Yang Xuan yelled and moved away from the side. The fingers flew past his face almost in a thrilling manner.

Of course, this was intentional, otherwise, with his battle strength, he could beat his finger strength into fly ash with one punch.

“Even so!?”

The crowd opened wide. They thought Yang Xuan was dead. Who knows that this kid has a low cultivation base and his speed is so fast , So that Yuan Shaozong’s energy was lost.

“You…” Yuan Shaozong startedled, and was immediately enveloped by countless sound-killing blades.

“Break for me!” In the face of Yan Ruyue’s powerful sound killing technique, he had to use the undefeated Wangquan, punch after punch, destroying all the sound killing blades in front of him.

But this is not a small cost to him. When all the sound killing blades disappear, he has less than 30% of the Origin Force within the body, and he gasps.

“This is the time.” Yang Xuan aimed at the timing, his body swayed like light and electricity, and the speed was unimaginable, and he came to Yuan Shaozong in an instant.

“What kind of speed is this!” Yuan Shaozong was surprised. How could a Celestial Realm martial artist have such a speed? This is incredible.

However, after a brief loss of consciousness, his pupils shrank violently, and he saw a fist roaring forward, rapidly expanding in front of his eyes.

Before he could respond, he was hit hard in the chest.


A mouthful of blood arrow spouted from his mouth, his face suddenly became extremely pale, and the whole person turned over and flew out seven or eight meter away.

Yang Xuan’s punch was too strong. A punch not only broke his Origin Force, but also shattered his breastbone and shook his internal organs.

This is his toughening the flesh since childhood, and cultivated the powerful Body Refining Technique, the fleshy body is strong, otherwise he will have all his internal organs broken, violent death.


Yang Xuan pupil light is cold and unforgiving. He stepped forward and disappeared from the same place.

next moment, he came to Yuan Shaozong and hit his head with a fist.

This fist is powerful, like a mad Long Potian, fierce and fierce. If Yuan Shaozong gets on, his head will become a rotten watermelon on the spot.

“Undefeated King Fist Eighth Style-Fist breaks mountains and rivers!” Yuan Shaozong saw the terrifying of this fist, his eyes widened and he punched out.

this fist, the formidable power is so strong, clenched on the fist, a burst of Silver Flame burst out, enough to freeze everything, and the chill is pressing.

“a mantis trying to stop a chariot!”

Yang Xuan was disdainful, cast a punch without reducing, and shook with Yuan Shaozong’s fist.


The two fists immediately collided together, making a loud noise.

Next, pa pa pa’s bone cracking sound is endless, just like frying beans. The sound comes from Yuan Shaozong’s fist. He is not Yang Xuan’s opponent because of his strength, let alone here he The cultivation base has also been drastically suppressed.

Under the power of Yang Xuan earth shattering, all the Silver Flame on his fist was wiped out, and even his fist was beaten to the bone, blood spattered, and he screamed and flew Got out.

However, this is not over yet.

Yang Xuan flickered again, chasing him up, and slammed his head with a punch.

“Dragon Shadow Shield!”

Yuan Shaozong was terrified. Within the body Origin Force, a light shield of several meters appeared in front of him, with a faint head on it. The illusory shadow of Flood Dragon flickers, this is their martial skill Demon Sect Absolute Art, defensive power is extremely strong.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan’s fist was too terrifying, and there was a thud. The light shield was instantly blown by him.

Afterwards, this fist also fiercely hit Yuan Shaozong, beating him with blood spurting wildly, flying out like kite with its string cut.

All this happened in a flash, and the crowd came back to his senses, all dumbfounded.

Is this kid really just a martial artist of Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer! ?

He punched Yuan Shaozong three times in a row, so that he was partially wounded. He retreated and retreated. The blood splashed out and dyed a large area of ​​the sea red, horrible to see.

It’s hard to imagine how powerful Yang Xuan’s boxing power is, even Unbounded Demon Sect’s Dragon Shadow Shield can’t stop it.

As for the Dragon Shadow Shield, everyone knows that it is a powerful body protection secret technique of Unbounded Demon Sect, but it is this kind of body protection secret technique that Yang Xuan punched it into scum. .

At this moment, even Yan Ruyue also started, stopped playing the qin, and looked back and forth between Yang Xuan and Yuan Shaozong, as if to determine who Yang Xuan was.

Chapter 395 Fairy

“Boy, it’s you, your crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

Yuan Shaozong roared to the sky.

At this moment, he had already guessed who Yang Xuan was, and a pair of eyes opened in anger, scarlet like Demon, wishing to take Yang Xuan alive.

“Aren’t you too stupid, did you finally remember it, yes, that’s the Lord.”

Yang Xuan chuckled, his robe fluttering under the sea breeze. Moving, hunting.

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