, are both 25~26 years old.

A black clothed suit, long and narrow eyes, expression cold and severe.

One of them is purple clothed, black hair is scattered, and looks handsome.

Before them, there is an old man.

The old man is tall, with white beard and hair. A pair of eyes are as sharp as eagles. The cold light shines through, which is breathtaking.

This person has the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, imposing manner all over his body, and raging anger, and shouted: “Where is Yang Xuan, the old man, get out of the old man quickly.”

“Your grandfather is here, is the old fart yelling?” A lazily voice sounded, and Yang Xuan flew up from the palace and rushed into the sky, hunting in a robe.

Chapter 347 rely on age to show of age

“bold brat, without respect and humbleness.” The old man was furious, stepping out, crossing the void, in the distance Yang Xuan hundred zhang stopped outside, and at the same time the two young men who came with him also followed closely from behind and flew by, staring at Yang Xuan with unkind expressions.

The black clothed man Yang Xuan is very familiar. It is the Hunyuan faction Inner Sect True Disciple North Ming State, and the purple clothed man Yang Xuan doesn’t know him, but this person has a magnificent appearance and demeanor. out of the ordinary, the cultivation base is extremely high, and there is 6 Heavenly Layer.

“It’s extremely ridiculous, an old ghost who didn’t know where it came from, what kind of green onion do you have to talk about respect and inferiority with Young Master?” Yang Xuan laughed with his hands behind him, his black hair scattered. Feiyang, even though the opponent is the powerhouse of Divine Force Peak, even if he guesses that the opponent is a big shot in the Hunyuan faction, he is not afraid.

Because, this is the Sword God Palace, and there is no room for outsiders to impudent.

Don’t look at how fierce the old man calls, Yang Xuan knows that the other party will never dare to act blindly without thinking.

“I have long heard that Yang Xuan is crazy. When I saw it today, the name is not in vain!”

“hmph, madness also depends on people, that old man I know, It’s the Inner Sect Great Elder Cao Ruosheng of the Hunyuan School. He has the cultivation base of the Divine Force Peak and the famous fierce person.”

“If I read correctly, the two behind him should be Hunyuan faction Inner Sect True Disciple North Ming State and Zhao Feiyang, right?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Hunyuan faction Inner Sect Great Elder brings two big True Disciple came to our Sword God Palace, is it because of Yang Xuan!?”

Siye, a hustle and bustle, many Sword God Palace Inner Disciple recognized the identity of the three.

“Zhuzi, what are you talking about!?” Cao Ruosheng was angry when he heard Yang Xuan’s words. All of his eyebrows and beards stood up all at once. There was a desperate urge to kill Yang Xuan to vent his anger. .

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows lightly, and said with a smile: “Are you an old man? I said that Old Guy is not qualified to point fingers at me.”

One Words and deeds show strength and arrogance.

This is due to his character, and after awakening his true self, he has fully understood the way and knows what way he is going to follow in the future.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the more overbearing he is, the more swift and decisive he is, the more stable his Dao heart will be, and he will never encounter Heart Demon in future cultivation.

But domineering goes to domineering, and you have to look at people and the ground. If he is in another place now, he has finished shooting, and what he has to do is to take out with all his strength and fly away.

A joke, a Celestial Realm martial artist challenged the divine force realm Peak powerhouse, that is, smashing an egg into a stone and destroying itself.

Yang Xuan is arrogant but not arrogant. He distinguishes occasions and understands what to do and what to do.

all directions, many Inner Disciples were in an uproar. Yang Xuan, the kid, was bold enough. Even though Cao Ruosheng had the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, he was also the Inner Sect Great Elder of Hunyuan School. Fearless, dare to speak such humiliation, and slap the other person in the face, the kind of crackling.

“haha, what a Sword God Palace, is this the discipline you taught?” Cao Ruosheng was extremely angry and counter-smiled, with murderous intention spurted from his eyes, shouted: “Little evil creature, old man, today, I will take your place in Sword God Palace, and teach you how to understand the rules and distinguish between superior and inferior.”

“Should be less in front of me rely on age to show of age, your old fart is just It’s been more cultivation years than me. If you and I are of the same level, Young Master would have slapped you over a long time ago. That would allow you to bark and bark here.”

Yang Xuan said this. It was both unbridled and extremely loud, like a thunder and explosion, spread throughout the Sword God Palace. Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and their hearts were extremely disturbed.

Outer sect Fortunately, only a lot of Divine City stewards came, and the other Outer Disciple didn’t know what happened. They only knew that a strong man came to find Yang Xuan and was in trouble.

In Inner Sect, many Inner Disciples who heard the sound were staring at Yang Xuan in a daze.

Throughout the world, I am afraid that only this kid has the courage and the peak powerhouse in the divine force environment is clamoring.

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