“hmph, you lost to me back then, and it is hard to escape today.”

Gong Wudi seems to have not been affected by the imposing manner of Meng Nine Nether, as if he came from Asura purgatory, It is icy cold and full of belief in victory.

“A big breath, do you think you can kill me with your half-step cultivation base?”

Meng Nine Nether broke out into laughter caused by anger, all over The imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger.

“You have also arrived at this realm!?”

Gong Wudi’s eyes shuddered, and the half-step gaining the sky is only a little stronger than Supreme Realm Peak, but looking at the world, People who can reach this realm can be counted on one’s fingers, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

It is no exaggeration to say that a half-step powerhouse is enough to kill ten Supreme Realm Peak powerhouses. From this we can see how strong the half-step powerhouse is.

“Yes, I have to thank you for speaking of it. If you hadn’t destroyed my fleshy body back then, gave me a chance to break and reshape my fleshy body, I wouldn’t be able to get to this step today.”

Meng Nine Nether seems to express gratitude to Gong Wudi, but the words are cold and severe, which shows how deep the hatred of Gong Wudi is in my heart.

“Stop talking nonsense, you have to fight, I will accompany you at any time, but wait until I clean up the two little ants.”

Gong Wudi has said that, pupil light is staring. Yang Xuan father and son, murderous intention in the pupil is strong.

Don’t say Yang Xuan, talent in ten-thousand does not have one, far surpassing peers, and letting it grow, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Yang Tian may not have the talent of his son Yang Xuan, but he has the inheritance of the ancient strongman Taixuan daoist. Once he reaches the supreme, he is also a great enemy and must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Yang Xuan and Yang Heavenly God have changed a lot, but at a glance that’s all, father and son feel that they are about to die.

This is the half-step powerhouse that can compete with God for good fortune. Don’t say that their cultivation base is too low. Even if they are all cultivation bases of divine force, they can’t compete with it. It’s too much. Insignificant, insignificant.

“Okay, okay, okay, this little animal is dead!”

Yuan Shaozong was trembling, and he was excited to roar towards the sky.

As the Inner Sect True Disciple of Unbounded Demon Sect, he has naturally heard the legends of Gong Wudi and knows how terrifying its battle strength is.

At this moment, Zhao Mingyu of Blood Fiend Sect and the grandson Yan of Cloudy Ghost Sect all laughed grinningly. In their eyes, Yang Xuan was targeted by Gong Wudi, which is equivalent to being targeted by Death God, hard to avoid calamity.

Only Yan Ruyue, with a heart mentioned in her throat, and what she wanted to say, she was dumb acupuncture point by Duan Canghai, unable to speak a word, but tears poured out of her eyes. With Yang Xuan.

“Leave my son, I am willing to hand over the inheritance of Taixuan Daoist, and Taiyin Shenshui can also be given to you.”

shouting loudly, Yang Tian stepped Exit, block Yang Xuan behind, looked towards Gong Wudi above.

“Father, you don’t have to ask for help. This old fart is determined to make us die.”

Yang Xuan stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder with his father, with a powerful and powerful look. , Yelling at the palace invincible old fart.

This is not his arrogance, but he felt Gong Wudi’s murderous intention. Knowing that this is a ruthless character, no matter how humble you are, even if you kneel down in front of him begging for mercy, he will not be soft-hearted. Leave trouble for yourself.

“Sovereign Palace, do you really want to do this?”

Gu Tongxuan spoke, and a pair of eyes flashed with the sight of stars collapsing, and his imposing manner was terrifying.

“Gu Tongxuan, your Punishing God Sword Array is indeed very strong, but your cultivation base is too low. It is far from my opponent. Once a battle begins, you will destroy both body and soul in three moves. “

Gong Wudi glanced at Gu Tongxuan contemptuously.

“You’re right, but Yang Xuan father and son I’m in Baoding, and your cultivation base is much higher than me. It’s true, but if I don’t hesitate to burn life essence, I can also hurt you. .”

Gu Tongxuan is not afraid, his sharp edge is shocking, vividly and thoroughly showing what is a swordsman.

“Very well, it deserves to be the supreme leader.”

Gong Wudi laughed, but the murderous intention in his eyes became more intense. Not only was he ready to Yang Xuan father and son , And even wanted to kill Gu Tongxuan.

“Gong Wudi, that kid, you can’t move.” At this moment, Meng Nine Nether pointed at Yang Xuan casually.

“oh?” Gong Wudi glanced at Meng Nether, surprised: “What is the relationship between this child and you?”

“I can’t talk about the relationship, but I have A drop of supreme blood from him.”

Hearing these words, countless people set off a stormy sea in their hearts.

This is supreme blood, if it is not given by the supreme pro, who can get it, and Yang Xuan fleshy body is so powerful, I am afraid it is the use of that drop of supreme blood to temper the fleshy body.

“This child, I must kill.”

Gong Wudi tone barely fell, his face suddenly changed, only to feel that a great crisis was coming.

He is a half-step man who can bring him a crisis, and at least his cultivation base has a world-shaking state, which immediately makes him like an enemy.

Took a deep breath, he forcefully said calmly: “I don’t know who your Excellency is, do you have any grudges with Gong Mou?”

In one word, the voice rang 10,000,000 li.

Venerables of all parties also found something wrong, one by one released Divine Consciousness and carefully checked, but found nothing. In their realm, there is also a calm and tranquil.

“You and I have no enemies.”

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