“It must be, otherwise there is such a terrifying strength!” Hua Qiandie tremblingly said.

Yun Tiange, Lin Xianxue, and Lu Yuanfeng didn’t speak, but the hearts of the three of them all set off a storm. They never thought that this plain-looking young man walking with him was the legendary Yang Xuan.

“Yes, I am Yang Xuan.” Now that he has been recognized by the other party, there is no need for Yang Xuan to hide his identity anymore.

“Junior Brother, let’s go.” Zhong Tian said hello, turned around and left.

It is rumored that Yang Xuan’s strength far exceeds the cultivation base, and skipping grades to kill is easy.

Zhong Tian originally snort disdainfully about this, thinking that even if Yang Xuan can skipping grades to kill people, there is a limit, but seeing that Yang Xuan uses Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base to kill them Cloudy Ghost Sect 10 After several Celestial Realm Inner Disciples were killed, he also felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, knowing that it would be too late if he didn’t leave.

Ghost Seven came back to his senses, how dare to stay, and hurried away.

“Blood wings!” As soon as he spread his wings, like light and electricity, Self-destruction made a loud thunderous noise. Yang Xuan threw himself out, Tearing the Void, intercepted in front of Zhong Tian, ​​against A fierce attack was launched.

“What speed is this!” Zhong Tian’s scalp was numb, and he tried to resist.

“Can you stop it?” Yang Xuan continued to punch, pressing Zhong Tian, ​​but for a moment, Zhong Tian was no longer able to contend, and was blasted down by Yang Xuan’s head and face. The earth smashed into a pit as deep as several meters, and the sand and rocks flew up.

“cough cough…”

Zhong Tianyang lay in the pit, with a strong fear on his face. Yang Xuan’s power is too strong, not human-powered, he is just Yang Xuan fought for a short time, and his arms were cracked by the shock, the internal organs were all misplaced, and he kept coughing up blood in his mouth.

“Senior Brother!”

Ghost Qi is terrified.

Is this still a human?

Better than his Senior Brother, but also not equal to Yang Xuan, he was severely injured in a few strokes.

“Escape, run away!” Gui Qi was extremely disturbed, with only a single thought left in his heart, regardless of Zhong Tian’s life and death, and struggling to escape into the distance.

“Shua!” Yang Xuan pursued, like a thunder.

In the blink of an eye, he slashed down and attacked Ghost Seven.

“Yang Xuan, you have to be forgiving and forgiving.” The ghost seven screamed and resisted.

With a bang, the long knife flew out, almost breaking.

“Ah!” “Ah!” The ghost screamed, his arms shattered, and Yang Xuan’s power was too terrifying, so he couldn’t bear it. He fell from mid-air on the spot, falling to the ground like a cannonball. A life seems to have gone half way, and the breath is dying.

Cloudy Ghost Sect and the others are all dumbfounded, all this happened too fast, making them like in a dream, Cloudy Ghost Sect, the two Inner Sect True Disciple, are now being crushed by Yang Xuan like a dog abuse Fighting, there is almost no power to parry.

“Suffer to death!”

At the moment when Yuntiange and the others lost their minds, Yang Xuan swooped down and killed Zhongtian.

“Yang Xuan, you, you can’t kill me…” Zhong Tian cried out in shock.

Yang Xuan didn’t say anything, he killed him with a punch, a muffled thunder rang, and Zhong Tian blew up, die without a whole corpse.

However, as soon as Zhong Tian died, something strange happened. A black light shot out from his body, which instantly attracted Yang Xuan’s eyebrows.

“This is the soul mark planted by Venerable Cloudy Ghost Sect. Whoever kills Cloudy Ghost Sect Inner Sect True Disciple will have the soul mark on the eyebrows and cannot be erased.” Hua Qiandie Huarong faded.

“Soul Seal!” Yang Xuan’s ears are very strong, and he can’t help but frown when he hears Hua Qiandie’s words.

And just as he was stunned, the dying ghost seven jumped up, whistling and fleeing into the distance.

“Yang Xuan, you killed Zhong Tian and planted his soul mark, just wait to bear the anger of my Cloudy Ghost Sect.”

“Death is imminent, You dare to threaten me with words, do you think you can escape?”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, fast as lightning chased up.

His speed is too fast, but it’s just two breaths time. Man hits Guiqi’s body, and just like that, Guiqi suffers a heavy blow. The whole person is like kite with its string cut Usually involuntarily flew out and crashed into a mountain with a boom.

“This strength…” Yun Tiange was frightened, Yang Xuan beat Guiqi to half death only by the force of the collision, which was too terrifying.

“Ah!” The ghosts screamed again and again. At this moment, his whole person was embedded in a mess of rocks, his whole body was cracked and fresh blood dripping.

“You also have a soul mark, don’t you?” Yang Xuan body flashed and came to the body of Ghost Seven.

“Yang Xuan, don’t, don’t kill me, I, I will tell you the way to remove the soul seal.” Ghost Qi begs for mercy.

“You say, I listen.”

“You, you swear by Heart Demon first, swear not to kill me, I, I will tell you.”

“Brother Yang, the soul mark of Cloudy Ghost Sect was planted by the Supreme. If you want to remove it, you must be shot by the Supreme.” Yuntian Ge loudly said.

“Don’t believe him, I, I also know another way to ensure that the soul seal can be lifted.” Gui Qi was anxious.

“Do you think I would believe the words of a villain who is greedy for life and fear of death?” Yang Xuan pupil light felt cold, raising his hand with a punch, piercing Guiqi’s chest.

“You, you demon, me, my Cloudy Ghost Sect will never let you go…”

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