“There are so many men in the world, you will find good men in the future.” Yang Xuan sincerely wishes.

“Thank you.” Hua Qiandie smiled sweetly and thanked Yang Xuan sweetly.

At the end, she thought of something and couldn’t help but remind: “Young Master Yang, the soul mark of Cloudy Ghost Sect is very terrifying. It will erupt every other hour. You should find a place to hide. For a few days.”

“I will.”

Yang Xuan nodded, toward Yuntiange and the others cup one fist in the other hand said: “Everyone, the landscape meets , Let’s separate here, we’ll meet again some day.”

After saying this, we will rise into the air and go away in a flash.

“Ai, Brother Yang, I don’t want to involve us…”

“What’s the matter, from the perspective of the direction, he is rushing towards the Supreme Profound Palace!” Zhou Zi conflicted.

“What, he has to go to Taixuan Shenfu!” Yuntiange startedled, absolutely unexpectedly, Yang Xuan was so imprinted by the soul of ****Ghost Sect that he still had to go to Taixuan Shenfu.

“Don’t worry, he is a courageous and careful man, surely nothing will happen.” Hua Qiandie didn’t let her eyes back until Yang Xuan’s silhouette disappeared into the distance.

“Does Butterfly Girl really like him?” Lin Xianxue astonished.

“Such an attractive man, the woman in the world can not be moved, I am no exception…”


In the Wild Ancient Land , The jungle is dense, danger lurks on every side, whoever wants to make a big move here is bring about one’s own destruction.

It can be said that there is no absolutely irreconcilable hatred and absolute interest temptation, everyone will keep a low profile and restraint, and will not easily conflict here.

However, at noon of this day, an unequal battle is taking place in a dense jungle.

I saw more than a dozen black clothed men waving their swords and besieging an ordinary young man.

hong long long!

Various martial skills and secret skills are presented, turning into colorful brilliance, emitting strong energy fluctuations, all rushing to young men.

However, the only thing that makes people feel incredible is that the young man’s figure is shaking, and he can always avoid it. The strange body method that passes through the brilliance and does not touch the body is shocking.

“Dead!” Suddenly, the young man appeared in front of a person and killed the enemy in front of him with a punch.

But it was not over yet, there were a few more flashes, and then several people were suppressed and killed by his horrible fist, and they became flesh and blood residues all over the floor.

“This kid is not a human, let’s hurry…”

A newcomer black clothed man yelled in panic, but before he finished speaking, the young man reached out He clasped his neck.

“Who are you!?” The black clothed man flushed, staring at the young man in front of him, horrified Danger Land.

Unfortunately, the young man didn’t answer, he used his big hands, ka-cha, and the black clothed man died in anger and fell straight to the ground. He couldn’t believe it until he died. The cultivation base of Guiyi Realm would be crushed by a young boy with only Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer as the cultivation base.

“Ah, Senior Brother Wei was killed by him, let’s, let’s go.”

With a cry of exclamation, the rest of the people are shivering, dispersing from birds and beasts, and rushing towards the desperation of all directions .

The young man didn’t go chasing and killing him, he flicked his five fingers, and a piece of sword energy flew away. With a few muffled noises of puff puff puff, all those who fled were stopped by sword energy and blood flowed. Everywhere.

For a time, there was only one young man left in the jungle. Needless to say, this person was Yang Xuan.

Looking at the corpses and blood all over the ground, his face is not very good, because after separating from Yuntiange and the others, he went deep into the Wild Ancient Land. Only two hours later, he had already encountered two waves from The martial artist of Cloudy Ghost Sect, all this must be attributed to the soul mark on his brow.

Originally, he also took this thing seriously. Who knows that this thing is really like what a thousand butterflies said, it will explode every other hour.

This outbreak is extraordinary, and Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artist within a hundred li can sense it. Even if he finds a cave to hide, he cannot isolate the special fluctuations released by the soul seal.

“Boy, hurry up, the powerhouse of the fateful meteorite is here, the murderous aura is very heavy, it is definitely Sect Elder in the Cloudy Ghost Sect, the one who came is not good.” The purgatory boy suddenly said.

“Have you finally attracted the Sect Elder in Cloudy Ghost Sect!?”

Yang Xuan complexion sank, a small black spot appeared in the distant sky, even though it was far away , There is still overflowing heaven murderous aura, which makes people feel chill in the bones.

“What a fast speed!” Yang Xuan’s eyes shuddered, knowing that the person here must be the powerhouse of the Peak of Destiny, and he can’t take care of that many anymore. Take out the flying boat and make a shatter void. , Flew away in the direction of the Supreme Profound Palace.

As a middle grade Divine Item, Feitianzhou is definitely a good treasure for looting and saving lives. It will soon leave the people behind, but the spatial flight in Wild Ancient Land is not a good thing.

In just a few minutes, Yang Xuan found several big guys trailing behind Feitianzhou, all of them as big as a mountain, roaring loudly.


Suddenly, there was a sharp scream from the mountain range in front. The sound was extremely penetrating, and it shook Yang Xuan’s eardrums.

“It’s so terrible!” Even the baby covered her ears, shouting uncomfortable.

“Not good, it’s a big guy, much more powerful than the back ones, kid, hurry down and hide with a cloak of shadow.” The purgatory boy called.

Chapter 369 expert as clouds

“Go down!”

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