The women are all here at the moment. The horny man rubbed his hands as soon as he stepped into the lobby on the first floor, frivolously saying: “Wife, how about a big sleep tonight?”


“Bad embryo!”

“Big brother, true color, ignore you.”

Xia Yuwei, Shen Yuexin, Fang Qingxue and Gu Qingying As birds and beasts scattered, they all ran upstairs.

With a passing effort, apart from Yang Xuan, Su Ziyao was the only one left in the hall.

“My Yaoer wife is still the best!” Yang Xuan hurried to Su Ziyao, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, telling the pain of lovesickness these days.

“Little thief, I’m worried about me this time. If you have a long and two shortcomings, what should we do?” Su Ziyao snuggled into the man’s arms in tears, and she naturally heard of the Supreme Profound God What happened inside and outside the house was extremely anxious at the time.

“Okay, haven’t I returned safely?” Yang Xuan offered comfort.

“I won’t leave this time when I come back?”


Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, he hesitated slightly, or will The Master War King’s agreement said.

“What, are you going to go out for a year!?” Su Ziyao’s face faded, she didn’t expect Yang Xuan just came back, and had to leave after more than two months, and it would be a year after going.

“Yao’er, I have to despite increasing cultivation base, so that I can enter the Eternal Life Palace a year later in order to gain more good luck.”

“You go, we What should I do?”

“If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the midst of the day, let alone a short year, Husband assures you that we will never be separated again when we come back in a year “

“Isn’t there another Eternal Life Palace?”

“If you are willing, I will bring you, to never leave each other, life and death follow.”

“This is what you said, you can’t go back.”

“Go back is a puppy.”

“pu chi!”

Su Ziyao broke her tears and smiled, giving Yang Xuan a white look.

Chapter 441 Recognizing Father

It is night, moon and stars are rare.

In an elegantly furnished room, brightly lit and incense diffuses.

Yang Xuan sat on the side of the bed with his legs upright. Not far in front of him, Su Ziyao’s hair was curled up high, and his body was faintly discernible underneath the white neon clothes.

Yang Xuan’s eyes gleamed, swallowed saliva and said with difficulty. Although he had been in love with Su Ziyao countless times, he was still shocked when he saw the beautiful woman just after bathing.

Compared with Xia Yuwei, Su Ziyao’s body may be slightly inferior, but she is also tall and slim, with perfect body parts.


Su Ziyao walked slowly to Yang Xuan with a slender waist and a faint scent.

“Yao’er!” Yang Xuan couldn’t help himself, pulling her into his arms, and then it was a “war”.

In the middle of the night, until Su Ziyao asked for mercy, Yang Xuan won gold to retreat and sleep with beauty…

“It’s finally over…”

Xia Yuwei, Shen Yuexin , Fang Qingxue, Gu Qingying, took a long sigh, and Qi Qi collapsed on the bed.

The movement in the next room was so intense that it made them toss and turn, it was difficult to fall asleep, and they felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

Xia Yuwei and Shen Yuexin are a little better, after all, this is not the first time they have heard such a voice.

But Fang Qingxue and Gu Qingying are different. The two little girls heard the shy, human voice between the man and the woman, Face is red.

When the sound subsided, the two women seemed to have just been fished out of the water.


The next day, the sun has risen very high, Su Ziyao is still asleep, her face is tired after extreme joy, but at the corner of her lips, With a faint smile of contentment.

Yang Xuan leaned sideways, staring at the sleeping beauty of Haitang, unconsciously thinking about it again, but thinking of the madness last night, after all, he restrained the evil fire in his heart. , Put on his clothes and quietly walked out of the room, and happened to meet Xia Yuwei and Shen Yuexin who came out of the next room.

“Good morning, two wives!” Yang Xuan greeted him with a smile on his face.

“Asshole.” Shen Yuexin cursed, and hurried downstairs, running fast all the way.

“Little bastard, you are too hateful, you don’t know how to pity Yao’er younger sister.”

Xia Yuwei didn’t leave, she reached out and pinched Yang Xuan’s waist.

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