It’s already not far from the city of chaos, and it’s almost noon to leave tomorrow.

Yang Xuan was not in a hurry to go to Wild Ancient Land, so naturally he was going to Heavenly Secrets Pavilion to find out about Li Taibai.

This vast mountain is extremely vast, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is also very rich, there are spiritual grass everywhere, Demonic beasts are numerous, and occasionally there are powerful ancient relics flapping their giant wings. Passing by in the sky, like ten thousand horses galloping, ferocious.

Yang Xuan didn’t cause trouble either. He found a cave in the mountain range periphery zone and went into it as a resting place.

At night, the moon and stars are scarce.

Outside the cave, beasts roared endlessly, and many Demonic beasts came out to hunt.

Here is in the peripheral zone, Yang Xuan is not afraid of the presence of a powerful Demonic beast. After taking a ray of perception and paying attention to the situation outside the cave, he sits cross-legged and slowly follows the operation method of Dafentian Gong The Origin Force of running within the body.

His within the body Origin Force is too strong, it looks like only Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, but the quality and quantity of Origin Force are comparable to the martial artist of Celestial Realm Peak.

This is the benefit of the cultivation technique. Although the cultivation speed is relatively slow, every increase of 1 Heavenly Layer or even a great realm will increase the Origin Force more than the martial artist of the ordinary cultivation technique. Many, and extremely pure.

In the middle of the night, the roar of the beast outside the cave gradually subsided.

At the same time, Yang Xuan stopped cultivation and lost fossils. The cultivation speed was too slow, not to mention that it is night and it is not very suitable for cultivation.

Yang Xuan simply closed his eyes and woke up. He rushed to Chaos City at dawn to find out if there was any news about his father. Then he asked about Wild Ancient Land’s information, and wanted to come to Heavenly Secrets Pavilion. You should have a better understanding of Wild Ancient Land.

However, as soon as Yang Xuan relaxed and prepared to take a nap, the sound of Xixi Suosuo’s footsteps came from outside the cave.

“Who?” Yang Xuan asked, his ears are sharp, just by listening to the sound, he knew there were many people outside.

“Grand Purity Palace Ye Nantian, I wonder if I can take this mountain cave to rest for a night.” A familiar voice came from outside, plus the other party’s self-reported background, Yang Xuan knew he was in Jinyanghou The Ye Nantian whom the government met is no doubt.

“It turned out to be the Nantian brother of Grand Purity Palace, please come in.” Yang Xuan said.

“Excuse me.” The voice fell, and a group of five people entered the cave.

Five people, four men and one woman. The leader is blue clothed and fluttering, handsome and temperament out of the ordinary. There is Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, which is Ye Nantian.

As soon as he walked in, his gaze fell on Yang Xuan, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Meeting is fate, dare to ask brother what is your surname?”

Yang Xuan Having practiced the magical power of countless changes, now he is a young man with ordinary appearance, and it is normal for Ye Nantian to recognize him.

“Xiao Feng.” Yang Xuan casually reported a name, and even his voice changed.

For that, Ye Nantian couldn’t help but raised his brows. He always felt Yang Xuan’s voice was familiar.

This is also normal. Although a person can change his voice, his tone of voice is difficult to change.

For example, Yang Xuan, his words are always full of self-confidence, as if the sky is falling, he can stand it.

“It turned out to be Brother Xiao.” Ye Nantian slightly smiled, without thinking too much, and took the four people behind him to find a place to sit down.

Yang Xuan looked at the four and found that they were four, three men and one woman, 20 years old in their early years, Celestial Realm 4 Heavenly Layer with a high cultivation base, and Celestial Realm 4 Heavenly Layer with a low cultivation base. Among them, the injured were the most injured. Zhong is the only woman.

This woman is dressed in a light green embroidered skirt. She has a graceful figure and a good appearance, but she seems to have suffered a serious internal injury. She just sat down and took a medicine pill to meditate.

The same goes for the other three young men, each of them meditating and adjusting their breath.

Seeing this, Yang Xuan was puzzled and asked: “Brother Nantian, your four companions?”

“Don’t hide from Brother Xiao, they are my Junior Brother. Junior Sister, we met a few fierce people on the road not long ago. After a fight, they all received serious injuries.” Ye Nantian lightly sighed.

“Uh, anyone would dare to play Grand Purity Palace disciple!?” Yang Xuan was astonished.

One of the top ten super Sects of Grand Purity Palace dignified. The set up Sect has been 10,000 years or more so far. It has a profound background. In Zhong Prefecture, there are not no people who dare to play the Grand Purity Palace disciple, but they are very less.

Generally speaking, there is no big grudge that cannot be resolved, and no one dares to break ground on Tai Sui.

Because once offended the Grand Purity Palace, the consequences would be disastrous.

While his thoughts flashed, Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: “Someone is here, and the murderous aura is very heavy.”

“Damn it, it must be those murderers Here comes.” Ye Nantian cursed secretly, and succumbed to his life: “Brother Xiao, sorry, we are leaving now, it won’t hurt you.”

“haha, I want to go, it’s too late. “At this moment, a gloomy laugh came from outside the cave, like a ferocious ghost whistling, extremely harsh, ordinary people are afraid that they will be scared long ago when they heard this sound.

“Mount Mang four ghosts, you are so chasing, are you not afraid of my revenge from Grand Purity Palace?” Ye Nantian was furious and rushed out quickly.

“Let’s go, let’s fight for the four Old Guys.” The other three young men from the Grand Purity Palace also ignored their injuries, and followed Ye Nantian out of the cave.

In a blink of an eye, only Yang Xuan and the only woman were left in the cave. Yang Xuan couldn’t help grinning when she saw that she was about to force her up, “The girl will continue to heal her injuries. I’ll go out and help.” “

“You, be careful, Mount Mang four ghosts killing people like scything flax, is a famous fierce person in Zhong Prefecture, especially the boss of Mang, the cultivation base is 2 Heavenly Layer, In addition, they obtained the secret technique of Corpse Refining Sect. Everyone had a corpse puppet on their body, which was extremely difficult to deal with.”

The woman reminded her that her voice was clear and sweet.

“Don’t worry, it’s just four old bastard that’s all, I’ll kill them.” When these words came out, it was equivalent to detonating an explosive barrel, and there was a flustered and exasperated sound outside. Roared: “Who’s kid is hiding in the cave, and I quickly get out and die.”

“Good grandson, don’t shout, you grandfather will come out now.” Yang Xuan shouted back with a loud voice. With a sound, under the stunned gaze of the woman, Xianting strolled out of the cave.

Outside the cave is an empty valley. Although it is late at night, the sky is full of bright moons, and it doesn’t look dim at all.

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