Unfortunately, it is too late.

Tu Fei ran the Origin Force, and the magical talisman in his hand suddenly exploded, and his figure disappeared out of thin air, leaving a spiteful voice echoing in this world.

“He Shaotian, and you, Dongfang Yun, you are forcing me to use the hidden talisman, just wait for my revenge.”

Chapter 448, where do you escape?

“This guy actually has a magical talisman on his body!”

The handsome man came across the sky, very fast, and steadily landed beside He Shaotian.

“The god hidden talisman is strong, but it can only last for half a minute at most. He can’t escape far. It must be hidden in the jungle ahead. We only need to search, Sooner or later we can get him out.” He Shaotian said.

“Tu Fei’s strength is not bad, we have to be careful, don’t forget his way.”

The handsome man is frowned, he is the Dongfang in Tu Fei’s mouth. Yun, a family background out of the ordinary, has shown extremely high aptitude since childhood, a genius student from Vermilion Bird Academy.

Just as the two talked, a large group of people broke through the air, and a woman fell in front of Dongfang Yun and asked abruptly: “Dongfang Senior, where is the thief Tu Fei?”

The woman is eighteen years old, she is very beautiful and she has a slim figure.

Furthermore, this woman does not look like a pure human. She has a pair of fire red wings behind her, and she wears a snow-white neon garment woven from unknown materials. The feather skirt is embroidered with a mini Vermilion Bird about the size of a palm, obviously from the Vermilion Bird Academy.

“Run!” Dongfang Yun couldn’t help showing a wry smile when she heard the woman ask Tu Fei.

“What, ran away, what did you two guys do, they didn’t join hands to catch them.”

A horse-faced man jumped out and pulled the drake Shouted like a voice.

This guy is thin, with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks. His face is slightly pale, and his eye sockets are also light black. At first glance, he can see that he is intoxicated with alcohol all the year round, which has caused his body to be empty.

However, his cultivation base is not low. He has reached the 8 Heavenly Layer of Homecoming. He is also a white robe that is untainted by even a speck of dust, except that the back of the white robe is embroidered Black Tortoise looking up at the sky.

“What is it called, you can do it, why are you here now, um, that’s right, you are running so slowly with an old turtle behind you,” He Shaotian said in an angry manner.

“He Shaotian, you dare to humiliate me, I want to fight you.”

The horse-faced man jumped like thunder, his eyes burning with anger, clang pulled out the saber around waist, and his sword pointed at He Shaotian .

On the Sacred Domain continent, if the two parties have a conflict, they can propose a duel to the other party, so that regardless of life or death, the forces behind themselves cannot retaliate afterwards.

Of course, be that as it may, but if you really want to kill someone with a deep background, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the Sacred Domain continent.

“It’s ridiculous, because you rely on the wine skin and rice bag piled up by the medicine pill, what qualifications do you have to fight me?”

He Shaotian said with contempt: “Zhang Yuntao , It’s not that I, He Shaotian, look down on you, you can’t even catch one of my moves. You can’t even put away your sword now, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences.”


Zhang Yuntao’s seven orifices were trembling with anger, and he was also a genius student at Profound Martial College. At this moment, there are seven or eight Junior Brothers from the same Academy behind him. Unexpectedly, He Shaotian would not save him a little face. Said, and scolded him face-to-face for wine skin and rice bag, degrading him worthless.

This class of Chi Guoguo’s humiliation, while he was angry, he was also embarrassed and hated He Shaotian.

“What are you? I count three times. After three times, if your sword dares to point at me, I will break your arm.”

He Shaotian coldly said.

“He Shaotian, you are too crazy!” Zhang Yuntao jumped angrily.

“Okay, it’s important to catch Tu Fei right now, so stop quarreling between the two.” Dongfang Yun frowns saying.

“It’s not that I want to quarrel with him, but this guy is too arrogant and has a natural mouth. Didn’t he laugh at us for not catching Tu Fei? That’s good, let him take the lead. Go to the previous jungle and capture Tu Fei.” He Shaotian said indifferently.

“A lewd, thief with no background, that’s all, when I can’t catch him?”

Zhang Yuntao’s nose is coldly snorted, and seven or eight behind him are from Profound Martial College. The students said: “Every Junior Brother, follow me into the forest and catch Tu Fei.”

“Here, Senior, although Tu Fei is a thief, but his strength is not weak, we still have a relationship with Dongfang Senior They are ready to act together.”

Someone said bitterly. Among them, the highest cultivation base is 3 Heavenly Layer. A group of people followed the arrogant and conceited Zhang Yuntao into the jungle. To be annihilated, violent death.

“A bunch of trash, I am really angry.”

Zhang Yuntao saw a few Junior Brothers moving, and his face changed to pig liver color on the spot. The ugly is just as ugly.

“pu chi!”

A young girl couldn’t help but laughed out loud on the spot. The coquettish appearance made many young men in the audience look sideways, and their mouths were dry.

This woman’s name is Yi Xiu’er, who is a genius student of Vermilion Bird Academy. Although she is only 15 years old this year, she is the cultivation base of Celestial Realm Peak.

Especially she is a Fox Race woman, her skin can be broken by blows, her pale red wavy hair, a pair of pointed fox ears faintly discernible, and a fluffy pale red tail behind her , The long is extremely beautiful, the hook and the person who can’t tell with a smile.

In the mainland of Sacred Domain, anyone who marries a fox girl as his wife is absolutely envious of others.

“Xiu’er junior sister, what are you laughing at?” Even Zhang Yuntao was attracted by Yi Xiu’er, his face was full of smiles.

The pair of eyeballs scanned Yi Xiu’er’s plump peaks and slender legs, and the Little Brother underneath gradually became no longer able to guard himself and almost couldn’t help but pounce on the little fox. Women rectify the Fa on the spot.

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