This decision has a magical effect. Once it works, unless it is the Supreme Realm powerhouse in the comprehended field, it is difficult for anyone to detect her existence.


Still not killing?

Looking at Yang Xuan outside the jungle, he saw his both eyes slightly closed, expression serene and unguarded, Yan Ruyue’s eyes flashed brightly, and there was hesitation in his heart.

Because the man in her eyes has amazing battle strength, she is not absolutely sure that she will succeed.

Furthermore, there seemed to be another voice in her heart that was inducing her to let her hatred.

“A woman’s heart is seabed with needles. It’s really hard to figure out.” Yang Xuan can’t read minds and naturally can’t guess what Yan Ruyue thinks in her heart. But seeing her not doing it for a long time, she also understands the struggle in this woman’s heart.

“No, this kid tarnishes my innocence and must die.”

Yan Ruyue didn’t know that Yang Xuan had already noticed it. There was a decisive color in the beautiful eyes. When she started, another voice sounded from the bottom of her heart.

“He saved your life twice, do you really have the heart to kill him?”

As soon as this voice came out, Yan Ruyue’s lovable body trembled involuntarily, and suddenly there were five flavors in her heart Chen Za.

Originally, she was deprived of Yang Xuan. She vowed to heaven that she would smash Yang Xuan’s corpse into thousands of pieces and thwart his bones and burn ashes…

Just, not long ago, Yang Xuan Regardless of the exposure of her identity, she expelled the mirage for her, and let her go, making her a heart that was ancient well without ripples a little messy.

She suddenly discovered that her hatred for the young man who had tarnished her innocence was slowly fading.

Chapter 401: Trying the sword with one’s body

“Forget it, let this thief live more time.”

In the end, he gave up sneak attack Yang Xuan and prepared to leave.


Suddenly, the mutation protruded, the violent wind erupted in the jungle, the branches danced wildly, and the leaves were all over the sky.

And just under the falling leaves in the sky, a silhouette flies and moves, whizzing at the speed of a ghost.

“You…” Looking at the young man who appeared in front of him in an instant, Yan Ruyue couldn’t help losing her face, her big smart eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

She absolutely didn’t expect that Bingxin’s Aura Restraining Art, which she has always been proud of, was useless in front of the other party.

“Fairy, we are really destined. I met again so soon. I’m very curious. How did you recognize me?”

The young man laughed and crackled. After the noise, he immediately became a 17-18 years old, well-proportioned, dashing eyebrows star-eyed boy, Yang Xuan who had lifted countless changes.

“Sure enough, it’s you, let’s talk, what do you want?” Yan Ruyue stepped back again and again with a look of alert.

“Fairy hasn’t told me yet, how did you recognize me?” Yang Xuan shook his robe, and a few pieces of Ye Feila fell on his shoulders. At the same time, he stepped forward to Yan Ruyue’s body, the corner of his mouth Conjuring a strange arc, he looked at her with a faint smile.


Yan Ruyue was lightly snorted, she stepped back and then back again, Yang Xuan’s eyes were so hot, she didn’t hide it at all, as if she could move people in and out Seeing through, made her feel flustered, afraid that he would mess up.

“Intuition, maybe it should be another way of saying it.” Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows picked it up and kept walking, standing only a few centimeters away from Yan Ruyue.

“What do you mean?” Yan Ruyue’s pupil light dodges left and right, afraid to look at him directly.

“Heart is alive.” Yang Xuan laughed.

“Who is in touch with you, don’t talk nonsense.”

Yan Ruyue’s pretty face that has not been applied with powder is blushing like fire, I can’t wait to tear this kid’s stinky mouth.

But she also understands that she can’t do it, this guy is a monster in front of her.

Don’t say that it’s impossible to do it in this space that suppresses the cultivation base. Even if it’s outside, I don’t think it’s his opponent. He has grown too fast, and it’s no longer the Monster Emperor tomb of that day. The Vientiane Realm kid inside.

“Fairy’s words are very bad, my words are not talk nonsense.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and said solemnly: “Look, you recognized me at a glance. And as soon as you came here, I felt you, are we not in a good mood or something?”

“shameless!” Yan Ruyue cursed.

“No teeth, how could it be possible? Look, a neat mouthful of big white teeth.”

Yang Xuan grinned, showing a row of sharp teeth, his smile on his face became brighter.

He made a stride, like a lightning bolt, taking advantage of Yan Ruyue’s unpreparedness, he stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms, leaned over and kissed her attractive red lips.

“You, get out of my sight!”

Yan Ruyue was very surprised and angry, and slapped him fiercely, ready to give him a big slap in the face.

“I said, you are not my opponent.”

Yang Xuan’s tiger eyes are shining, lightning raised his hand, and grabbed her slender and soft jade hand.

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