“Everyone should have enough medicine pills and Yuanshi ?” Cui Hongwan asked.

“Well, Mr. Cui, I don’t have many yuan stones on my body, but there are a few of Grade 3 Qi Repairing Pill, I don’t know if they are enough.” A young man from Celestial Realm 6 Heavenly Layer trembled.

“This thick fog will not disperse for a while, how about trifling a few Qi Repairing Pill?”

Cui Hongwan threw a storage bag to the young man, “Inside There are 1,000 middle grade yuanshi, which is lent to you by an old man. If the fog has not cleared after the yuanshi and Qi Repairing Pill are used up, then you can only ask for more blessings.”

“Many, many thanks, Mr. Cui.” The young man was holding a storage bag, but he was happy that he did not raise.

It鈥檚 strange to be happy. According to Cui Hongwan, this thick fog is a short time. It is difficult to disperse inside, and as Soul Devouring Insect continues to attack the Origin Force shield, the Origin Force within the body is rapidly consuming all the time. These 1,000 middle grade metastones and a few Qi Repairing Pills will not last long.

“I also have five thousand middle grade yuan stones here. They are given to you, so you don鈥檛 need to return them. You save some money.” Yang Xuan saw the young man Honest and Timid, knowing that it was nothing. Loose Cultivator in the background, throwing him a storage bag casually, is a good deed to accumulate merit.

“Thank you, from now on, my life will be Brother Xiao’s.”

“What’s the use of my life, you can live and talk about it.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and said no more, but he was not idle either, quietly using the innate Qi Viewing Technique, clearly seeing that there are many small insects constantly gnawing at his Origin Force shield.

Yes, it is indeed a bite.

These small insects seem to not only eat the Divine Soul of living beings, but also the Origin Force.

“Is this Soul Devouring Insect, it is really weird.” Yang Xuan frowns, this is his cultivated great skill, Origin Force is strong and pure, replaced by the martial artist of the ordinary Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, I am afraid that Soul Devouring Insect has chewed away the Origin Force shield and violent death.

“Boy, be careful, Soul Devouring Insect is also a rare species in the Great World. Once it enters your mind, it will taste, hehe…” The purgatory boy laughed strangely.

“Purgatory big brother, are these small insects delicious?” The baby asked innocently.

“Cough cough, it’s not delicious, it smells bad.” The purgatory boy coughed dryly.

“Well, you two pipe down.” Yang Xuan sound transmission said.


Suddenly, a crisp cracking sound came, accompanied by a hysterical scream.

Everyone turned pale with fright, looking away, under the thick fog, a man with a horse-faced Celestial Realm 7 Heavenly Layer with violent eyes, fell straight to the ground with a painful expression Fear, there is no more life fluctuation on his body, only the sound of chewing in his head. Needless to say, there are many Soul Devouring Insects eating his Divine Soul.

This sound was heard in everyone’s ears, and they felt their scalp numb and panicked.

These Soul Devouring Insect naked eyes are invisible, and the perception is blocked by the dense fog. They are not noticed at all. If it weren鈥檛 for defense with Origin Force shields, these damn insects could be placed silently. People die, terrifying extremely.

This is still more courageous for everyone. If you are a coward, you may have a nervous breakdown.

“Everyone has supported the Origin Force shield, don’t worry about the consumption of Origin Force, otherwise it will be impossible to escape.” Cui Hongwan said.

hearing this, everyone did not dare to neglect, and within the body Origin Force was operating, always maintaining the Origin Force shield. Once the Origin Force shield was violently fluctuating, it was hurried to run the Origin Force to supplement it.

“Hey…” With a light sigh, Yang Xuan took his gaze away from the horse-faced man. This man was too lucky and encountered a lot of Soul Devouring Insect attacks, plus his cultivation technique was not so good. In this way, the Defensive Power of the Origin Force shield is limited, and it can’t bear the continuous eating of a large number of Soul Devouring Insect, and Divine Soul is eventually swallowed by Soul Devouring Insect.

The sound of hong long long came, and there was a big movement in the distance. When everyone looked through the dense fog, they could vaguely see a terrifying white storm sweeping over, and the scene was terrifying.

“What is that?”

“It must be Soul Devouring Insect, countless Soul Devouring Insect, we are done.”

Zhou Zichong, The few people in Sun Biao were terrified.

So many Soul Devouring Insects are coming, covering the sky and the sun, destructive power is unimaginable, teach them how to resist?

The Soul Devouring Insect, which is hard to see with naked eyes, converges into a white storm, roaring like a monstrous wave. If it is announced that Death God is coming, no one in the room can take it calmly. fear.

“Ah, ah, ah…” In the distant mountains and forests, one after another screams sounded. It is obvious that many martial artists have suffered misfortune.

“It’s coming, getting closer and closer, what shall we do!?” Sun Biao was shiver coldly, his scalp seemed to explode, and he felt shocked.

He is pretty good. Several young men have been scared to face pale and have urinary incontinence.

“Run away. Only by going backwards can we avoid this tribulation.”

Death Aura assaults the senses, some people are unwilling to wait for death, and turned to the Wild Ancient Land Fly away.

“Let’s go quickly.” There were seven or eight people not even think, rushing after the desperate, wishing to have two legs.

“A bunch of idiots have long reminded you not to act blindly without thinking, you are digging your own graves.” Coldly snorted, Cui Hongwan looked around at Yang Xuan, Yun Tiange, Lin Xianxue, and Lu Yuanfeng. , Zhou Zichong, Sun Biao, and Hua Qiandie said: “Don鈥檛 move everyone, and try your best to urge the Origin Force shield to resist.”

What everyone can do, only choose to trust Cui Hongwan , Have been running Origin Force, their respective Origin Force shields are flashing gorgeous rays of light, defensive power has reached the extreme.

bang! bang! bang!! !

Several loud noises came, looking up, countless white beams burst out of the huge white storm, these white beams are as big as a dragon body, just like Ray of Death, from Yang Xuan The whistled past on their heads, the unimaginable speed, and just a few breaths, they heard a lot of screams.

“It’s dangerous!” Sun Biao took a cold breath, feeling lingering. He knew that those who ran away were dead.

Not only that, but many martial artists who went deep into the Wild Ancient Land also suffered heavy casualties.


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