“An ant is always an ant. No matter how many people there are, it is still impossible to withstand a single blow.” Yang Xuan expression was cold and took out the Purgatory Sword.

With a sword in his hand, his whole person is different, all over his body, sharp and sharp, making the opposite aquiline nose man and the others discolored.

“Kill!” Yang Xuan opened his mouth and spit out a word of killing, and killed him alone.

“Quickly, kill him!” With a scream, the aquiline nose man and the others all fought hard, and all the secret skills were turned into a number of bright rays of light, flying horizontally and horizontally, blasting towards Yang Xuan Kill away.

“Break for Lao Tzu!” Yang Xuan fearlessly, waved Purgatory Sword to break all rays of light, like a hot knife through butter, rushing past, the speed was incredible.

With a sound of “pu”, a black robed man from Celestial Realm Peak has not yet come back to his senses, his head flies high, his face is blank and scared, as if he didn’t expect He couldn’t even catch Yang Xuan’s move, so he was beheaded.

Yang Xuan did not stay, his figure flickered, and several people except the aquiline nose man were cut and killed with a few swords.

“Beast, go to death.” Suddenly, the man with aquiline nose aimed at the opportunity and struck him at an alarming speed. A sharp sword in his hand pierced Yang Xuan’s throat faster than lightning.

This is a lore, and there is a cruel smile on his face.

However, his smile soon froze, Yang Xuan took a sword casually, and the sharp sword ka-cha in his hand broke into two pieces.

“This impossible, what is the sword in your hand?” The aquiline nose man shouted, his face full of horror.

“pu chi!” Yang Xuan was a rare nonsense, pierced through the heart of the man with aquiline nose.

“You, I, I will not let go of Unbounded Demon Sect…” The man with aquiline nose died before a word was finished.

“Don’t let you Unbounded Demon Sect let me go. When I step into the supreme, I will go to Unbounded Demon Sect myself.” Yang Xuan sneered, first collected the corpse for money, and then set fire to destroy the corpse and evidence , Everything was completed in a few seconds. When many martial artists came to check it out, only the sky full of fire stars could be seen.


Time slowly passed, about tea time, the distant mountains disappeared, a sea of ​​clouds appeared in front of my eyes, very magnificent.

Looking up, at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, a magnificent palace floats and sinks with the sea of ​​clouds, magnificent.

“Father, and…mother, child is here…”

Yang Xuan whispered, the moment he saw the palace, he knew that the Supreme Profound Palace had arrived.

“Boy, there are definitely various restrictions in this Supreme Profound Palace, you have to be very careful.” The purgatory boy warned.

“I understand.” Yang Xuan secretly nodded, in fact, without the purgatory boy reminding him, he also knows that the Supreme Profound Palace is not simple. Maybe there are countless ancient artifacts in it, but it is also accompanied by various crises. If you move, you have to violent death, consigned to eternal damnation.

“Just understand, but you don’t need to worry too much, I have everything.” The purgatory boy said.

Chapter 387 The Vacuum Blade

“haha, finally here!”

“That palace is the Supreme Profound Palace, right? I wonder if it contains Taiyin Shenshui?”

“What if you have it, what if you don’t, can you get it with your cultivation base?”

“Everything depends on chance.”

“It’s ridiculous, you don’t want to think about how many pairs of eyes are staring at the Taiyin Shenshui, even if you get the Taiyin Shenshui, don’t even think about getting out of your body.”

“Okay, harmony and wealth are all one. People in the team, what’s so noisy.”

“That’s right, let’s not be coveted by the sacred waters. It is worthwhile to get one or two ancient artifacts in it.”

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there are endless noises, and when you look around, you can see a graceful silhouette and people everywhere.

These people are alone, or in groups of three or four, all flying towards the palace at the end of the sea of ​​clouds.

Yang Xuan was no exception. He was hunting and hunting in an ordinary Tsing Yi, and his black hair followed Feng Feiyang and flew over with the flow of people.

“Who is this kid, this cultivation base would dare to enter the Supreme Profound Palace!?”

“Leave him alone, let’s go quickly.”

On the way, many people see that Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is not high, and there is only one person, and they will inevitably discuss spiritedly and pointing fingers.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, not paying attention to the surprised eyes of his crowd, rushing to the palace unhurriedly.

“Boy, the people from Cloudy Ghost Sect are here.”

At this moment, the purgatory boy suddenly said.

“Oh, where?” Yang Xuan hearing this, the speed slowed down involuntarily, and murderous intention burst into his eyes.

“It’s not far, I can reach this sea of ​​clouds in half a quarter of an hour.”

The purgatory boy paused, his voice turned cold in vain, “Would you like me to push Jidao Divine might kill him?”


Still not killing?

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and after a few seconds passed, he finally suppressed the killing intent in his heart, sound transmission said: “Forget it, the top priority is to find my father and ignore them for now.”

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