He has a feeling that if he is caught up by Yang Xuan, he will definitely die or not.

With this thought, he immediately performed the secret of escape, his body was black and light flashed, and dozens of silhouettes were divided, and he flew towards all directions. The general martial artist could not tell that the silhouette was his deity.

“haha, do you think you can escape, but lesser dao that’s all.” Yang Xuan smiled up to the sky, he cultivated innate Qi Viewing Technique, a pair of eyes twinkling strangely, locked in a glance The boss’s deity, fast as lightning chased up.

“Boy, we lacking hatred and enmity, you are really pressing the old man, the old man is perish together with you.”

“Does the dog jump over the wall? I’m afraid you don’t have any ability “

“You bastard, let the old man die!”

Boss Man is also a fierce person. Seeing Yang Xuan chasing him, he gets closer and closer, finally Unbearable, a palm covering the whole sky burst out with a palm covering the whole sky. The breath of every palm Jin was incredibly evil, whizzing towards Yang Xuan.

“Cut!” Yang Xuan was fearless, Purgatory Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed out with a sword.

next moment, countless sword energy flashes, like a meteor shower struck shatter void, destroying all the palm power in the sky.

“Damn, you are who, when will we see a monster like you in Zhong Prefecture?” The man was terrified and his face was full of astonished expressions.

“I said, you can’t escape, just die obediently.” Yang Xuan urged the blood wing to pursue, waved the Purgatory Sword, and cut out one after another sword energy towards the boss.

“God damn kid, the old man will pull you to his back if he is desperate.” Boss Man knew he couldn’t take it off, so he dodged the sword energy and swooped over.

“War puppet!” Yang Xuan was rarely entangled with the opponent. Fleshy body and the war puppet became one, rushing towards the mang boss unguarded.

“Die, die for Lao Tzu!” Boss Man attacked with both fists, ignoring the consumption of Origin Force, and frantically attacked Yang Xuan.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

One after another fist strength struck Yang Xuan’s body, but he couldn’t break his defense.

This is also normal, he opened up the life and death of Eight Sects, trained half of the Undying Body, the fleshy body has become more powerful, not to mention that he is now one with the war puppet, and the fleshy body is defensive. Times, even if the boss of Mang fought desperately, it was difficult to shake.

With a bang, Yang Xuan is like is a Invincible Wargod, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood breakthrough countless fist strength, a sword pierced Boss Man’s throat.

“pu!” Boss Man squirted a blood arrow out of his mouth and roared dully: “No, impossible, I, I have an Origin Force body guard, you, what is this sword in your hand!?”

“This is a Divine Item!”

“God, Divine Item, you, you have this thing, I, I don’t die…”

Boss Man had a miserable face, his eyes were dim, and he died completely.

“Weak and poor!” Yang Xuan shook his head. Although this mang boss has the cultivation base of Guiyi Realm 2 Heavenly Layer, his strength is better than Jin Ming, Bei Ming State, Zhao Feiyang and other young Heaven’s Chosen It’s too far to get up, it’s incomparable.

I grabbed it and unplugged the storage ring of the boss. Yang Xuan turned and left. After a while, he dropped from the sky and landed steadily outside the cave.

Ye Nantian has been waiting here. When he came back, a young man wearing blue clothed and ordinary looks immediately stepped forward and handed him three storage rings. “Brother Xiao This is the storage ring found from the fourth child, the third child, and the second child.”

The words are extremely respectful, and there is even a little vibrato in the voice, which shows the battle strength of Yang Xuan. Very scared.

“No, you just keep these three storage rings.” Yang Xuan has already got the storage ring of the boss, the second child, the third child, and the fourth child’s storage ring. He didn’t plan to take it anymore. He didn’t think there were any good things in the three storage rings. He planned to give Ye Nantian a few people for a good relationship, so he asked Ye Nantian to help.

“We have no strength at all, how can we claim loot, this absolutely cannot be used.” Ye Nantian hurriedly said.

“Brother Nantian just keep it.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“In that case, many thanks Brother Xiao.” Ye Nantian is also a refreshing person, and he inherits Yang Xuan’s affection, but at this moment, there is a look of doubt on his face: “I don’t know Brother Xiao inherits Where, strangely speaking, I always think Brother Xiao looks like a friend of mine.”

“Oh, who are you talking about?” Yang Xuan grinned.

“Sword God Palace Yang Xuan, although you two are of different ages, your speech and demeanor are quite similar. In addition, Yang Xuan is famous for being a tough fleshy body, and Brother Xiao’s fleshy body is not weak “Ye Nantian said.

“haha…” Yang Xuan laughed.

“Uh, why is Brother Xiao laughing?”

Ye Nantian was stunned, then thought of something, his eyes widened in vain, “Difficult, is Brother Xiao… “

“Yes, I am Yang Xuan, because walking outside will inevitably provoke strong people, so I changed my face.” Yang Xuan smiled nodded, and put his hand on his face to restore his true face.

“Brother Yang, really you!?” Ye Nantian was stunned. The other three from the Grand Purity Palace also opened their mouths to the young men with an incredible expression. They have all seen Yang Xuan’s Portrait, I know that this handsome boy with a slightly immature appearance is today’s demon boy in Zhong Prefecture like the sun at high noon.

“It’s me.”

“Hehe, no wonder, I said when there are so many geniuses in Zhong Prefecture!”

Ye Nantian is full With a bitter smile on his face, my heart is not at all calm. I remember that when Yang Xuan left Jinyang Houfu about half a month ago, he was no more than the cultivation base of Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven, but see you today, Yang Xuan actually has a breakthrough to Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer .

This cultivation speed is terrifying, Ye Nantian feels shocked even thinking about it.

“Wow, are you Sword God Palace Yang Xuan?” At this moment, a soft voice came, and the woman in the cave walked out quickly, looking at Yang Xuan with surprise. .

“authentic.” Yang Xuan smiled, and said to the three young men and women on Ye Nantian side: “Sword God Palace Yang Xuan, I don’t know what the four are called?”

“Guan Shanyue, Le Xiaobai, Wen Wu.” Three young men cup one fist in the other hand in return, and each reported their names.

“hehe, my name is Qiu Ruohan.” The woman smiled faintly. After a short period of meditation to adjust her breath, her internal injuries were much better, and her face recovered a little healthy ruddy.

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