“Wind and thunder wings, ancient secret treasure!”

Far away, the crowd looked fierce, and they could not wait to pull off the pair of wings from Yuan Shaozong’s double ribs.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, let alone whether they have the strength to fight Yuan Shaozong, just the Unbounded Demon Sect behind Yuan Shaozong makes them afraid to act blindly without thinking.

As one of the top ten super Sects in Zhong Prefecture, Unbounded Demon Sect is strong enough to compete with Heavenly One Sect.

Two Great Sects, a righteous and a demonic, are Great Sects that have been developed for countless years, with a solid foundation and a strong foundation.

“A good thing, although it is of no use to me, but this pair of wings is quite beautiful and can be given to me by a woman.” Yang Xuan touched his chin, and said in an authentic manner.

The crowd almost fainted when they heard this. This kid is too arrogant. Does he think he can defeat Yuan Shaozong who has wind and thunder wings?

Although Yuan Shaozong has not activated the wind and thunder wing, everyone does not know how fast this pair of wings is, but as an ancient treasure, the speed is naturally unimaginable.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wind and Thunder Wing is the Divine Item, which allows the holder to explode with extreme speed.

“Go to die.”

Yuan Shaozong is a rare nonsense. He just wants to kill Yang Xuan, the kid who has repeatedly humiliated him, to vent his anger. A pair of wind and thunder wings shrank one by one with a thud. The wind and thunder rose, and Yuan Shaozong’s figure disappeared from the place.

next moment, he has come not far in front of Yang Xuan.

This speed is really fast, making Yang Xuan’s eyes shrink slightly.

However, there is no panic on his face, and he strikes out with a punch supplemented by Origin Force, momentum is big, power is deep.

“Undefeated King Fist.” Yuan Shaozong’s cold light is flaming, and his shot is a killer move. There is a silver flame burning on one of his fists, making a crackling sound, and the chill is pressing.

This is his Martial Spirit, a mutated flame Martial Spirit, and it is also a rare cold fire in the world, enough to freeze a large lake, extremely dazzling, making people almost blind.

A crowd of spectators are all discolored. They can’t imagine how great the formidable power of this fist is! .

“Any undefeated king boxing, under my fist, all have to bow their heads and claim their courtiers.”

Yang Xuan sounded like thunder, and it could reach the sky with a punch. The powerful fist looks like a flesh and blood fist, but many people have a faint illusion that it is not a fist, but a mountain, heavy and thick enough to crush everything.

hong long long!

The impact of the two fists, like two angry dragons fighting, makes people frightened, and the world trembles.

This is the second confrontation between the two, each of whom has played a killer, trying to put each other to death.

When the fists collided, the air wave spread like a tsunami, the peaks shook, and many stone forest trees could not bear it, and the ka ka ka all fell apart.

For a time, the rocks pierced through the sky, and the screams were endless. Pieces of broken rocks were shot like sharp arrows in all directions.

“Ah!” A young man couldn’t dodge, his thigh was pierced by gravel, and he screamed again and again.

“Back, fast back.”

Someone yelled, and then everyone backed and backed, their faces full of horror. They were at least hundred zhang away from the battlefield just now. If so, someone was still affected, a hole in the thigh was punched out by the gravel, blood splashed.

This is still good luck for that guy. If the gravel hits its key, how can you have life now?

In the distance, the air wave dissipated, two figures stood in the void, and there was still no victory or defeat.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuan Shaozong, the young Heaven’s Chosen from Unbounded Demon Sect, has suffered a bit. This point can be seen from his flushing face.

Everyone understands that Yuan Shaozong suffered internal injuries and was suppressed with all his strength.

“If you want to vomit blood, just vomit, don’t you feel uncomfortable if you hold it back?”

Yang Xuan chuckled, serene between words, but the eyes of many spectators were dull, everyone Think of him as a monster, and only a monster can have such battle strength.

“Who on earth are you!?”

Yuan Shaozong was finally moved, his face could not hide his shock.

He can’t imagine that there are such evildoers as Yang Xuan in the world. It is clear that the cultivation base is not high, but the battle strength is terrifying. Not only does it resist oneself’s undefeated king’s boxing, but also makes himself suffer in one fell swoop. Internal injury.

The injury was not serious, but after all, he was injured, which made Yuan Shaozong feel ashamed and furious.

At this moment, many spectators are also curious about the origins of Yang Xuan, and they all focus on him.

Chapter 380 shoots down

One after another, Yang Xuan looks very calm and calmly said with a smile: “Is it important who I am? You only You need to know that you, an idiot with eyes high above the top, can be defeated in the hands of a nobody, whom you regard as a little ant.”

“Little ant?”

Everyone was full of astonishment. This kid is a little ant, clearly a giant beast. It may not be surprising just by looking at him, but if anyone regards him as an ordinary Celestial Realm martial artist, he will definitely pay for it. A heavy price.

“Since you don’t say it, then you will never need to say it.” Yuan Shaozong’s face was gloomy, and the wind and thunder wing fanned wildly, rushing towards Yang Xuan at a very fast speed, the sound of the wind and thunder was all over the world.

What Yang Xuan can do, there is only one battle.

He flickered, punching continuously, and the shadow of his fists filled the sky, blasting towards Yuan Shaozong, each punch possessed the power of collapsing the mountain, and the explosion sound was deafening.

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