“Boy, don’t delay, let me go quickly, and I can promise to let you go.” Jin Ming said with a cold face.

“Defeated dare to be mad, let’s go cool, there is nothing wrong with you here.” Yang Xuan twitched his lips.

“Give you 3 breaths time. After the three breaths, if you don’t let go, the old man will take your life.” The white haired old man coldly shouted and continued to put pressure on Yang Xuan.

“Ai, Yan Meiren, in order to save you, I have to reveal my identity.” Yang Xuan sighed secretly. In front of the white haired old man, he has no chance of winning. What he can do is run away. .

Chapter 396 is still holding a pipa half-hidden


A piercing rumbling sound, a silver boat with several meters large and a dazzling body , Appeared out of nowhere.

This is a flying boat!

Yang Xuan grabbed Yan Ruyue and got in while he was unprepared.

At the same time, the baby yiyiyaya is controlling the flying boat, flying away at an incredible speed.

Waiting for the people present to come back to his senses, they saw a silver boat quickly go away, turning into a small black spot in an instant, and it was too late to chase it.

“What is that, how can it have such a terrifying speed!”

“It won’t be Divine Item!?”

The audience exclaimed Loudly, this is too fast, and in the blink of an eye, they slipped away in front of one’s eyes.

“Silver Feizhou?” Jin Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then a sharp, sharp face suddenly became extremely distorted, and shouted: “Yang Xuan, I Jin Ming and you are absolutely irreconcilable.”

“What, is there any mistake, he is Yang Xuan!?” The crowd’s eyelids jumped wildly. This news is really amazing. No one didn’t expect that the young man was Yang who is the most famous today. Xuan.

Yuan Shaozong couldn’t help but tremble when he heard Jin Ming’s words, and asked: “Brother Jin, that kid is really Sword God Palace Yang Xuan?”

“Can’t be wrong, only he has Divine Item Feizhou.”

Jin Ming was gnashing teeth, his fists were clenched, he felt Yang Xuan’s voice was a bit familiar.


Yuan Shaozong got an affirmative answer. He vomited blood on the spot, and his face became paler. He was mistaken by Yan Ruyue, who was mirage, Yang Xuan chased for hundreds of miles, unexpectedly the Lord was right in front of him.

The most frustrating thing for him is that Yang Xuan hit him with three punches and fled like a stray dog.

This is an extraordinary shame and humiliation, a stain that cannot be erased in his life.

Yuan Shaozong’s heart is dripping blood. He can already imagine that the news of his defeat in two battles and defeat by Yang Xuan will soon spread, and he will become the laughingstock of the world. No longer the name of Heaven’s Chosen, its reputation is discredited.

“Elder…” Jin Ming’s face turned black and turned to look towards the white haired old man.

“The cultivation base is suppressed here, and the old man can’t catch up.” The face of the white haired old man is also very ugly. It’s strange to look good. After all, Yan Ruyue is their Divine Demon Temple Saintess, sacred and inviolable. .

But now, Yang Xuan has taken Yan Ruyue away in full view. This is not only to slap him in the face, but also to slap them in the face of Divine Demon Temple, which is unforgivable.

“It’s crazy!”

“I heard that Yang Xuan regardless of the law and of natural morality, I didn’t believe it very much, but now it seems that this child is really crazy Only.”

“Damn it, fairy Yan falls into his hands, I don’t know what will happen?”

“Why is this angry, the person who should be angry should be Jin Mingcai Yes.”

“Yes, watching my fiancee being taken away, the anger in my heart can be imagined…”

Many people who watched the show were whispering Some people were surprised at Yang Xuan’s bold move, others worried that Yan Ruyue would be defiled, and others secretly mourned for Jinming.

This kid is too bad luck. If one is not good, he has to wear a green hat on his head, and he can’t take it off.


In the space inside Feitianzhou, when Yang Xuan suddenly came in with a woman in her arms, Yang Fu couldn’t help but startled: “Young Master, who is this girl?”

“She, her name is Yan Ruyue, Divine Demon Temple Saintess.” Yang Xuan said casually.

“Uh, Divine Demon Temple Saintess, Young Master, you…”

Yang Fu was taken aback. Seeing Yan Ruyue looks unconscious now, maybe He was knocked out by Yang Xuan’s hand and forcibly captured.

Although he has only been in Zhong Prefecture for half a year, Yang Fu also knows that Divine Demon Temple is one of the top ten super Sects in Zhong Prefecture and is extremely powerful. However, Yang Xuan has now taken the Divine Demon Temple Saintess. This is tantamount to provoking Divine Demon Temple, how could Divine Demon Temple stop?

“Fu Bo don’t have to worry, I have my own way to deal with it.”

So, Yang Xuan is still a little worried. After all, he not only offends Divine Demon Temple, but also Violently beaten Unbounded Demon Sect Inner Sect True Disciple Yuan Shaozong.

In addition, he also forged Liangzi with Hunyuan faction, and even killed the two True Disciples of Cloudy Ghost Sect. Although the people of Cloudy Ghost Sect still don’t know his identity, his identity is defeated today** *Ghost Sect people will guess that the murderer is him sooner or later.

In this way, he offended Divine Demon Temple, Unbounded Demon Sect, Hunyuan faction, and Cloudy Ghost Sect.

These are the four super Sects. If the Four Great Sects veterans go to the Sword God Palace to ask the teacher, I don’t know if Gu Tongxuan can hold the place alone.

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