As one of the secret treasures of Unbounded Demon Sect’s protecting sect, heavenly demon beads have a huge space inside and are self-made world.

This is a vast garden with blooming flowers, small bridges lying across, gurgling water, rockery pavilions everywhere, like a hidden land of peace and prosperity, elegant and tranquil.


A silhouette appeared leisurely, it was Yang Xuan.

A seat of white clothed, untainted by even a speck of dust, black hair follows Feng Feiyang, and his face is like a knife cut stone, indescribably handsome.

This is the Divine Soul incarnation. A single thought can change a lot. Of course, the appearance cannot be changed. The only thing that can be changed is the dress.

“What a magical power!” Yang Xuan said lightly.

This world is filled with a strange breath, refreshed and comfortable.

“Heavenly demon beads are ancient treasures, they have the effect of stabilizing Divine Soul, very powerful!”

The black light flashed, and the purgatory boy followed in and pointed his finger into the garden. , The other courtyard road behind a verdant bamboo forest: “There is a Divine Soul in that other courtyard, it must be your mother.”

Yang Xuan was silent, stepped into the garden, and walked through it soon After the bamboo forest, I saw a small lake in front of me. The water was clear, blue waves were rippling, green willows on the shore were flying, and the scenery was pleasant.

By the lake, a courtyard was built next to the water, surrounded by lush ancient forests, and the water was filled with mist.

Yang Xuan stopped outside the hospital for a long time, and finally walked in.

The other courtyard is very large, with shaded trees, pavilions and lotus flowers in the pool.

Crossing several stone arch bridges all the way, a two-story loft appeared in front of it, which is antique.

Yang Xuan stepped into the attic and walked up the stairs to the second floor, thinking about what He Lianqian should say when he saw his mother.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he didn’t know how to speak, call mother, and he felt a bit difficult to speak, and he couldn’t help but grab his ears and cheeks, and was upset.

“It doesn’t matter, mother is not a scourge, there is nothing to be afraid of.”

Yang Xuan secretly cheered up and hurried to the second floor.

This is a balcony with many potted plants of deep purples and brilliant reds, and there is a room on the left and right sides.

Yang Xuan let out his perception, went outside the room on the right, gently pushed the door and walked in.

The room is filled with sandalwood, and the decoration is ordinary. The seats and benches are all made of sandalwood, which is full of ancient meaning.

At this time, at the innermost side of the room against the wall, there is a show couch covered with light green gauze tents. Through the veiled hazy gauze tents, a lithe inside the show couch is vaguely visible. and graceful silhouette.

Looking at that silhouette, Yang Xuan’s eyes became moist if he was shocked.

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but there was something stuck in his throat, unable to make a sound.

At this moment, tears could not stop gushing, and they slipped from the cheeks, soaking the clothes.

Yang Xuan took a difficult step and approached the Xiudao.

Every time he takes a step, his body is trembling, like agitated but hesitated, some anticipation and some not knowing what to do, he can be described as a mixed feeling in his heart.

“This is my mother. Although she has not raised me, it is compelled by circumstances.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, his eyebrows gradually became firm.

He stepped forward slowly, his feet were silent, and he was afraid of disturbing the people in the couch.

That’s the case, the people in the show bed were still awakened, and they whispered: “Tian Lang, is that you?”

The voice is like a natural sound, clear and sweet, with A bit weak, a bit happy, and a bit shy.

Yang Xuan paused, he wanted to yell mother very much, but it was difficult to say what he said to his lips.

Seeing that there was no response from outside, the people in the sofa seemed a little puzzled. A slender hand poked out and opened the gauze tent.

In an instant, a beautiful woman caught Yang Xuan’s eyes.

A beautiful woman in her thirties, with long hair like silk and satin, draped on both sides of the fragrant shoulder, elegant and delicate, she wears a luxurious water-green skirt, tall and slender. , The waist is slender like a willow, and the body is graceful, unable to pick out the slightest flaw.

Her looks are also beautiful, on top of a pretty face, smooth, soft and glossy skin, crystal clear and near-transparent, exquisite features with a proud figure, and mature women The charm of people can be called a masterpiece of heaven, and the beauty is suffocating.

However, her face was a little sickly pale, and I felt pity.

Needless to say, the beautiful woman is Helianqian.

At this moment, she opened her mouth and stared at Yang Xuan in a daze, “Are you!?”

“I…” Yang Xuan stopped talking and held back for a long time. He walked over, thumped and knelt down in front of the xiu couch: “mother, it’s me!”

“You, you are Xuan’er!” He Lianqian’s voice trembled, and her face was surprised and happy.

She felt familiar at first sight of Yang Xuan, because Yang Xuan’s appearance was too similar to Yang Tian, ​​almost carved out of a mold, but Yang Xuan was younger and looked slightly Immature that’s all.

“Xuan’er, hurry up, hurry up.”

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