hearing this, everyone didn’t speak any more, and they all followed Cui Hongwan step by step.

On the road, the roar of beasts came from time to time, and everyone avoided them far. After one hour, they didn’t encounter any danger. Instead, they picked a lot of spiritual medicine.

“All to the old man pull yourself together. This place belongs to the Wild Ancient Land periphery zone. If you continue to go deeper, if one is not good, you will encounter ancient relics.” Cui Hongwan saw a few picks. Some spiritual medicines are complacent and can’t help but shouted lightly.

“roar!” At this moment, a loud roar came from a distance, mixed with the screams of many people dying.

Many of the people in the team have scalp numbness. Everyone understands that many martial artists have encountered danger and died in the hands of some kind of Demonic beast or ancient relics. Perception is fully open, and never dare to be careless again.

Cui Hongwan was also an expression grave, leading everyone to avoid the area where the sound came from, and slowly deep into the Wild Ancient Land all the way.

Chapter 360 The Fog of Death

Wild Ancient Land is very big, but no one knows how big it is, because no one can explore this ancient mountain range. .

Look up, the mountain range is majestic, with strange rocks rising up, and it stretches for no more than a few miles.

All around, the trees are towering, and the old trees are as small as hundreds of them, and as many as hundreds of them, each of them has more than 20 people.

Dense branches and leaves hang down from the sky. Each leaf is much larger than banana leaves. The densely packed ones spread out in all directions. Only a little sunlight falls through the gaps in the branches and leaves. Spots were left on the ground, making the light dim and the cold wind rustling in the entire forest.

From time to time there are snakes, insects, poisonous ants and they want to prey on their prey. Fortunately, everyone has a low cultivation base, and ordinary snakes, insects, poisonous ants are not a threat.

Time passed slowly, and everyone saw the bodies of many martial artists, and they became more afraid.

No matter who it is, his nerves are tightened and he is on guard.

The luck is not bad, I only encountered a little trouble for three or four hours, and was resolved by everyone one after another.


In the evening, the setting sun sinks, and the entire Wild Ancient Land dim.

In the mountains and forests, groups of martial artists are looking for a safe place to settle down.

Cui Hongwan, Yang Xuan entire group also stopped driving and found a hidden cave at the foot of a mountain for the night.

Danger lurks on every side in Wild Ancient Land. The most dangerous time is at night. Even the powerhouse in the divine force environment does not dare to walk around at this time.

“Well, everyone rests well tonight, and we will leave tomorrow morning.” Cui Hongwan found a boulder to bet on the entrance of the cave, and then found an open space in the cave to sit cross-legged, vomiting Refining Qi, silently improve Origin Force.

Everyone did not rest either, and meditated on Refining Qi.

In the middle of the night, the sound of the wind gradually rises outside the cave, the shadows of the trees are whirling, the branches and leaves are dancing wildly, like countless demons and ghosts whistling, and the occasional roar of the beasts is deafening, seeming to tear this world apart, making people shudder.

The sky was bright the next day.

Yang Xuan opened his eyes: “Woman, you came to me in the morning, what are you doing?”

“Hey, why are you so serious? The servant is not a vixen and won’t eat you.” Hua Qiandie said with a lovable smile, she just squatted halfway in front of Yang Xuan, her hands resting on her pointed chin, her red lips exhaled like blue. The appearance is very sultry, changing to an ordinary man is afraid that he would have lost his mind and was captured by her.

“Your Hundred Flower Valley’s charming technique is very difficult to deal with. Other men will unconsciously follow your way, but unfortunately, it will not work for me.” Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked back:” Do you think a man like me will find a woman whom a certain man has already played with?”

“What nonsense, your servant is still innocent.” Hua Qiandie umber-black eyebrows frowned, phoenix eyes stared With Yang Xuan, this kid is too disgusting. Although she had sex with many men, they all acted that’s all for increasing cultivation base.

“Your innocence has nothing to do with me. In short, I have nothing to do with you. Do you remember what I said to you yesterday? All of my women are more beautiful than you.”

tone barely fell, Cui Hongwan got up and said: “Everyone, the sky is bright, let’s go.”

“Okay!” Everyone said nothing, and followed Cui Hongwan. The cave continues to deepen towards the Wild Ancient Land.

Cui Hongwan has a map in his hand. The icon shows the specific location of the Taixuan Shenfu. However, Wild Ancient Land is not a good place. It is definitely not a thing to reach the destination with murderous intention step by step. Easy thing.

Strong as Cui Hongwan, he also releases his perception all the time. Once there is any trouble all around, he immediately greets everyone to avoid.

There were no dangers along the way, but I encountered a dozen or three Level 4 Demonic beasts, and they were cut and killed by everyone.

Such two hours have passed, everyone has traveled thousands of miles, plus the three or four thousand miles yesterday, the entire group has penetrated into the Wild Ancient Land for thousands of miles, and sometimes you can see ancient relics. Planted in the distance roared, set off a big storm, and from time to time can hear the screams from the martial artist.

“hong long long……”

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew in the distance, pulling countless trees up by the roots and rolling up to the sky.

Under this violent wind, the peaks shook and the rocks fell and flew, and the whole world seemed to tremble under this violent wind, as if the end was coming, terrifying to the extreme.

“What a big wind!?” The whole team was in chaos. I don’t know why the wind blows up in the distance, and this wind is too terrifying. It is like an incomparable super hurricane.

Even though they are far apart, everyone feels the prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Martial artists below the divine force may have to be strangled into scum, no, even a bit of bone. There is no scum left, which is appalling.

“Could it be that some kind of powerful ancient relics stirred the wind and the rain!?” Yang Xuan whispered. He has always been bold and his face is calm, but he feels faint in his heart.

For some reason, he always felt that the unspeakable weirdness of this gust of wind was as if it appeared out of thin air, without any warning beforehand.

“Cui, old Cui, what’s the situation in the distance?” Zhou Zi was slurred, and had the urge to turn around and run away.

“Yes, Mr. Cui, you are so experienced, have you ever seen anything?” Others looked towards Cui Hongwan with a look of anxiety.

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