“Who is this boy, you will treat me better in the future, um, find me more fossils of the amethyst level, you will definitely benefit from you.”

The purgatory boy laughed and said: “Try to break this space wall barrier. Once you comprehended some Space Laws, it will be of great benefit to you. At least, you will break through the Supreme with no difficulty in the future.”

” I’ll try.”

Yang Xuan finds a place to sit down, then releases his perception, wisps into the twisting void.

Sure enough, like a purgatory boy, the space wall barrier has a special running track.

Yang Xuan looked carefully, carefully looking for the weakness of this space wall barrier.

Time passed slowly, but within a few minutes, he had a little eyebrow.

In his view, space wall barrier is different from void crack. The former is a distorted space, and the latter is a tearing space.

But both have Space Power, which contains Space Law. Combined with the personal experience of entering the void crack, he soon has a deeper understanding of space wall barrier.

The so-called space wall barrier is simply a barrier formed by countless Space Powers. The main purpose is to isolate two spaces.

In addition, in the space wall barrier, a large number of Space Power circulates according to a certain trajectory.

In this process, the circulation speed of Space Power in some places is relatively fast, and the circulation speed of Space Power in some places is relatively slow, and this area where Space Power circulation is slow is the weak space wall barrier. Place.

About half a quarter of an hour…

Yang Xuan’s eyes lit up and he blurted out: “Found it!”

“So fast!?” Purgatory The boy was a little surprised. It is not too difficult to find the weakness of the space wall barrier, but Yang Xuan spent too little time. From here, it can be seen that this boy is extremely talented.

“haha, don’t you look at who I am, how can it be difficult for a small space wall barrier to get me?” Yang Xuan smiled triumphantly, and walked to the hundred zhang outside, punching him with all his strength A twisted void before.


With a loud noise, this twisted void fluctuates violently.

Next moment, a black paint passage with a large number of meters appeared. Looking through the passage, it is vaguely visible that there is light coming from the end of the passage.

“Void channel, this boy really read you brat correctly!” The purgatory boy was full of praise.

Yang Xuan did not answer. Seeing that the void channel in front of him was slowly closing, he body moved and hurriedly got in.


This is a Sea Territory, with rough waves.

hong long!

A big surge came, and it drowned Yang Xuan all at once.

“What the hell place!?”

Yang Xuan rushed out of the waves, hovering in the void more than ten meters high, looking around the environment, and found this Sea Territory It is so big that there are many islands scattered around the place of vision around the body.

Islands are big and small, the reefs are rugged, and there are faintly visible silhouettes on several islands.

However, when Yang Xuan flew over, he found that the island was uninhabited.

“What’s going on, could it be that I have hallucinations!?” Yang Xuan brows tightly frowns, only thinking that this Sea Territory is very weird, and I don’t know which way to go for a while.

“Boy, this Sea Territory has laid a strong maze, you have to be careful.” The purgatory boy said solemnly.

“The maze?” Yang Xuan startled, and immediately asked: “Then how should I go, do I still go in one direction?”

Chapter 393 Xingluo maze


“You first walk around, I have to study what kind of puzzle this is.” The purgatory boy pondered then said.

“You still know Formation!?” Yang Xuan was surprised.

“It’s rare and weird. This boy has lived for so long, not to mention knowing astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, knowing everything from the past to the present, but I also dabble with Dao and Pill Dao, cough cough, although can’t be called proficient, But I know almost all the formations of All Heavens Myriad Realms.”

“Well, you hurry up and research, I will go shopping first.”

Yang Xuan didn’t walk in disorder either, and flew forward all the way, all the way was waved, all avoided by him.

This is the power of nature. A wave of several feet high is enough to injure an ordinary Vientiane Realm martial artist. If a wave of a dozen zhang high waves comes, Celestial Realm powerhouse also had to retreat three feet.

What’s more, the cultivation base is suppressed here. There is no martial artist who has eaten enough to hold up and dare to compete with the rough waves.

Yang Xuan didn’t fly too high. He was afraid that it would attract a vacuum blade. Even the Supreme could kill it in seconds. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as a murderer like a pig and a dog. He has to stay away, otherwise I don’t know how to die.

“Tao Tian, ​​you can’t escape, you can die.”

“Damn it, I’m not Tao Tian, ​​do you have a brain problem?”

In the distance, two silhouettes flashed.

They are two young men in their twenties.

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