The silver boat is the flying boat.

Hurrying on the road last night, I came to Vast Lotus Mountain without accident this morning.


Shortly after going all the way to the Vast Lotus Mountain pulse, the long howl of pierce gold and split stone came, a giant eagle with a head of seven or eight meters, fast Leaped from a distance, and the monster qi soared into the sky.

“Yeah, bird, you are tired and crooked.”

The baby yelled, rounded his eyes, controlled the flying boat, and greeted him with a swish. The speed is incredible.


Giant eagle is a Level 4 Demonic beast. It is the absolute overlord of this area. It is powerful, but seeing Feitianzhou speed magnify in front of its eyes, its heart immediately Becomes panic, flutters his wings and wants to hide.

However, it is too late.

With a bang, the giant eagle burst into pieces, and was smashed by the flying boat, turning into blood mist, scaring countless Demonic beast shiver coldly in the mountains below, creeping on the ground.

“Girl, good job!” In the flying boat, the purgatory boy was full of praise.

Yang Xuan is speechless. The baby follows his master, and is accustomed to murder scenes, and his character gradually becomes violent.

Flying all the way in the past few days, the Demonic beast that was killed and injured by her flying a flying boat has not ten but seven or eight.

“It’s fun, it’s so fun!” The baby danced with his hands, not happy.

“Baby, you are still young, can you, um, be gentle…”

“Didn’t the big brother say that when treating the enemy, he must be ruthless, let him turn forever If you can’t get out of it, your baby will learn from you.”

The baby looked serious and honest, and Yang Xuan was speechless.

What else can he say, he can only tell the baby not to have too much fun, after all, Vast Lotus Mountain has a vicious ancient relic.

Yang Fu saw all this in his eyes for a while also didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but this is also normal, the baby follows Yang Xuan, all day long, he hears more and sees more Now, the character will naturally be affected.

Time slowly passed, and the baby killed a few eyesless Demonic beasts. It was a great fun to play. Fortunately, there was no powerful ancient relic on the road.

This is not surprising. After all, there are many Sects in Vast Lotus Mountain’s veins. From time to time, Elders of various factions will unite to kill the ancient relics, otherwise they will inevitably be dangerous when they go out.

Yang Xuan was happy to see the baby, and let her go.

After half an hour, Feitianzhou is getting closer and closer to the Grand Purity Palace. It is estimated that there will be 2,000-3,000 miles to reach.

“Boy, there is a noble one.”

At this moment, the purgatory boy suddenly said.

The voice was still there, a powerful pressure fell like a sky, and the speed of the flying boat dropped sharply, and finally stopped, as if it was trapped in a quagmire, impossible to move even a little bit.

“It should be the Venerable Grand Purity Palace, but I don’t know who it is?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, he took off the Tianzhou, and people appeared in the sky. .

Under the blowing of the mountain breeze, he stood firm, his posture was straight, and his black hair was flying around. Although he was only the cultivation base of Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, he had an invincible demeanor in his gestures.

As he appeared, an old man appeared in the void ten meters ahead.

The old man is tall and thin, with a blue clothed body. Although he doesn’t have much imposing manner on his body, he feels invincible just standing there.

“Boy Yang Xuan, I have seen Venerable Yun!”

Yang Xuan saw the blue clothed old man immediately cup one fist in the other hand gave a salute, he had I saw the Grand Purity Palace Yun Venerable outside the Supreme Profound Palace, and he recognized it at a glance.

“Yang Xuan, what’s the matter with you coming to my Grand Purity Palace?” Venerable Yun’s voice was calm, but with great majesty.

He has not secluded cultivation recently. As soon as Fei Tianzhou appeared in his domain, he felt it, and I came to check it out.

“Frankly, this kid is going to Grand Purity Palace, just to take someone away.” Yang Xuan said.


“Your sect Outer Disciple Fang Qingxue, she and I are from Stars Island, and she was the same sect Junior Sister, and she has already secretly promised me. I don’t marry, just because my cultivation base was too low half a year ago, otherwise she would not be brought to Your sect cultivation by Fang Family’s ancestor Fang Tian.”

“Fang Qingxue has good roots and strong talents. It’s rare in ancient and modern times. It’s the genius discipline cultivated by my Grand Purity Palace. I have consumed countless resources on her over the past six months. You……”

Before speaking, Yang Xuan said: “Yun Zun Yeah, just tell me, how can I take Fang Qingxue away?”


Venerable Yun raised his brows, his expression fluctuated, Fang Qingxue is The genius of their Grand Purity Palace is correct, but the resources they consume are not much. In fact, Fang Qingxue can have today’s cultivation base, most of which is attributed to Fang Family Old Ancestor Fang Tian.

“Venerable Yun, how about the kid giving Your sect a drop of Spring of Life?” Yang Xuan suddenly said.

“You have Spring of Life!?” Venerable Yun was moved, his face could not be suppressed with surprise.


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