“hehe, Big Brother Yang misses you too.”

Yang Xuan smiled softly, hugged the little girl’s increasingly plump waist, staring at her full of tears Her beautiful and pretty face, she felt pity in her heart.

“Big Brother Yang, is it really you, am I not dreaming?”

Fang Qingxue raised her head and stared at Yang Xuan in a daze, fearing that it was a dream. After waking up from the dream, everything becomes nothingness.

“It’s me. If you don’t believe me, touch it with your hands.” Yang Xuan said softly, with affection in his eyes.

“Very good, it’s really Big Brother Yang.” Fang Qingxue stretched out her little hand, touched Yang Xuan’s face, and suddenly became happy.

Only dying from the Fang Family ancestor Fang Tian, ​​she has rarely laughed.

But after seeing Yang Xuan, she smiled again on her face, sweet and innocent.

“Girl, I made you suffer, Big Brother Yang should have come to pick you up.”

Yang Xuan held the little girl with one hand and wiped the tears from her face with the other. The movements are extremely gentle, like cherishing an extremely fragile artwork.

“No, Xueer is not bitter at all.” Fang Qingxue shook her head and hugged Yang Xuan tightly, fearing that he would leave.

Smelling the fragrance of Meiren’er and feeling the body temperature from her exquisite body, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but feel a little bit happy.

He put his head on Fang Qingxue’s ears and smiled badly: “Good Xueer, I haven’t seen you for half a year. Your body seems to be plump a lot!”

“Rogue! “

Yue Chan Fairy scolded lightly. She was on the side, very close to Yang Xuan and Fang Qingxue. Naturally, she heard Yang Xuan’s smirk.

“The nature of color, lust is the nature of men, especially my Xiao Xueer is so beautiful.”

Yang Xuan turned his head and glanced at the pupil light, the cold moon cicada Fairy , Immediately turned his head and looked towards Fang Qingxue in front of him, “Xue’er, am I right?”

“I, I don’t know.”

Fang Qingxue’s pretty face blushed, shy He buried his head in the arms of the man and made him laughed heartily.

“This, this, this…”

Many Outer Disciples in the Grand Purity Palace were dumbfounded. Is this the Fairy in mind clear as ice and clean as jade? She was just a little girl who fell in love.

Looking at Fang Qingxue’s blushing face nestled in Yang Xuan’s arms, many young men dropped their jaws and were completely stupid.

“Yang Xuan, take out your dirty hands, Fang Qingxue is my Grand Purity Palace Outer Disciple, how can you allow you to be so profane?”

Wang Teng was so angry.

“Fang Qingxue is my wife, and my trip is to take her away.”

Yang Xuan looked around the audience, every word was authentic.

“What thing are you, if you want to take Qingxue Junior Sister, take it?”

Yang Xuan’s words undoubtedly aroused public anger, and countless people want to rush to fiercely to teach you a lesson He had a meal, but thinking of what he had done inside and outside the Supreme Profound Palace, one by one did not dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step.

“Yang Xuan, this is the Grand Purity Palace, not your Sword God Palace. Do you think you can take Fang Qingxue away?” Wang Teng laughed extremely angry.

“Big Brother Yang, go quickly, Xueer will be very happy to see you.”

Fang Qingxue said hurriedly, afraid that Yang Xuan would be in danger.

As Wang Teng said, this is the Grand Purity Palace. It is estimated that there will be a large number of Outer Elders in the Grand Purity Palace soon.

“It’s okay, Big Brother Yang said that if you want to take you away, I will take you away. I want to see who dares to stop me.” Yang Xuan proudly ten thousand zhang, hugged Fang Qingxue and stood up, but others As soon as he flew up, Wang Teng arrived in midair and intercepted him.

“Do you think you can stop me?”

Yang Xuan looked towards Wang Teng, a word of serene, but inexhaustible dominance and strength.


Wang Teng’s face is gloomy and uncertain. Yang Xuan can even kill Chen Hanlin of Cloudy Ghost Sect. He is indeed not sure to stop Yang Xuan. Furthermore, in the battle with Yang Xuan just now, he also deeply realized how terrifying Yang Xuan’s strength is.

“Okay, Wang Teng, let him go.”

Just when Wang Teng if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, an old but majestic one The sound rang and spread throughout Martial Arena.

Everyone looked up and saw a blue clothed old man with kind eyebrows standing on the sky.

“pay respects to Venerable Yun!”

“pay respects to Venerable Yun!”

I don’t know who bowed, and then everything People all followed to salute, and the attitude was not respectful. This is one of the Three Great Venerables of their Grand Purity Palace Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, and the status is equal to the king.

“Exemption.” Venerable Yun waved his hand, staring at Yang Xuan and said: “Yang Xuan, didn’t this deity make you lower-key?”

“Sorry, Yun Zun Who.” Yang Xuan could only say what he could say.

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