“Your Excellency is dignified, the ability of bully the weak is not small. I don’t know the name of the surname?”

Yang Xuan endured the severe pain of Divine Soul, looking up at the killing Army, he must keep the figure and appearance of this person firmly in mind, and he must avenge his cultivation progress in the future.

“Anything like an ant, do you dare to humiliate the deity?”

The killing army was furious, with a word of oppressive coercion, immediately let Yang Xuan was shocked all over, vomiting blood again, and his face became paler.

For that, he still hasn’t succumbed. He always looked up towards the killing army, saying every word: “A Supreme Realm martial artist, you treat me like an ant. How do you know All Heavens Myriad? Realms treats you as a miscellaneous fish. There are also many people.”

It’s just a supreme that’s all. There are Duotian, the emperor, the cave and so on.

Looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms, Paradise Realm Supreme powerhouse may be as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, but there are definitely a lot of imperial powerhouses, not to mention the imperial powerhouse, just one powerhouse Can squeeze to death and destroy the army.

“A bit courageous, but unfortunately your cultivation base is too weak. No matter how high your talent is, you are destined to die here today.”

Killing the army’s gray eyes turned and bloomed A cold brilliance: “Please remember, the deity killed the army, known as the murderer, is also the one who waits to take your life.”

After that, I noticed something, shouted: “Gu Tongxuan, since it’s here, let’s show up.”

“Yang Xuan is my Sword God Palace disciple. Three people who use their power to suppress others, so insult a young man, they are not afraid of being laughed at by the world. Is it?”

The voice was still there, and a silhouette appeared silently in front of Yang Xuan father and son.

This is a middle-aged man with a stalwart figure and a majestic face. A white robe is flying in the wind without staining the slightest dust.

On him, there is no imposing manner, serene.

This is Return to the Natural State, where every gesture is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and in harmony with nature, giving people a sense of illusory in front of them but far away in the sky.

Sword God!

Gu Tongxuan!

The entire audience was absolutely silenced. Everyone was shocked when they saw the middle-aged man, because the middle-aged man is the famous generation of Sword God.

It is said that the ancient Tongxuan talent of Sword God is extremely high, and the battle strength is against the sky. When in the divide force state, one person one sword travels all over the world, sweeping the powerhouse of the divide force state, known as benefitath the Supreme Number One Person.

After stepping into the Supreme, he founded the Sword God Palace in one hand, and developed the Sword God Palace in just a few hundred years to become the Zhong Prefecture Super Sect, and dominate.

Many young people in the world who yearn for sword dao have to enter the Sword God Palace after sharpening their heads in order to acquire the Supreme sword dao.

Nowadays, Sword God Gu Tongxuan is right in front of his eyes, and many young people who are interested in Sword Dao feel that their heartbeat has accelerated a lot.

“Sword God deserves to be Sword God, and this temperament alone makes people admire!”

Many older martial artists do not cultivate sword dao, but see Gu Tongxuan. Fen Du couldn’t help but sigh with the attitude of Three Great Venerables.

And when Yan Ruyue saw Gu Tongxuan’s arrival, his nerves tightened and he relaxed a little.

“disciple Yang Xuan, I have seen the lord of the palace.”

“I have seen the lord of the ancient palace.”

Yang Xuan came back to his senses and bowed quickly As he gave the salute, Yang Tian also gave a salute. This is not only the Sword God of the name shakes the whole world, but also the palace lord of Sect where his son is. He deserves his respect.

“Free gift.”

Gu Tongxuan’s voice is flat, hands behind ones back, looking up towards Three Great Venerables standing high in the sky, his face is unemotional, and there is no fear at all .

“Gu Tongxuan, you sheltered Yang Xuan like this, are you ready to go to war with me?” Killing Army coldly said.

“Yang Xuan father and son, Gu has taken care of him, who wants to touch him, why not go to war?”

Gu Tongxuan is still so calm, but everyone He felt a sense of Supreme sharpness from his words, which was breathtaking.

The crowd was dumbfounded. This is the peerless Sword God of the sword technique Transcendent Saint. Even if one is alone against the Three Great Venerables, he has no fear, it would rather break but cannot be bend.

“Gu Tongxuan, your strength is very strong, but you have to figure it out, I am waiting for three people now.”

Blood Wutian is very powerful, and his words are very murderous. Intention, he knew that Gu Tongxuan was very difficult to deal with, but no matter how powerful it was, their Three Great Venerables teamed up to be as strong as Gu Tongxuan and would have to retreat or even fall.

“Single-to-single, I only need one sword to kill any of you. With one enemy to three, within ten swords, you can take your life.”

The expression of Gu Tongxuan remains unchanged, Said casually.

Hearing these words, there seemed to be a blast of thunder in the brains of the people present, buzzing.

What a domineering, what a supreme grace, he even threatened to kill Three Great Venerables within ten swords.


“Gu Tongxuan, you are no more than a thousand years of cultivation, Supreme Realm 7 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base that’s all, although the cultivation base is not too different from mine Many, but the tone is too arrogant.”

“What a nonsense with him, I would like to learn from him.”

Three Great Venerables are furious, they are expensive. Venerable, how can Gu Tongxuan be so humiliated under all eyes.

“The three are going to fight here or go to Foreign Domain?”

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