But there is no way, after all, his cultivation base is too low to avoid being targeted.

Shaking his head, Yang Xuan didn’t think much, and continued on his way.

He understands that if his father comes here, he will definitely enter the Supreme Profound Palace, and when he rushes to the Supreme Profound Palace, the news of his defeat of Yuan Shaozong has spread like wildfire, and is gradually here. It spread within the mountain range.

For a time, there was a sensation everywhere. Someone actually defeated Yuan Shaozong, and he was still a young boy of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer. What a powerful battle strength!

“Is the news reliable, can a Celestial Realm kid beat Yuan Shaozong?”

“I was there at the time. I saw it with my own eyes. How could it be wrong?”

“That kid is who are you, do you know!?”

“Yes, someone who can defeat Yuan Shaozong is absolutely impossible to be named.”

Many people can’t believe it. After all, Yuan Shaozong is an Unbounded Demon Sect Inner Sect True Disciple. In Zhong Prefecture, he is also a young Heaven’s Chosen who like the sun at high noon. But he is such a person who was beaten to waste by a Celestial Realm kid. escape.

“The cultivation base of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer must be the little beast.”

A clearing of woods, Chen Hanlin and other Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists heard the news, Everyone’s face suddenly became unsightly.

The most ugly one is Chang Sun Yan. He could not imagine that Yang Xuan could defeat Yuan Shaozong.

“Don’t rest anymore, everyone speed up, that kid can’t run far.”

With an order, Chen Hanlin rushed to Taixuan with his grandson Yan and the others. Mansion, on the way, he caught a young man who had witnessed the battle between Yang Xuan and Yuan Shaozong, and asked, “Say, is that a black robe boy?”

“Before, Senior, what did you say, I haven’t seen any black robe guys at all!” The young man’s voice trembled, and he had recognized it. The group of fierce people in front of him came from Cloudy Ghost Sect.

“Frankly explain, was the person who defeated Yuan Shaozong a black robe boy?”

“Here, that kid is dressed in a white robe. I don’t know if it is the black robe Senior said. Kid.”

“You can describe me carefully.”

“Yes, yes, yes, that kid is in his early 20s, he is very handsome, and speaks very well. Arrogant…”

“The little beast must have changed his face!” Chen Hanlin’s face was gloomy.

“He planted my Cloudy Ghost Sect soul mark, and he will definitely not escape.” Long Sun Yan gritted his teeth.

“Yes, let’s chase him, we must get rid of him before entering the Supreme Profound God’s Mansion.” After all, Chen Hanlin, Chang Sun Yan, and many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists quickly went away, alone Leave the young man behind.

This person was also frightened, sweating all over, muttered: “Cloudy Ghost Sect soul mark, did that kid kill Cloudy Ghost Sect Inner Sect True Disciple? This, this is too terrifying!”


Yang Xuan didn’t know that Chen Hanlin and the others had chased him. Even if he knew, he would not take seriously. After all, he had already cleared his soul mark and used countless changes The surgery changed the appearance.

Fast as lightning all the way, sometimes someone took a sneak attack, and even several teams blocked the road.

However, both the former and the latter were all beheaded by Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t hesitate to treat these gangsters who are intrigued by profit. He also got a lot of storage rings while killing and driving. There are countless spiritual medicines and plentiful harvest.

After one hour, the mountains in the distance were ups and downs, and no palaces appeared, which made Yang Xuan suspect that he was not in the wrong direction.

“No, I have to ask someone to ask.”

Yang Xuan is frowned, and his figure falls into a jungle.

There is a small lake under the jungle, and a group of people are resting by the lake.

Yang Xuan hadn’t landed yet, and heard someone indignantly say: “The people of Unbounded Demon Sect are too overbearing, and they said to chase and kill who, I guess that mountain within the valley must have a baby.”

“Well, Unbounded Demon Sect is not something we can afford. They drove us away without killing us. It is already a show mercy.” A middle-aged of Heavenly Layer in One Realm 3 man said solemnly.

“Yes, even if the mountain within the valley really has some treasure, it’s not something we can get involved.” Someone squeezed his face.

“Who are you?”

Suddenly, the middle-aged man found something, his eyes became very sharp, staring at Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, waiting to see Yang Xuan is not very old, and his cultivation base is only Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer. After he put out a long breath, his tight nerves are slightly relaxed.

In this place, in order to compete for spiritual medicine, many people are crazy, either you kill me or I kill you.

The cultivation base is as high as a middle-aged man, and I dare not relax in the slightest.

“Boy, I have to say that you are so courageous, and one dare to trespass in this mountain range.” Others also saw Yang Xuan, an azure robed man eccentric of Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer typical.

“I am good luck, and I have not encountered any danger.” Yang Xuan shrugged, and immediately cup one fist in the other hand said: “Under Xiao Feng, dare to ask everyone, this Unbounded Demon Sect person is here Hunt down who?”

“Why are you asking this?” middle-aged man startled.

“It’s just curiosity.”

“Boy, curiosity can sometimes kill people.” The middle-aged man doesn’t doubt him, and said with emotion, “I don’t know. Unbounded Demon Sect chases and kills who, but the person who can be chased and killed by Unbounded Demon Sect is by no means an ordinary person.”

“Your words are reasonable.”

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