Many people swallowed their saliva secretly. When is this time? This child still has time to hook up Fang Qingxue. Didn’t he realize that Wang Teng has fallen into a state of rampage?

Wang Teng’s expression is ferocious, his eyes are breathing fire, and he is indeed about to run away.

His cultivation has never been so humiliated, especially in the presence of countless same sect Junior Brother Junior Sisters.

For him, this is extraordinary shame and humiliation, which is tolerable or unbearable.

“Wang Teng, same sect is forbidden to kill each other, don’t be impulsive.”

The azure clothed old man who hosted the outer sect martial arts club changed his color and said, he felt Wang Teng body Knowing that Wang Teng will kill Yang Xuan if he doesn’t say anything to stop him, making a big mistake.

“Go to death.”

Wang Teng roared, and ignored the words of the azure clothed old man, instead, murderous-looking pounced on Yang Xuan.

This time he no longer underestimated Yang Xuan. Once he shot his hand, he was a unique master. A right hand Origin Force spewed and turned into a ten-meter-large golden giant claw with no stronghold one cannot overcome. The speed was as fast as electricity and he grabbed Yang Xuan, very hot and ruthless.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, does not dodge or dodge, and greets him with a punch.

“mayfly shaking a tree!”

The murderous intention in Wang Teng’s eyes is awe-inspiring. His move is called Tearing Mountain and Broken Mountain, which is a Heaven Grade top-level secret technique.

Under the urging of his strong Origin Force, he may not be able to really tear down the mountains and the mountains, but it is more than enough to kill the ordinary martial artist of the first state, let alone Yang Xuan only has Celestial Realm cultivation base.

In his opinion, this blow is enough for Yang Xuan skeleton doesn’t exist, and the corpse is on the spot.

Unfortunately, the result was beyond his expectations.

Yang Xuan punched out and hit the golden giant claw accurately.

“bang! ”

The golden giant claw trembles, and then it smashes to pieces, creating a strong wind.

Under this strong wind, Yang Xuan was like a mountain, motionless, but Wang Teng was a little unstoppable. He was thrown off and turned a few somersaults, although he didn’t suffer much. It hurts, but the black hair is messy, and I feel a little embarrassed.


The eyes of the audience nearly stared out, and even the azure clothed old man who hosted the martial arts meeting was stunned.

Everyone can see that Wang Teng used a killer move, but Yang Xuan eventually punched him through. The battle strength is incredible.

“Impossible, I want to kill you.”

Wang Teng steadied his body, then roared and rushed to fight with Yang Xuan.

He is one of the seven Inner Sect True Disciples of the Grand Purity Palace. He not only cultivated various faculties, but also awakened the Xeon Martial Spirit.

As his cyan ray shines all over him, a layer of bizarre azure scales suddenly appeared on his body. Not to mention the sudden increase in defensive power, his strength has also increased a lot.

“Qinglin Martial Spirit, this is Qinglin Martial!”

There was an uproar in the audience, no one didn’t expect that Wang Teng would be forced to even Qinglin Martial. Spirit is used.

Blue scale Martial Spirit, a sacred beast Martial Spirit, derived from a kind of Antiquity Variation Beast. Once this Martial Spirit is activated, it will be covered with azure scale armor, not only impervious to sword and spear, Will become strong as an ox.

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

Wang Teng’s figure flickered, and his large hands were also covered with azure scales. The ten fingers even turned into ten sharp claws like sharp claws, and he greeted Yang Xuan like a thunder.

Each hit is vigorous, and the breath is fierce, enough to tear a small mountain to life, terrifying, just like a human-shaped ominous beast.

However, Yang Xuan actually took it all down. His figure leaped horizontally and horizontally. His pair of fists were swift and powerful, which shook Wang Teng’s sharp claw. When the two collided, the sky was full of brilliance and vigor. .

“Did you find out, he actually didn’t use Origin Force!”

“I saw it early, this child fleshy body is extremely strong, it can be comparable to True Dragon cubs, Lian Wang Teng Senior Brother’s green scale Martial Spirit can’t break his defense either!”

“It’s not just that the fleshy body is strong, and his melee combat is incomparable!”

Watching the two fiercely confronting each other in the sky, hundreds of tricks were fought, and no one had any choice. Everyone who watched the battle was not calm.

A Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer’s Inner Disciple, only with fleshy body can draw a tie with Wang Teng who inspired the Qinglin Martial Spirit, not seeing it in person, who can believe it?

At this moment, even Yuechan Fairy’s beautiful eyes widened, and Fang Qingxue’s side opened her mouth completely, unable to close it for a long time.

“Go to death!”

For a long time, Wang Teng became mad, and his Origin Force broke out in vain. The imposing manner was strong, and his speed and strength also increased several times. Moving around, a claw fiercely slashed down and pointed directly at Yang Xuan’s top of the head.


Yang Xuan moved horizontally, avoiding it fast as lightning, but he had no light to evade. One right leg lifted up and swept out, the power of one leg, the churning world and the sound of thunder Unstoppable, fast and violent, unstoppable.

Wang Teng’s claw fell to the ground. The old force had just left and the new force was not born, so he could not avoid it. He could only pull up a left arm covered with blue scales to harden it, and it was dangerous and dangerous to block it. One leg.

It’s just that the power of this kick is too strong, he just feels that his whole body is hammered, and his body flies out on the spot.

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