What do these guys think they are, clay chickens and pottery dogs?

“Boy, I won’t talk nonsense with you, hand over the treasures on my body, I will spare you not to die.” Zhong Tian’s heart is very deep, but after all he is a young man, he heard Yang Xuan’s words, his face was gloomy on the spot .

“It turned out to be robbery, you said earlier, I really have a treasure on my body, do you want to know what it is?” Yang Xuan raised his brows, and a cold smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.


Joke, who can take away his treasure, really act recklessly.

“Boy, didn’t you hear what I said about Senior Brother? If you are acquainted, quickly hand over the treasure.” An unsightly young man shouted.

“Grandfather, don’t worry, grandfather will take out the treasure, you can see it clearly.” Yang Xuan said, a green fruit appeared in his palm.

He shook his hands gently, and the fruit was thrown up and down in his palm, with a playful expression on his face: “You should know what this is?”

“What is this? Things?” Gui Qiyue asked, without recognizing it.

Zhong Tian didn’t know that this was an old divine fruit, but he faintly smelled a faint kiwi fruit scent. He only felt that the spirit was refreshed, and he immediately understood that this green fruit is extraordinary. It is definitely a rare divine fruit.

“Little beast, what the hell are you doing with us, what the hell is this?” The shameless young man was furious.

“Tsk, thank you for being Cloudy Ghost Sect disciple. You are really ignorant.”

Yang Xuan slapped his lips and said: “Listen, this is rare in ancient and modern times. Divine fruit, a Messy Old Man who eats it and instantly turns into a vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger handsome boy, a young man who eats it will stay youthful and look good.”

“What, this is what Not old divine fruit!” Zhong Tian lost his voice and could no longer calm down.

“Senior Brother, that is really a legendary divine fruit!?” Gui Qi was surprised and happy.

Although the others didn’t speak, they all swallowed saliva and said. They looked at Yang Xuan’s divine fruit in his hands, as if they saw a beautiful woman with her fig leaf naked. fiery.

This is also normal. I would like to ask anyone in the world who does not want to be young forever and not eroded by the years.

“haha, I’m greedy, but unfortunately, this is Young Master’s private property, no one can steal it.” Yang Xuan laughed heartily, and put away the old divine fruit, letting the ghost seven and the clock The sky and the others were raging and frantic.

“It’s too bad…”

Hua Qiandie shook his head and was speechless for a while, Yang Xuan took out the divine fruit, brightened it, and put it away again. It was clearly a trick people.

But this kid is also bold, even the two Inner Sect True Disciple of Cloudy Ghost Sect dare to tease.

Chapter 366 Do you play in gang fights?

Yun Tiange, Lin Xianxue, Lu Yuanfeng, Zhou Zichong remained silent, all stunned.

Yang Xuan’s purpose in doing this is self-evident. It is to tell the other person that I have treasures. If you want treasures, just come over and grab them.

“Boy, throw the divine fruit here quickly, or I will teach you that you can’t eat it.” Guiqi’s cold voice is like a knife, and his murderous intention shines through in his eyes.

He is not a fool. Wouldn’t he see that Yang Xuan is teasing them, and he can’t wait to chop this kid into flesh.

“If you want divine fruit, you can pick it up by yourself, but I have to remind you, you are not my opponent, it is best not to act blindly without thinking, otherwise today next year will be your anniversary.” Yang Xuan lightly said with a smile.

“Damn it, it’s too arrogant, ghost Seventh Senior Brother, I will help you kill him.” A black clothed man from Celestial Realm Peak couldn’t bear it, pulled out his saber, shouted and pounced.

It is indeed from Cloudy Ghost Sect. This person started quickly and ruthlessly. Blade Qi slashed out like a thunder man, and cut his head towards Yang Xuan, wanting to put him to death.

“The imposing manner is sufficient, but it’s useless to me.” Yang Xuan did not move, stepping out, disappearing from the spot.

next moment, he appeared next to the black clothed man, and the latter’s pupils shrank suddenly, changed the sword hurriedly, and swept it out fiercely.

Yang Xuan didn’t dodge or dodge, he probing with his big hand, gently grasping the back of the knife, and snapping it off.

This is definitely a middle grade spirit knife of excellent material, but in front of Yang Xuan, it is as fragile as a bamboo.

Almost at the same time as the knife broke, Yang Xuan had a flash of severe light in his eyes. He picked up the half-cut knife in his hand and waved it secretly. The half-cut knife suddenly broke out with a harsh sound of wind and thunder. Pu Chi plunged into the black clothed man’s throat.

“cough cough…” The black clothed man vomited blood, his eyes filled with fear.

“unable to withstand a single blow!” Yang Xuan twitched his lips, and pulled out the broken knife at will, bringing out a splendid flower of blood, and the black clothed man died instantly.

Break the knife with bare hands, punch through the opponent’s throat with one blow, and kill him in seconds. What a powerful battle strength.

The few people in Yun Tiange stared at Yang Xuan in a daze. Although they knew that he was very strong, they still couldn’t calm their hearts when they witnessed his murderous methods like this.

“Junior Brother!”

“Boy, you are so bold, you dare to kill me Cloudy Ghost Sect disciple!”

Ghost Seven and Zhong Heavenly Eye Watching this scene, the killing intent broke out all over, furious.

Yang Xuan laughed aloud: “Stop calling, who are you waiting for to fight me?”

In one word, showing off one’s ability, and who is it?

For a while, more than a dozen Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists were scared and no one dared to respond. They only had Celestial Realm’s cultivation base, and the highest cultivation base was Celestial Realm Peak. Seeing that the black clothed man was taken by Yang Xuan Killed with bare hands, they were completely shocked, and they did not dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step.

“Just this, you Cloudy Ghost Sect people are so brave?” Yang Xuan sneered.

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