In an instant, Yang Xuan Divine Soul returned.

Next moment, lose weight and continue to fall.

Here is the same void crack as before, and a lot of mist appeared below.

Obviously, Yang Xuan will face the illusion test again, but his face is not afraid, unemotional.

It’s just an illusion that’s all, and it’s not the first time he has experienced it. Although the illusion created by Taixuan Daoist is truly indistinguishable from reality, as long as he stabilizes his body and mind, all illusions are clouds.

Soon, Yang Xuan entered the mist, and Divine Soul also came to a palace.

In the palace, carved beams and painted buildings, incense and intoxicating, the sound of silk and bamboo is endless.

All around the body, young women with naked jade foot dancing lightly and gracefully, lithe and graceful loving body are faintly discernible under layers of neon tulle, graceful and charming.

“Yes, all of them are top grade beauties that are rarely seen in the world.” Yang Xuan looked around and talked about their feet, just watching these women singing and dancing, but still unmoved in his heart, like an outsider.

To him, all the women are illusory. They look good, but they are all prickly.

Once you lose your mind and get lost in it, Divine Soul will perish forever until the fleshy body decays, the soul flew away and scattered.

I have to say that these women are very fond of men, and they have used all means to hook up Yang Xuan.

Unfortunately, they found the wrong person. They let them use all kinds of tricks and tricks. In the end they even began to undress, twist their hips around Yang Xuan, and grind their ears and temples. Yang Xuan is also No desire, no desire, like a cold stone.

About a few minutes, all illusions disappeared, and Yang Xuan Divine Soul returned.


In the following time, the scene is constantly changing, and Yang Xuan will encounter an illusion test every few minutes.

Martial artist cultivation, step by step, has to go through all kinds of hardships and dangers, and there are countless temptations during the period.

And the illusion is to use this as a breakthrough mouth, or to create various difficulties and obstacles, or to instigate people who are not strong enough in their minds, unconsciously will degenerate and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

Yang Xuan sticks to his heart and goes all the way through the barriers. There is no illusion that can help him.

Whether it is the battlefield killing of Jin Ge and Iron Horse, the Asura Purgatory of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, or the boundless spring scenery of stray flowers gradually becoming charming, he cannot be shaken.

Even if it was Qin Lan, his father Yang Tian, ​​and the unknown mother appeared one after another, he ignored them.

Such tea time, the illusion trial is over, Yang Xuan only feels that there is light below.

It is no longer the vast white fog, but the warm and welcoming sunlight.

“Tai Xuan Shenfu!” Yang Xuan’s eyes lit up, but in an instant, he rushed out of the light and fell to the ground with a bang.


Yang Xuan looked around and found himself in a dense mountain forest.

all around, the ancient trees are vigorous and upright, each tree needs a few or even a dozen people to hug it together.

Looking through the gaps in the branches above, the sky is blue, with birds singing and insects calling.

Between breathing, the air is exceptionally clear, making people feel comfortable.

“This shouldn’t be an illusion, but I don’t know where I am?”

Yang Xuan whispered. He originally thought that the Supreme Profound Palace was located deep in the ground. Otherwise, this is obviously a peaceful and peaceful Human World Immortal Realm.

But where is the Supreme Profound Palace?

Why not see what building?

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and he turned on Origin Force and found that the sea of ​​Qi was not imprisoned.

Then, he jumped into the air again, tried a spatial flight, and found that he couldn’t stop flying here.

Chapter 378 Am I a little ant?

“There is no restriction.”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows diagonally, somewhat disappointed in his heart, because his fleshy body is much stronger than Origin Force. If this place confines the sea of ​​breath, yes For him, it will greatly benefit.

“That’s all, it doesn’t matter if there is no restriction. Anyway, the purgatory boy has cleared my soul mark before going to sleep.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, took off the cloak of shadow, and changed his body. In the snowy white clothed robe, the figure and appearance were also changed with countless changes, and he immediately became a heroic man with a tall nose, out of the ordinary.

This time, unless it is the Supreme, no one will recognize him.

It can be said that he is safe now, and there is no need to worry about the entanglement and chase of Cloudy Ghost Sect anymore.

Of course, this place looks calm and tranquil, but it is very likely to be dangerous. He dare not be negligent.

“Hey, the scent of spiritual medicine!” Yang Xuan shrugged his nose, smelling something, body moved and disappeared from the same place.

No matter where he is, he cannot stay where he is, otherwise heaven knows Chen Hanlin and the others will appear in the vicinity.

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