At this moment, many people looked towards Zhao Mingyu with a deep look of contempt, because with the style of Yang Xuan fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, if he really killed Blood The people of Fiend Sect are bound to admit it frankly.

“It turned out to be Sword God Palace Yang Xuan, no wonder I feel a bit familiar.”

Pang Tianyuan narrowed his eyes and said faint smile: “Heroes come out from the Youth, Yang Xuan, your ability is still It’s not that small!”

“It’s not that I’m very capable, but that Chen old fogey on the opposite side is too weak.”

tone barely fell, a loud roar came, “Yang Xuan, didn’t expect you to be here. Today, your time of death has come.”

“Who am I, dare to be the Jin Ming brother of Divine Demon Temple, but do we have any grudges? Why is Brother Jin Ming so angry that he can’t wait to kill me?”

Yang Xuan smiled indifferently, his eyes swept away from the thirty-forty Divine Demon Temple martial artists such as Duan Canghai and Jin Ming. After that, she ended up staying at Yan Ruyue, who was beautiful and graceful.

Chapter 413 Domineering Wushuang

Yan Ruyue’s pupil light turned, and Yang Xuan looked at each other, and his body trembled slightly.

The man’s gaze was too hot, as if turning into a pair of invisible big hands, he was throwing his hands on her body, provoking her to be so tender and numb that she could not exert any effort.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Yang Xuan’s mouth curled up slightly. Although there was no sound coming out, Yan Ruyue still understood what he meant. Ashamed and angry, I want to rush up and give him a big mouth.

It’s just that, seeing his bloody arms, I don’t know why, I feel a little pain in my heart.

“I, what’s the matter, do you like this thief!?”

Yan Ruyue bit her red lips and hurriedly shaken off the thoughts in her mind.

In the depths of her heart, she always feels that she should resent the thief who took her innocence away. How can she like him? This is absolutely not possible.

“Don’t pretend to be garlic with me, I and you hatred as deep as the sea, absolutely irreconcilable.”

Jin Ming didn’t notice Yan Ruyue’s strangeness, and his eyes were red as red as Blood, I can’t wait to eat Yang Xuan.

This kid is too disgusting. Not long ago, he took his fiancee Yan Ruyue and he didn’t know what he did to Yan Ruyue.

What’s even more annoying is that now I am still trying to understand when I am confused, and in turn asking myself what kind of grudges I have with him, it is really bully intolerably and unforgivable.

“Oh, I remember, I took Fairy Yan away not long ago. You should be referring to this, right?”

Yang Xuan smiled at Jin Ming, Pretending to be a sudden pat on the forehead.

“What, Yang Xuan once kidnapped Yan Ruyue!?”

Many unsuspecting people were shocked to learn about this.

Who is Yan Ruyue?

People are Divine Demon Temple Saintess, and Fairy from Grand Purity Palace’s moon cicada and Princess Fairy from Sword God Palace. They are also known as the three major beauties of Zhong Prefecture. Their beauty and temperament are the best in the present, and their strength is sufficient. Comparable to the young Heaven’s Chosen from all quarters, it is the Goddess of countless young, talented people in mind in the world, sacred and inviolable.

However, it is such a peerless beauty who was taken away. The instigator was Yang Xuan, the bold master. Heaven knows whether he stretched out his wolf claws to blaspheme and blaspheme the beautiful woman. If so, Na Yan Ruyue now…

Thinking of this, the crowd’s gaze fell involuntarily on Yan Ruyue.

“This bastard!”

One after another glanced over, Yan Ruyuefang’s heart was dark and angry, wishing to find a stone to smash Yang Xuan’s stinky mouth so that he wouldn’t get him The mouth is open.

“Yang Xuan, I swear not to be a man if I don’t kill you today.” Jin Ming was furious, and his body was full of killing intent.

Yang Xuan told the people of the world about taking Yan Ruyue abducted. This is obviously slapped in the face. Even if he marries Yan Ruyue as his wife in the future, he will inevitably be talked about behind his back. Secretly smiled that he was wearing a green hat.

“Since you think you can kill me like this, then come up and fight. Anyway, I have killed a lot of Cloudy Ghost Sect people.”

Yang Xuan expression Indifferent, ignoring Jin Ming’s anger, slowly said: “There is a saying how to say it, by the way, I think of it, I don’t care if there are more lice, and I don’t care about adding you.”

“If there are too many lice, are you not afraid of itching?”

The crowd is speechless. Isn’t this just a change of tricks to scold Jin Ming as a lice, but Yang Xuan’s mouth is really sharp, and a single sentence can make people half dead.

“little bastard, you are dead, no one can save you.”

That in Jin Ming’s heart is an anger, and a handsome face rises. Pig liver-colored, trembling with anger.

“Don’t be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips, pointing at Chen Hanlin not far away: “How do you think you compare to Chen Hanlin? , Young Master can hit even this old fogey badly, can’t it still deal with you, it’s not that I despise you, you are at best a lice that can only jump around in my eyes, and you can be afraid of death with one slap.”

“What, Yang Xuan hit Chen Hanlin hard, how could this be possible!?”

When Zhou Yuanshan just came, he almost didn’t bite off his tongue when he heard Yang Xuan’s words, even though he was just a bit Loose Cultivator without background, but also knows that Chen Hanlin is a Sect Elder in Cloudy Ghost Sect, Zhong Prefecture is famous for its ruthless character.

In Zhou Yuanshan’s view, even if he goes all out, he may not be able to beat Chen Hanlin.

But now, Chen Hanlin was hit hard by Yang Xuan. Zhou Yuanshan didn’t believe it very much, thinking that Yang Xuan was exaggerating, but when he looked up, he saw Chen Hanlin who was on the stone steps above with bruises.

“It turned out to be Zhou Senior, did you come to ask me for Rainbow Bead? If so, I’ve come up to recruit.” Yang Xuan turned his eyes and glanced at Zhou Yuanshan. .

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