“Forget it, that kid is weird, let’s not provoke him.”


Flying all the way, I gradually saw the silhouette on the road, Solo travelers also have martial artists who form a team.

These people travel around in order to pick spiritual medicine.

Although I don’t know exactly where it is, there are too many spiritual medicines here, and many spiritual medicines have disappeared outside. People who come here will naturally want to curse them.

“Hey, a stephen vine, this is the main medicine for refining the Grade 5 Bone Strengthening Pill, and its value is inestimable.”

“Quick, soon to pick.”


hundred zhang away, a group of several people were pleasantly surprised, whiz whiz whiz flew up to a cliff.

On the cliff, a three-foot-long vine with a golden luster, rooted in a rock crack, is particularly eye-catching.

These people have a clear division of labor. Several Celestial Realm martial artists are guarded all around and are on guard. A middle-aged man of 2 Heavenly Layer in the One Realm 2 Heavenly Layer squats down and carries the Qianjin vine in front of him. The soil was dug out and the storage ring was cautiously earned.


At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a finger came extremely fast, piercing the middle-aged man’s forehead.

Too fast, the middle-aged man didn’t even come back to his senses, so he fell off the cliff.

However, before he landed, a silhouette came whizzing and took away his storage ring.

Killing, hunting for treasures, the action is simply and neat, a few people on the cliff came back to his senses, all fearful, and fleeing around screamed one by one.

“If I want to leave, I will leave a storage ring for me!” Coldly shouted, and the person who flicked his five fingers and pointed the Void, shooting the few who fled to death.

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when he saw this scene on the mountain in the distance.

He can see that this mountain range may not have Demonic beast, but it is not without danger.

Here, in order to compete for spiritual medicine, many people are motivated by profit, or kill each other, or engage in murderous activities.

It is no exaggeration to say that without a certain cultivation base and strength, sooner or later violent death will be extremely cruel.

“Boy, I have to say that you are very courageous, and you haven’t escaped even now.” A soft hum came and pulled Yang Xuan back from his thoughts.

His expression remained unchanged, and when he looked up, he saw one silhouette standing a few ten zhang away in the void.

He was a young man, 24~25 years old, he was extremely tall, half a head taller than Yang Xuan.

He is also very handsome, with a slashed face, well-defined contours, deep eyes, and a powerful imposing manner between his gestures and feet. His cultivation base is 5 Heavenly Layer. , I wore a black robe, and there was a magic word embroidered on the cuffs.

“Unbounded Demon Sect person?” Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes.

“Some eyesight.” The young man sneered and casually said: “I have killed a lot of people today, and it’s rare to kill you little ant again. Quickly throw the storage ring. Come here.”

“Am I a little ant?” Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows raised, both angry and funny.

“Is it funny? In my eyes, you are an ant. I only need to gently stretch out my hand to pinch you to death.” The young man disdainfully said.

“It’s just the cultivation base of the 5 Heavenly Layer in Guiyi Realm. Don’t take yourself too seriously.”

Yang Xuan is very upset about the other’s domineering aloof and remote posture. His father was chased by the people of Unbounded Demon Sect. He didn’t have a crush on Unbounded Demon Sect, so he was not very polite when he said speaking of which, and he said, “In my eyes, you are just a believer. Oneself infallible idiot that’s all.”

The voice is whirlpool, full of coldness.

Chapter 379 Feng Lei Wing

“act recklessly things, I, Yuan Shaozong, kindly let you go, but you just don’t appreciate it. In that case, I will send you to see Yama Come on.”

The young man who claimed to be Yuan Shaozong had a cold voice, and a pair of sharp eyes stared at Yang Xuan.

Nearby, there were several teams passing by, hearing this all stopped and looked towards Yuan Shaozong.

“Yuan Shaozong? This name is a bit familiar!”

“This child is Unbounded Demon Sect Inner Sect True Disciple. It is strong and famous. It is strange to be unfamiliar.”

“What, he is Yuan Shaozong of Unbounded Demon Sect!”

“Who else could he be, that kid is dead, but Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, Dare to provoke Yuan Shaozong.”

The crowd whispered, their eyes turned, and they looked back and forth between Yuan Shaozong and Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan swept away from the corner of his eye, and found that the people were all small trash fish, how tall the cultivation base can’t be considered, so he stopped paying too much attention and said to Yuan Shaozong: “Who is talking Yes, I’m afraid your skills are not as sharp as your mouth skills.”

“Boy, you are crazy, if I give you some color today, see, the world still treats me as Yuan Shaozong. Temper.” Yuan Shaozong gnashing teeth, shooting cold electricity in his eyes.

He has decided to behead Yang Xuan in front of the onlookers.

Yang Xuan shook his arms and said: “Stop grinding, come and fight.”

With a word, the imposing manner suddenly climbed to Peak.

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