After so few days, he finally began to cultivated.

This morning, on the Inner Sect Cuiyun Peak, in the former courtyard of Qin Lan, Yang Xuan sit cross-legged in the practice room, preparing for the Divine Refining Technique for cultivation.

Divine Refining Technique is the Supreme Divine Ability specially used for soul refining passed down from the last Chaos Cycle. The difficulty of cultivation needless to say.

A martial artist just started cultivation, the first thing to do in 1st Step is to cut Divine Soul by himself.

This step is extremely critical and dangerous, and Yang Xuan has to be cautious.

He first meditated on Refining Qi, adjusted Essence, Qi, and Spirit to the best state, then held his breath, his spirit strength turned into an invisible sword, and fiercely slashed towards Divine Soul.

At this moment, if you look in perspective, you can see the Divine Soul in his Sea of ​​Consciousness trembling violently.

next moment, a strand of white Divine Soul thread fell off from the complete Divine Soul.

The whole process is very short, but it makes Yang Xuan feel almost the soul flew away and scattered. The sharp pain can’t be described with pen and ink. The pain makes him grin with teeth, and the expression is hideous.

This is still his determination, otherwise he would have passed out a long time ago.

“Only after bitter hardships, can be better than others, hold back, I have to hold back.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth and worked according to the Divine Refining Technique method, once again condense a little spirit strength into a sharp sword, and cut it on the complete Divine Soul.

Yes, it is cutting, of course, it can also be called Divine Soul, or peeling the cocoon.

As the spirit strength sword touched Divine Soul, Yang Xuan felt that his entire head was about to explode, but with tenacious perseverance, he finally managed to withstand it.

Soon, the second Divine Soul thread was cut.

It feels like Ling Chi, except that Ling Chi is targeting Fleshy body, while Yang Xuan is now Ling Chi on Divine Soul.

“Ho ho!” Yang Xuan’s upper and lower teeth trembled, and the pain seemed to roar towards the sky.

“Scream if you want, as long as you don’t faint.” The purgatory boy laughed.

“Shut up!”

Yang Xuan was furious. This brat is too unconscionable. Didn’t you see that he was so uncomfortable?

However, Yang Xuan was delighted that his anger was vented, and Divine Soul’s pain was reduced a little. Although the magnitude was small, he was able to take a breath.

“Smelly brat, how do you feel, do you feel more comfortable?” The purgatory boy hummed.

“Boy, thanks.” Yang Xuan then understood that the purgatory boy was to help himself.

“It’s just a trivial matter.”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer any more. He took a short break, clinging to the spirit of Qingming, and began a tragic self-harm…

This is the Divine Refining Technique. It does not require too high talent. It is a martial artist who can cultivation with this technique, but not any martial artist can cultivation success. After all, it is a dangerous and dangerous thing to peel off Divine Soul. A bad person has to become an idiot and even die on the spot.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

In the exercise room, the screams are endless, and the sound insulation effect is very good. People outside can’t hear it, otherwise Su Ziyao and other women will not be able to rush in.

In just one hour, Yang Xuan kept peeling off Divine Soul, which was painful.

But in order to become stronger, no matter how painful he is, he has to hold on.

In one hour, he reluctantly cut nine strands of Divine Soul silk.

As the Supreme Divine Ability of the last Chaos Cycle element, the Divine Refining Technique can be subdivided into four stages: Entry, Small Accomplishment, Zhongcheng, and Great Accomplishment, each of which corresponds to a corresponding Divine Soul silk thread.

Let’s put it this way, Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth threads below the Divine Soul thread are counted as getting started.

More than Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth thread Divine Soul silk thread, Small Accomplishment!

More than 9,999 threads of Divine Soul silk thread, success!

Achieved 99,999 Divine Soul threads, Great Accomplishment!

Zhongcheng and Legendary Great Accomplishment have not mentioned yet, even Small Accomplishment is destined to be a long and arduous process.

Without great perseverance, grandeur, success is impossible.

Yang Xuan two lives, the temperament is calm, and he is not eager for success. After successfully cutting the nine Divine Soul threads, he collapsed to the ground and hu hu fell asleep.

He is too tired and his spirit strength is seriously overdrawn. If he doesn’t take a good rest, he feels that his Divine Soul will collapse immediately.

Just when Yang Xuan was resting, his Divine Soul also undergoes a strange mutation.

I saw nine strands of Divine Soul silk thread that were as thin as a hair, walking back and forth around his Divine Soul in a counterclockwise direction, exuding a strange suction.

Under this suction force, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth slowly poured into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, nourished his Divine Soul, and made his Divine Soul growing all the time.

This speed is very slow, but it is also very powerful under accumulated over a long period of time.

It is no exaggeration to say that his spirit strength everyday all is growing.

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