” Stop talking nonsense, did you kill Tu Fei?” Zhang Yuntao complexion sank asked.

“It’s ridiculous, what kind of bird stuff are you, if you ask, do I have to answer it?”

Yang Xuan’s face became cold, and his most uncomfortable was Zhang Yuntao, a arrogant person, so It’s not very polite to speak.


Yi Xiu’er, Dongfang Yun, He Shaotian, and everyone present are all startled, as if didn’t expect Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is not high. The words are so strong.

“Little devil, you are so tired and crooked.”

Zhang Yuntao was furious, slammed into Yang Xuan’s chest with a sprint, and he was not cruel.

Unfortunately, he met Yang Xuan and was destined to become a joke.

Yang Xuan’s figure fluttered backwards, easily avoiding his fists.

“Do you still dare to hide?”

Zhang Yuntao’s blue veins violently jumped on his forehead. He dignified the expert of the 8 Heavenly Layer of Guiyi Realm. If there is no such thing as a Celestial Realm kid, he will let him pass it out. People laugh out loud.

For a time, he strode to chase, urging Origin Force, swept out with one foot, and kicked Yang Xuan’s head.

However, it still fell through. Yang Xuan’s body flashed and evaporated out of thin air.

“Where are the people!”

“On top!”

“Damn, is he really a Celestial Realm martial artist!?”

The audience shouted loudly. Many people looked up and saw a white clothed kid standing in the wind at a height of more than ten meters. It was Yang Xuan or someone.

“Fast speed!”

Dongfang Yun and He Shaotian looked at each other, and clearly saw the look of shock in their eyes.

Don’t talk about Celestial Realm martial artist at this speed. Ordinary martial artist can’t own it. It’s too fast.

“That’s amazing!” Yi Xiu’er covered her mouth and exclaimed, widening her smart eyes. Only then did she clearly understand how strong Yang Xuan really is.

“little bastard, are you a monkey? There is a kind of standing still and fighting me like a man.”

Zhang Yuntao looked up at Yang Xuan, one I almost burst into flames in my eyes.

“Come and fight as you wish.” Yang Xuan’s arms shook, and his words were full of dominance.

“Afraid you will not succeed?”

Zhang Yuntao jumped up, punched and kicked, and launched a fierce attack on Yang Xuan.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

Yang Xuan remained motionless, his fists struck out with lightning, punch after punch, without any moves, but this kind of seemingly disorderly method, but with no difficulty Zhang Yuntao’s attack was completely blocked.

“Go to die, die to Lao Tzu.”

After a long time of fighting, Zhang Yuntao drew out his saber and moved towards Yang Xuan to greet the vitals.

“Be careful!” Seeing Zhang Yuntao drawing his sword, Yi Xiu’er reminded him subconsciously.

“haha, a straw bag that’s all, don’t worry, sister Xiu’er.”

Yang Xuan laughed heartily, his arms and bones rang together, the blood energy all over his body was soaring, his fleshy body was too Stronger, with a flesh and blood fist that shook the top grade Spirit Sword in Zhang Yuntao’s hand, bursting out a series of ding ding dong dong sound of gold and iron.

“Hiss, his fleshy body is comparable to top grade Spirit Sword!”

“Unbelievable, where did this child come out!?”

The people below are not calm anymore. In their eyes, Yang Xuan is clearly an ominous beast, a fleshy body that is tyrannical against the sky.

“Nine Avatars!”

Suddenly, Zhang Yuntao used the trump card’s ultimate move, and the whole person instantly turned into nine people. Everyone is alive, with nose and eyes, and even perception. Can’t tell which is true and false.

“A good secret technique, but unfortunately, it can’t help me.”

Others may not see anything, but Yang Xuan just glances at it and knows who is Zhang Yuntao’s real body Up.

“Suffer to death.”

Zhang Yuntao didn’t know anything about it. The silhouettes of the nine roads were culled like lightning. Everyone held a sharp sword and stabbed Yang Xuan around the body. .

“mayfly shaking a tree.”

Yang Xuan shook his head disdainfully, pupil light locked Zhang Yuntao’s real body, and fisted for the thunder.

“Impossible, can you see who I am!?”

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