“Go go, I want to see how many floors you brat can climb.” The middle-aged fatty didn’t take Yang Xuan seriously.

“Then you have to keep your eyes open.”

Leaving a sentence, Yang Xuan jumped high and landed steadily on the ladder.

“Who is this kid, trifling Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, dare to Scaling Heaven Stairs!?”

“Hehe, courage is commendable, but there is no certain cultivation Base and strength are destined to be disappointed, wait and see, at most five minutes, he will have to retreat.”

“Five minutes, you are too overestimating him, you haven’t seen much Celestial Realm Eight Nine Layers Heaven’s genius can only last for seven or eight minutes?”

“Oh, what about a bet?”

“What do you want to bet on?”

“It’s very simple. If he can persist for five minutes, you will give me a hundred thousand low grade yuan stone. If he can’t persist, I will give you a hundred thousand low grade yuan stone.”

“When the deal is sold, the Yuan Shibai given by Bai is not free.”

“Haha, no one is an idiot. Since the kid can pass the first test and come here, he must have his extraordinary ability. It’s definitely not a problem to persist for four or five minutes.”

The ladder is difficult to climb. Everyone here knows that when he saw Yang Xuan, a kid with a low cultivation base, climbed onto the ladder, many people thought it was incredible. The two even made a bet on saliva splash across.

A lot of noise came into his ears, but Yang Xuan didn’t care, and walked upwards step by step.

His fleshy body is too strong, he doesn’t have the slightest sense of the prohibition on the ladder, his body is always straight as a gun, and his steps are steady.

“That’s not right, this child is too calm, isn’t he unaffected by the ban!?”

Someone stared wide-eyed, and his expression is quite exaggerated. You must know that he is on the ladder. With the powerful prohibition set by the Taixuan Daoist, every time you step up a jade level, your body will become heavy.

Maybe it didn’t feel much at first, but Yang Xuan has already reached a hundred layers of jade steps, and his speed hasn’t slowed down at all.

“Look carefully, he takes each step, and the distance is the same!”

“Damn, don’t you say that I haven’t paid attention yet, it is true.”

“How did he do it!?”

There was a lot of noise under the ladder, and many people who followed Yang Xuan exclaimed again and again.

Let’s not say how many jade steps Yang Xuan can ascend, just because his speed and pace are consistent, it’s beyond reach.

“This child is not simple, it has an extraordinary origin!” Asserts the martial artist, the elder martial artist in the life of death.

“Senior, did he hide the cultivation base!?” Someone asked, suspecting that Yang Xuan was hiding the cultivation base, because with Yang Xuan’s current cultivation base, it is impossible to do this step.

“Not good said, if he really hides the cultivation base, it’s okay, if not, then his strength is somewhat terrifying.”

tone barely fell, a coldly coldly shouted: “Did you see a black robe boy in his early 20s?”

Hearing this, everyone turned around and looked at the murderer, and they saw a group of black clothed martial artistous-looking people. come over.

Needless to say, the person here is Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artist headed by Chen Hanlin.

In addition to the grandson Yan, there are three people in the powerhouse, and seven or eight experts in the Guiyi Realm. The remaining ten or so people are all Celestial Realm martial artists.

“Why, didn’t anyone see a black robe boy?” Chen Hanlin raised his voice and scanned the crowd with stern eyes, but did not find Yang Xuan, his face became gloomy. The water, like a irritated poisonous snake, may jump up and bite at any time.

“Isn’t this Sect Elder Chen Hanlin in Cloudy Ghost Sect, why is it so angry?”

Keep quiet out of fear in the audience, everyone is not clear about Chen Hanlin Why is so angry, is it because of the black robe boy in his mouth.

Wait, black robe boy…

A young man came back to his senses and said to Chen Hanlin cup one fist in the other hand: “Elder Chen, there was indeed A black robe kid is here, but he has already ascended the ladder.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly cried out: “Damn it, this is just a blink of an eye, why is that kid gone!? “

When the others heard this, they turned their heads and looked up to the ladder. You can still see the silhouette of Yang Xuan there. I don’t know how many jade steps they have climbed.

The higher the ladder resists, the space will appear strangely distorted, which will block people’s vision.

“Let’s chase the old man.”

With an order, Chen Hanlin’s face is full of grimness, and he rushes forward with his grandson Yan and a group of dozens of Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists. Up the ladder.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was shaking, and it is not clear how Yang Xuan offended Cloudy Ghost Sect, and actually made Chen Hanlin and the others so troubled.

All the way up, Yang Xuan’s body is like a gust of wind, getting faster and faster, and he has reached more than a dozen jade steps in one step.

No way, he heard Chen Hanlin’s voice not long ago, and knew that the people of Cloudy Ghost Sect had chased him and had to speed up.

This suddenly made the people on the ladder in an uproar. I really can’t figure out why Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is not high, and why he ran so fast.

If there is no one beside Yang Xuan, he just wants to board the ladder and leave this place as soon as possible.

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