Yang Xuan shrugged, looking serene.

On this peak, he is invincible, not afraid of anyone.

While speaking, in order to reduce mental consumption, he simply dismissed the battle puppet.

Feng Bupinghu suddenly narrowed his eyes, faintly uncontrollable and wanted to do it, his whole body was killing intent.

Others didn’t pay too much attention to Feng Unping. Everyone stared at Yang Xuan in a daze. Although he didn’t get a definite answer from him, everyone knew that the one on the mountain must be His father Yang Tian also understood why he wanted to prevent others from climbing.

At this moment, Yan Ruyue looked at Yang Xuan completely differently. She absolutely didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be enemies of the world, everything was for her father.

“It’s your dad, let him hand over that thing.” Feng said sternly.

“What is it?”

“You don’t need to ask more about what, you go up and take down the storage ring from your dad, so the grudge between your dad and my Unbounded Demon Sect never ends. It was written off.”

“It’s ridiculous, you’re a bird thing, why do I give you my father’s storage ring?”

Yang Xuan’s face was sneered, a pair of cold eyes Looking directly at the injustice, he said strongly and authentically: “You don’t need to talk nonsense. If you want my father’s storage ring, just come up and fight me. If you don’t dare, then you can go as far as you can.”

“Boy, you irritated me.”

Feng Buping was so angry that he was famous for his temper in Zhong Prefecture. Unexpectedly, a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried kid was in front of the world Human face dared to scold him for rolling, which made him feel ashamed.

“To get you out of the way, it depends on the difficulty of your cultivation. I really want to provoke me and make you live and die.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience Surprised, I thought this kid was bold enough, even if he faced Unbounded Demon Sect’s injustice, he still dared to do so, but few people doubted him. After all, he even killed Chen Hanlin of Cloudy Ghost Sect, then kill again. An injustice is not impossible.

“Too arrogant, Feng Elder, let’s go together, don’t believe that you can’t kill him.” Yuan Shaozong was furious.

“That is, this child is domineering and supercilious, it should be blamed.”

A group of Unbounded Demon Sect martial artists drew out their swords and shouted murderous-looking indignation.

“Come to fight!”

Yang Xuan hands behind ones back, black hair flying around, looking around the audience, one person alone against the crowd: “you think you can kill me’s all Come up, I, Yang Xuan, will continue.”

Chapter 416 Thunder Tribulation

“gu lu!”

Many people are swallowing saliva. This kind of arrogant imposing manner that sees the world’s heroes like nothing is really ups and downs, and it is difficult to calm down.

At this moment, even Jin Ming was stunned, staring at Yang Xuan in a daze, speechless for a while.

Feng Buping’s chest was ups and downs, forcibly suppressing the anger and killing intent in his heart, he glanced at Pang Tianyuan not far away without a trace, “Brother Pang, this child has countless treasures, maybe there are legendary Taiyin Shenshui, you and I joined forces to kill him. The treasures and Taiyin Shenshui on him belong to you. What do you think?”

This is a secret voice transmission, and outsiders cannot hear it. After all, this place There are many martial artists, and the heroes gather together. If others hear him, how to save face?

“The conditions you made are indeed very attractive, but this is a personal grievance between your Unbounded Demon Sect and Yang Xuan father and son. I, an outsider, will not mix it up.”

Pang Tianyuan sound transmission said, rejecting the unfair proposal.

“Why, are you afraid of that kid too!?” Feng Buping was angry and angry.

“My strength is equal to Chen Hanlin. Do you think I am an enemy of him, what will happen in the end?”

Pang Tianyuan is lightly snorted, if he doesn’t want to say he doesn’t want Taiyin God Water turns on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. It’s self-deception, but no matter how good the baby is, it has to be fate.

Not long ago, he witnessed Yang Xuan’s strong killing of Chen Hanlin, and he knew how strong Yang Xuan’s battle strength was. In his opinion, even if he joined forces with Feng Buping, it would be difficult to shake Yang. Xuan, a bad person will lose his life.

“You and I work together, it may not be impossible to kill him.” Feng Buping still did not give up.

“Well, yes, there is a degree of certainty, but I may die, and if you are not flat, there is a 50% certainty that I will survive.”

Pang Tianyuan is slightly ridiculed Truly, he only has the cultivation base of Divine Force 6 Heavenly Layer, and Martial Spirit is not strong. Once he goes to war with Yang Xuan, he is bound to die the fastest.

hearing this, Feng Buping looked ugly and stopped communicating secretly with Pang Tianyuan, turned his head and looked towards Duan Canghai of Divine Demon Temple, sound transmission said: “Brother Duan, how do you and I join forces?”


“This…” Duan Canghai’s pupil light flickered and was about to say something.


At this moment, a terrifying wind blew out of thin air between Heaven and Earth. Blocks of boulders rolled down, and many big trees were broken. The mountains were shaking and rumbling, and even the entire stone steps trembled endlessly, as if there were signs of collapse.

“What happened!?”

“Why did the sky darken!?”

The crowd was unstable, and there were exclamations one after another. I don’t know this What is the situation and why there is such a strong wind for no reason.

This gust of wind came and went quickly, but after a few breaths, the world returned to normal. At the same time, someone discovered something and pointed in the direction of the mountain and shouted: “Look, everyone, what is that! “

The crowd all looked up and saw that a huge black cloud emerged over the top of the mountain, and the darkness enveloped the entire mountain, making the whole world suddenly all black, no daylight .

What’s even more frightening is the electric dance of silver snakes in the dark clouds, countless electric lights flickering, crackle like the muffled sound of fried beans, and there is a wave of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. , People feel extremely depressed, and the heart seems to be about to stop beating, feeling suffocated.

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