“One move to kill you.”

Zhao Mingyu’s black hair was upside down, and his anger was ignited. With a sharp shout , his feet stepped on the stone steps.

With a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, he jumped up, like an eagle rushing to eat, and culled.

“This arrogant kid is dead!”

The crowd sneered, all believing that Yang Xuan was bound to die, because his opponent was Zhao Mingyu, and it was impossible to win.

“Suffer to death.”

Zhao Mingyu was no one beside him, and his speed was like a Floating Light Sweeping Shadow. He came to the front of Yang Xuan in a flash, punching fiercely and piercing the void.

“It’s too slow.” Yang Xuan disdainfully moved his figure horizontally and avoided.

“What, avoid it!”

The crowd exclaimed, unable to believe what they saw was true.

This speed is also too fast. A single move is better than a stroll in the courtyard. In an instant, it avoided Zhao Mingyu’s killing punch.

The blue clothed old man was equally surprised, as if he didn’t expect Yang Xuan to have this speed.

“Little bastard, don’t hide.”

With a fist, Zhao Mingyu’s face flushed and was extremely ugly.

Just now, he also threatened to kill Yang Xuan with a high-spirited and vigorous move. Unexpectedly, he punched out without even touching the corner of Yang Xuan’s clothes. This is tantamount to self-defeating. Slapped, he only felt a hot spot on his face.

“If you can’t hit me, just tell me not to hide, don’t you feel ashamed?” Yang Xuan’s mouth curled slightly, not funny.

“Death to Lao Tzu!”

Zhao Mingyu had a lot of trouble, he just wanted to kill Yang Xuan to vent his anger, he opened his mouth and screamed, quickly rushed over, and hit with his fist. , And the right foot followed the flying kick.

As a young Heaven’s Chosen, the art of close combat is naturally very strong.

Unfortunately, he met Yang Xuan.

Throughout the world, Yang Xuan does not say that close combat is the number one, but among the peers, he really can’t find a match with him.

Almost to meet the incoming fists, he struck out with both fists, blocking Zhao Mingyu’s fist with one punch, and blocking his right foot with one punch. His movements were simple and unrestrained.

However, with two punches, Zhao Mingyu’s expression changed.

He only felt that two powerful fists were coming, and his body could not stop retreating seven or eight steps, and his whole body was terribly uncomfortable.

“Knocked back!”

The crowd was stupid, as strong as Zhao Mingyu, but lost to Yang Xuan, and was shocked by his two punches to withdraw.

“The strength of this little beast is really strong!”

The blue clothed old man pupil light was suddenly cold, hesitating to go up and help, but it’s better to think about it.

The reason is very simple. Zhao Mingyu’s background is quite extraordinary, another generation of Heaven’s Chosen, and all Heaven’s Chosen is arrogant. He is an outsider who does his own thing to help. Zhao Mingyu will not appreciate him. I’m afraid I will still feel dissatisfied and thankless.

“What kind of shit young Heaven’s Chosen, nothing more than that!” Yang Xuan twitched his lips, with a few words, but with endless charm, which made Zhao Mingyu completely violent.

“little bastard, I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces.” Zhao Mingyu waved his arms and abandoned the defense, like a mad beast, moved towards Yang Xuan rushed.

“Calling you the young Heaven’s Chosen, that is to give you face. In my eyes, you are nothing but a clown.”

Yang Xuan sneered at the corner of his mouth, and stepped out with lightning. , Came to Zhao Mingyu and launched a dazzling attack on him.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

With a continuous muffled sound, Zhao Mingyu’s waist and hips are united, and all kinds of killing methods come out, fighting hard.

“You, too weak.”

Yang Xuan black hair is flying, attacking and attacking, bursting with powerful force, unparalleled bravery.

In just a few breaths of effort, Zhao Mingyu fell under the wind, no matter how difficult it was to contend with Yang Xuan, he was pressed and beaten by a pair of Iron Fist, and his face flushed.

This picture made many onlookers horrified, is this fuck still a human, and actually chased Zhao Mingyu to fight.

The crowd cannot imagine how tyrannical Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is.

“Trash, do you only have this ability?”

Yang Xuan hits people and slaps his face, pressing every step, a pair of fists blasted out, the force can destroy the mountain, press forward, unstoppable.

Under the terrifying fist strikes, the void exploded and the air wave rolled, like an angry dragon roaring, formidable power heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

With a series of crackling sounds like frying beans, Zhao Mingyu’s whole body was in severe pain, and his internal organs were tumbling. If he hadn’t suppressed it, he would have already vomited blood.

“Hehe, it seems that you are already exhausted.” Yang Xuan chuckled, but the offensive became more fierce.

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