Moving forward at full speed, Cai Mingfei hesitated, but couldn’t help but said, “Brother Xiao, are you really waiting for them?”

“It’s just a bunch of profitable idiots, wait. What are they doing, aren’t they going to pick spiritual medicine? There is so much space in this area, so let them pick it up.”

Yang Xuan looked indifferent and authentic, he was still anxious to find his father Yang God, there is no time to wait for a few waste.

If Cai Mingfei is a decent person and has a good relationship with Yuntiange, he will not take Cai Mingfei with him.

Cai Mingfei sighed and said nothing. He knew that the yellow clothes, men and the others, were over, even if they got more spiritual medicine, what if they can’t get out of this space, they will have to become different sooner or later. The ration of a vicious Demonic beast, die without a burial site.

“Stop, there is danger ahead.” Suddenly, Yang Xuan stopped.

“What is the danger!?” Cai Mingfei was startled and hurriedly stabilized his figure.

In this place, his perception was drastically suppressed, but he didn’t hear any turmoil, and he didn’t know the danger ahead.

“Find a place to hide first.” Yang Xuan leaned into a vine cluster.

Seeing that he was so solemn, Cai Mingfei immediately did not dare to neglect, and came to hide beside him.

Tweet twee…

At this moment, in the distant sky, there were bursts of eagles howling, the sound was extremely sharp, almost able to penetrate the human Divine Soul.

Cai Mingfei’s expression grave, looking through the gaps in the vines, you can see that black spots in the sky are whizzing towards here quickly.

He condensed his eyesight and looked intently, and suddenly discovered that it was a group of several meters, on the back grows a pair of wings, and covered with colorful patterned tiger-headed eagles.

Tiger-headed eagle, Level 2 demonic beast, a high-level social class, often thousands of them when they are dispatched, and the powerhouse of the powerhouse has to avoid the edge temporarily.

“There are at least tens of thousands of tiger-headed eagles!”

Cai Mingfei’s heart is throbbing, but after a glance, he judges that there are tens of thousands of tiger-headed eagles. Head, hiding the sky and covering the earth, breathtaking.

boom~ boom~ ……

A group of tiger-headed eagles fast as lightning, passing high above the two heads in a short time, set off a terrifying storm, and countless trees fell to each other. , Many rocks on the ground were rolled up high in the sky, the scene was shocking.

However, under this storm, Yang Xuan is as stable as Mount Tai.

Not only that, he also held Cai Mingfei with his hand.

“Brother Xiao, I’m not grateful for the great grace.” Cai Mingfei gratefully hugged cup one fist in the other hand. Had it not been for Yang Xuan’s help, he would have been blown out by this storm. .

“It’s just a small matter, it’s not enough, let’s go.” Yang Xuan got up and continued on.

Cai Mingfei knew that Yang Xuan had something on his mind and was anxious to go to the main space of the Supreme Profound Palace, so he quickly followed along.

On the road, the corpses of martial artists can be seen everywhere. Some corpses are completely decomposed. It can be seen that they have been dead for a long time.

A bloody corpse came into view. Cai Mingfei was covered with cold sweat. He finally knew why no one had come out of the Supreme Profound Palace. I am afraid it is not that the crowd does not want to go out, but the overwhelming majority. Die in it.

Except for the corpse of the martial artist, Demonic beasts sometimes appear in the mountains and forests, but Yang Xuan seems to be an unknown prophet and can always find and avoid it in advance.

Cai Mingfei couldn’t help but amazed. He found it, and it was safe to follow Yang Xuan.

I rushed to the big one hour, and the two of them didn’t even make a move. They also picked a lot of spiritual medicine on the way and collected a lot of storage rings from the bodies of martial artists, making a lot of money. .

“This space is so big, I haven’t seen the end yet!” Cai Mingfei said with emotion. After one hour has passed, the front is still boundless. Heaven knows how big this mountain forest is. It’s time to end.

“It’s really big!”

Yang Xuan sighed, he also wanted to find something out, but here danger lurks on every side, he also had to slow down.

Suddenly, his pupil light condensed, and he found a red blood stain on the ground in front of him, which was very eye-catching.

“Could it be the blood left by the martial artist?” Cai Mingfei also saw the blood, ran over quickly, smeared a little blood on his hand and sniffed: “There is no smell, it should be the martial artist. Bloodstains, eh, there are bloodstains in front, and there are also…”

Yang Xuan did not say a word, and followed the bloodstains with Cai Mingfei to a hill within the valley, and the last bloodstains were also here. Disconnected.

“Weird, there is no blood, has it disappeared out of thin air?” Cai Mingfei was puzzled.

“It’s not disappearing out of thin air, but hiding.” Yang Xuan perceives it spreading, and then he perceives something. He points to a tree a few meters away that needs several people to hug.

Cai Mingfei looked in the direction of Yang Xuan’s fingers, and saw weeds growing under the big tree, and looking through those weeds, a small tree hole was faintly visible.

“cough cough…”

At this time, a soft cough sounded from the cave. Although the sound was not loud, Cai Mingfei heard it clearly.


Cai Mingfei was on guard, carefully walked over, stretched out the weeds in front of him, and then saw a woman curled up in the tree hole .

The woman has dishevelled hair, unable to see her face clearly, and her white clothed skirt is stained with blood, and she is angry.

Cai Mingfei was stunned, and gently slid the hair on the woman’s forehead with his hand, and immediately lost his voice: “Little, Junior Sister Xiaomin, why are you here!?”

Li Xiaomin eyes slowly opened, after seeing the person in front of him, he whispered: “It’s you, Cai Senior Brother, am I still alive?”

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