Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, no matter what others think of yourself.

A purgatory boy said hello in advance, he can always avoid the void storm, and every prance of his figure, there is no danger.

Gradually, martial artists on the road became scarce, but there is obviously no weak person who can walk here. The lowest cultivation base is Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer.

I want to come to Yang Xuan, the test here is courage.

Only the true brave can be fearless, press forward, and finally pass this level.

Of course, courage alone is not enough. You must have a certain cultivation base and strength, otherwise you will eventually be swallowed by a void crack.

At this time, an elder martial artist of the One Returned Realm only felt the sound of breaking the wind behind him.

next moment, a silhouette jumped over the whistled past beside him, over a huge void crack in front.

“So fast…” This old martial artist startled.

Nearby, many martial artists were also taken aback.

Who is this, is it going to die so fast?

Yang Xuan walks like flying, ignoring the people on the road. After half a minute, the ground becomes flat and there is no void crack.

Looking up, there is a stone platform standing outside the hundred zhang.

The stone platform is about two meters high and one meter in diameter. The whole body is as white as jade, and it flows beautifully.

All around the stone platform, there are dozens of martial artists sitting around.

How high the cultivation base can’t be considered for these people, they are all in the Celestial Realm. A few people seem to have almost rested, and they boarded the stone platform one after another and disappeared.

There is no doubt that Shitai is the Transmission Array. As for where it leads, you can only know where you go.

“Boy, you can’t escape, so be obedient and wait for death.” At this moment, an angry roar came, shaking this world.

Around Yang Xuan, more than a dozen martial artists heard the roar and couldn’t help but turn their heads to look around. They immediately saw two figures appearing outside hundreds of hundreds.

Two people, one old and one young, the former has a hostile face, and the latter has a hideous face.

“Isn’t that Chen Hanlin and Grand Sun Yan of Cloudy Ghost Sect, they are going to kill who!?”

“Who knows, but Chen Hanlin and Chang Sun Yan joined forces to chase Kill, that person should be not simple.”

As the crowd was whispering, coldly shouted, “What is it called, I can catch up with grandfather.”

“It’s him .”

“Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer is the cultivation base, how did he offend Chen Hanlin and the grandson Yan.”

The crowd was in an uproar and looked towards Yang Xuan. I saw him running towards Transmission Array fast as lightning.

“Little beast, old man swears not to be a man if he doesn’t kill you.”

Chen Hanlin’s Qiqiao is full of smoke, shouted loudly: “The people under Transmission Array listen, help the old man stop that Black robe boy, who wants to capture him, I Cloudy Ghost Sect will be very grateful afterwards.”

when a high reward is offered, brave men will come forward, this is true.

Hearing Chen Hanlin’s words, the martial artists of Transmission Array all around were a little moved. Among them, several martial artists of Celestial Realm Peak looked at each other and jumped up into the air and rushed towards Yang Xuan. , To take him down.

“Heaven Has a Way, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell, you have to break in.”

Yang Xuan expression is cold, prancing in body shape, lightning comes to a yellow clothed man in front of him.

Just listen to the pu’ sound, the yellow clothed man was grabbed by Yang Xuan’s neck before he came back to his senses, and very ruthless ruthlessly twisted his head, and the blood spurted like spring water at the decapitation Qi Lao Gao also splashed all the people who came afterwards.

“My god, this kid is a devil.”

Someone yelled and retreated quickly, never daring to approach Yang Xuan again.

“Retreat, quickly retreat.” The remaining few people lose one’s head out of fear, and they also retreat.

Originally, they saw that Yang Xuan’s cultivation base was not high, and they thought that Yang Xuan could be easily taken down. Who knew Yang Xuan was a monster in human skin. The battle strength far exceeded the cultivation base and was fierce. It’s a mess.

“You don’t have to go if you come, all to Lao Tzu to die.” Yang Xuan shot out cold light from both eyes, and while rushing towards the Transmission Array, he punched continuously.

Several sounds of pēng pēng pēng, several martial artists who ran away were shot dead by him, skeleton doesn’t exist.

“Go out, go out quickly.” Around the Transmission Array, there was a flurry of jumps, and all the people scattered like birds and beasts.

“Trash, a bunch of useless trash.”

Chen Hanlin yelled furiously, but he had to stop because the void crack appeared in front of him After the terrifying void storm, as powerful as he, he had to run the divine force with all his strength to protect the side eldest Sun Yan, and he did not dare to neglect.

When I heard Chen Hanlin’s curse, everyone present was speechless. Everyone knew that it was not the martial artists of Celestial Realm Peak who were too weak, but Yang Xuan was too strong. .

This kid seems to have only Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, yes, but his strength is no less than that of a martial artist in the first stage, especially this child is still a killing without blinking an eye Fierce God, whoever wants to intercept him must first weigh whether he has that strength.

“old dog, and you, grandson, take your time, Young Master will not be with you, haha…”

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