Yang Xuan stepped on both feet and rushed towards Tu Fei in a straight line. Along the way, waves of air roared and rolled up the fallen leaves and sand all over the ground with great momentum.

Tu Fei changed color. This speed and momentum appeared on a boy from Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, which was incredible.

But he is also a fierce person, and he came back to his senses after a brief absence, “little bastard, I don’t believe I can’t kill you.”

The voice is still there, and he takes out A rays of light brilliant talisman, but before he could throw it out, an invisible storm surged in and hit him first.


Tu Fei vomited blood with a big mouth, staggered backwards, his face was no more bloody, and he lost his voice: “Divine Soul secret technique, this is the legendary Divine Soul secret technique! “

Chapter 450 The charming little fox girl

“This is my new trick, how do you feel?”

Yang Xuan puts his arms around his chest , A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. This was the first time he had used Spiritual Storm on an enemy. The effect was unexpectedly good. One blow hit Tu Fei’s Divine Soul hard.

This is still Tu Fei’s high cultivation base, and Divine Soul is strong enough, otherwise, just with this one, you will immediately have the soul flew away and scattered, and the dead body is on the spot.

“Boy, your motherfucker is so despicable!”

Tu Fei’s eyes were violent, his eyes were burning with anger, and his chest was undulating.

Since his debut, he is also a cunning man by nature. Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan is even more cunning and insidious than him. It looks like he is going to fight him head-on, but in fact he is secretly attacking him with Divine Soul. Secret skills sneak attack him.

Especially this so-called Spiritual Storm is also powerful terrifying, which makes you can’t guard against it, and it makes Divine Soul almost collapse in one fell swoop.

“What about despicable, I am never an upright gentleman anyway.”

Yang Xuan casually smiled, his previous life such as poisoning, sneak attack, knocking sap, etc. I haven’t done anything less, and I don’t feel anything at all.

“Little devil, this old man, I’ve written it down. See you next time, I must have a debt of blood must be paid in blood.”

Tu Fei right hand bluff, photo Yi Xiu’er, who was unconscious, threw it at Yang Xuan abruptly, but he turned around and fled, fleeing all the way.

“Want to go?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of Origin Force turned into a large net and Yi Xiu’er fell to the ground.

At the same time, the blood light on his ribs is shining, and a pair of blood-colored giant wings spread out, which is 50-60 meters large.

This is the blood wing of Blood Race. Under the urging of the strong Origin Force, Yang Xuan shot out with a whistling speed. The speed is incredible. Tu Fei can’t escape more than ten meters away. He was caught up.

“Damn, what is your pair of wings!?” Tu Fei turned his head and looked around, exclaiming again and again, this kid is too evil, the cultivated legendary Divine Soul secret skills are still long. With two terrifying scarlet wings.

“Do you know Blood Race, this is the Innate Divine Ability of Blood Race.”

Yang Xuan sneered, shaking his wings, and dived down, intercepting him in front of Tu Fei .

“You are the already extinct Blood Race!”

Tu Fei suddenly changed color. In their Sacred Domain Great World, Blood Race was once a big family, but due to too much bloodthirsty Cruel, it was slaughtered by powerhouses of all races as early as 10,000 years ago. Who knows that this kid actually has the blood wings of Blood Race.

“Have you finished explaining your last words?” Yang Xuan put away his blood wings and strode towards Tu Fei, looking at the other person as if he was looking at a prey.

“bully intolerably, I fight with you!” Tu Fei eye shows the ominous light, a sharp sword in his hand shook, and a sword pierced Yang Xuan’s throat.

“You want to work hard with me, you are not worthy.”

Yang Xuan took a quick look, grabbed the attacking sword, and then twisted it sharply.

Ka-cha sounded, and a high grade Spirit Sword was cut into two pieces.

“Are you still a human!?”

Tu Fei’s gallbladder was splitting, and he quickly backed away, looking at Yang Xuan like a monster, how hard a high grade Spirit Sword was. Squeeze it off with bare hands, especially when the opponent hasn’t used Origin Force yet.

“What nonsense, your grandfather is of course a human being.”

Between words, Yang Xuan flew out, his fists struck out in succession, and after a series of muffled crackles, Tu Flying bloody nose and swollen face, covered in blood, fell on his knees, “cough cough, forgive me, I, I will give you all my belongings.”

Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength too terrifying, He just received a few punches, and the internal organs were all shattered. If he received a few more punches, he would be killed instantly.

“Do you think I will let you go?”

Yang Xuan shook his robe, lowered his head and looked down at Tu Fei, a pair of cold light shot in his eyes, his The style of behavior is that once you become an enemy, you must get rid of it as soon as possible, so as not to leave yourself with trouble.

“if one can let people off, then spare them, didn’t I leave that little fox girl to you?”

Tu Fei noticed the murderous in Yang Xuan’s eyes Intention, the body could not help but tremble.

He could see that the kid in front of him is a regardless of the law and of natural morality, a fierce person who regards life as a musty.

“Hand over the storage ring.” Yang Xuan hands behind ones back, a word of serene.

“I hand over the storage ring, can you live around me?” Tu Fei stared at Yang Xuan, his expression changing.

“Yes.” Yang Xuan nodded.

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