“What a quick response!”

The crowd was both surprised and emotional. Everyone could see that it was Chen Hanlin’s full blow, but he was still hiding by Yang Xuan. Go away.

“Old Guy, this blow should drain your energy, what are you still fighting against me now?”

shouting loudly like thunder on the ground, Yang Xuan’s toes At a point on the ground, the figure rushed out in a straight line. Along the way, the wind roared and the rumbling sound was endless, which shows how fast it is.

At this moment, he is really like a War God possessed, showing the grandeur of Only I Am Supreme, and he is unstoppable.

In a flash, he came to Chen Hanlin and punched with all his strength,


Chen Hanlin dodged for a while, hit this fist on his chest, and was beaten up with blood on the spot, flew more than a dozen meter away, and fell heavily to the ground, his face pale white There is no half of the blood, the chest is even more bloody, and I don’t know how many bones have been broken, and the breath is sluggish.

Many spectators were shocked. What a battle strength this was. With just one punch, Chen Hanlin was hit hard and he was beaten to death.

“haha, what a shit divine force powerhouse, only this, really only this!”

Yang Xuan laughed, ten thousand zhang proud.


Chen Hanlin was just about to get up. Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, he was suddenly out of breath, vomiting blood, his body also swayed, and he sat down again. Ground.

“Elder Chen!”

“Go together and kill this little beast.”

A group of Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists both shocked and angry, I can’t wait Yang Xuan frustrated his bones and raised his ashes.

“What is it called, if you want revenge, come up and fight.”

Yang Xuan looked towards the long sun Yan and the others below.


Long Sun Yan hair stands up in anger.

“Don’t you, mine, come up all, Young Master fights you all alone.”

Yang Xuan pupil light is like electricity, black hair is flying, a clanging sound, a few desires Breaking through the sky, “Like your clay chickens and pottery dogs, even if you come to hundreds of thousands, I will not be afraid.”

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was dead silent.

Yang Xuan, unexpectedly released a rhetoric that he wanted to fight against the elder Sun Yan and a group of people alone.

What a heroic spirit this is. Looking at the world, I am afraid that he alone would dare to do this.

“I am a tyrant, and I am following a tyrannical path. This life is destined to make thousands of enemies. Come up, but I want a fight.”

Yang Xuan gave a loud shout, fighting. intent soars the world.

A group of Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artist complexion ashen, shy and indignant, someone shouted: “There are so many of us, afraid of him doing anything, let’s go together and kill him.”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!…”

One after another, I wanted to tear this world apart. Except for the grandson Yan hesitated, the remaining Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists all moved, one by one. Jumping out, intertwined between Heaven and Earth silhouette for a while, flying up one after another.

A total of over thirty people, none of them are weak, they are all Cloudy Ghost Sect elites, and some of them are Cloudy Ghost Sect Outer Elder. The highest cultivation base even reached Peak.

This is definitely a strong lineup!

Although I was imprisoned on this mountain and unable to use Origin Force, so many experts gathered to attack, it was enough to sweep any martial artist below the divine force.

“Don’t go over!”

Chen Hanlin finally took his breath away, and saw many Cloudy Ghost Sect martial artists killing Yang Xuan, and immediately changed color and shouted.

“haha, come here well, Young Master will kill him today a Heaven and Earth turning upside down, blood flowing into a river.”

Yang Xuan laughed heartily, not far away Regardless of Chen Hanlin, he came to the three of them like a gust of wind and punched them three times in a row.

bang! bang! bang!

Three muffled sounds, the three of them have not yet come back to his senses, their bodies shattered in mid-air, flesh and blood flying.

“Second kill!”

The crowd was full of chills, but there were three Cloudy Ghost Sect powerhouses. Even Yang Xuan couldn’t take a punch, so he was blown into scum. .

There were also a small number of women in the crowd. Seeing this bloody scene, they only felt that their stomachs rolled and almost couldn’t help vomiting out, looking pale as paper.

“Damn, don’t get close to him, urge Martial Spirit together, suppress and kill him!”

Someone exclaimed.

This is a tall and thin aquiline nose old man, the cultivation base of Peak, and the strongest and most senior person among several Cloudy Ghost Sect Outer Elder.

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