Yang Heavenly God’s color remained unchanged, and he took a step forward, a spear pierced into the sky, and a spear glow pierced through the void, pointing directly at the giant claw to break it.

“mayfly shaking a tree!”

Pang Tianyuan sneered.

Feng Buping’s face also showed contempt. He didn’t think Yang Tian could handle it.


However, the result made the two of them surprised. The spear glow looked unremarkable, but the penetrating power was extremely strong, and it instantly penetrated the giant claw. This blow made giant claw extremely unstable and shattered in a series of crackling noises.

“Is this true!?”

Countless people exclaimed. The previous shot can be said to be the carelessness of Pang Tianyuan, but this spear just now is different. It was a powerful secret skill that broke Pang Tianyuan in one blow.


Pang Tianyuan’s pupils shrank suddenly, as if approaching an enemy, he no longer dared to underestimate Yang Tian.

He has a feeling that one-on-one himself is definitely not the enemy of Yang Tian, ​​he can only look towards Feng Buping at a time.

Feng Buping ignores Pang Tianyuan, a pair of eagle eyes is cold light, staring at Yang Tian, ​​coldly said: “Grade 8 inner core is really extraordinary, but your cultivation base is still too low , In today’s battle is destined to die here.”

“Grade 8 inner core can’t be considered, but it’s enough to kill you.”

Yang Tian’s style of behavior Sure enough, it is similar to Yang Xuan has several points of. Although the cultivation base is not as good as people, it does not lose anyone in the imposing manner, and it vividly and thoroughly interprets what is domineering in one word.

“You think you can kill me, it depends on whether you have that strength.”

Feng Buping is extremely angry and laughs back. He has a high self-esteem, and he didn’t know how to kill Yang Tian. taking seriously.

After all, Yang Tian has an extremely rare Grade 8 inner core. Although he first entered the divine force realm, the divine force within the body is much stronger and purer than the ordinary divine force martial artist, and that That shot should be some kind of strong secret technique, otherwise it would be impossible to destroy the giant claw so easily.

“Stop talking nonsense, you two will go together.”

Yang Tian stood with a gun, his eyes bursting with divine glow, like an unbeaten War God, unmatched.

Many people were shocked by it, and they all looked at Yang Tian blankly, wondering if he could one against two and behead Feng Gu and Pang Tianyuan.

At this time, even Duan Canghai was calm and did not to act blindly without thinking.

Because he sees that Yang Tian is not easy to deal with, and Yang Xuan is hiding in the dark. If he goes up to fight, will Heaven knows Yang Xuan will treat Jin Ming behind him and many other Divine Demon Temple martial artists Killing.


Feng Buping finally couldn’t help but shoot. Compared with the previous imprisonment of Qihai, his battle strength did not know how many times it soared.

With a wave of the sharp sword in his hand, one after another sword energy immediately covered a large expanse of sky, like a flying star from the sky, dazzling but concealed with great terror, swept away like mountains and oceans, The sight is terrifying.

People who watched the battle saw the continuous heavenly sword qi, and they only felt that they have one’s hair stand on end. This kind of offensive can only be issued in a divine force powerhouse, enough to raze a mountain to the ground .

“Break for me!”

Yang Tian shouted, without dodge or dodge, he swept through the rainbow spear in his hand, and drawn a splendid divine glow in the void, like a line across nine days The Changhong in a single blow will wipe out all the heavenly sword qi, a powerful mess.

“Pang Tianyuan, what are you still waiting for, and quickly join forces with me to kill him.”

Feng Buping’s eyes stunned, and he greeted Pang Tianyuan while waving his sword to kill him. Yang Tian approached.

“Close combat, you die faster.”

Yang Tian laughed, holding the Guanhong gun, shot after shot, sweeping or slashing, or stabbing or Pick, the moves are open and close.

This is a very common basic spear technique, but Yang Tian is very talented and has a comprehended spear intent, but every shot contains a strong divine force and spear intent. The long spear is directed, and the void collapses. Broken, the destructive power is extremely strong.

clang clang clang! ! !

Feng Buping swung his sword to resist. At first he was able to do well, but after a few breaths, he was a little stretched, because Yang Tian’s spear skills were fierce and the offensive became more and more fierce. An imposing manner that abandons defense and perish together with the enemy.

Yes, it’s perish together.

Almost desperately to kill him with serious injuries, making him more and more frightened by the battle, and the imposing manner is also seriously frustrated.

Martial artist fights with a brave imposing manner, especially when fighting at the same level, imposing manner is particularly important.

It is no exaggeration to say that whoever has a weak imposing manner is in danger of ruin.


It was another blow, and the two separated, but Yang Tian was unscathed, and the seal looked pale and gasped.

“Okay, domineering!”

Yang Xuan clapped his hands and sarcastically said: “The seal is not flat, you are too weak, you are still the powerhouse of the 7 Heavenly Layer of divine force, If I were you, I’m going to find a wall and hit it to death.”

“Beast, wait until I kill your dad, I will make you look good.”

The sword rushed towards Yang Tian.

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