With a loud noise, the water splash raised more than ten meters high. It is not difficult to imagine how powerful this slap is.

Zhang Yuntao was stunned on the spot. It took a while before he jumped out of the water, and said angrily: “You fucking…”

Before the words are finished, a slap is fast Zoom in before his eyes and photograph him into the lake again.

“Bastard, you…”

“Your mouth still smells bad, go down and wash.”

“Ah, I will break you The corpse is ten thousand pieces, the bones are thwarted and the ashes.”

“Call a bird, go down.”

Boom, boom, bang! !

One after another, the sound is endless. Just as Zhang Yuntao jumped out of the water, he was slapped and slapped by Yang Xuan and flew down. In the end, he was slapped and passed out, like a floating corpse floating on the lake. , Motionless.

By the lake, a group of people stayed like wooden chickens.

The talented student of dignified Profound Martial College was photographed by a Celestial Realm teenager slap after slap into the lake. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who could believe it?

“If you don’t have a fight, you will lose everything in a few slaps.” Yang Xuan twitched his lips.

hearing this, everyone is speechless, what is a few slaps, your palm force is very strong, OK?

This is because Zhang Yuntao’s cultivation base is not low, and his fleshy body is not weak, otherwise he would have been shot to death.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m already showing mercy.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, fell from a high altitude, came to Yi Xiu’er, and asked:” Girl Xiu’er, how long does it take to get to the Sacred Domain continent from here?”

“You haven’t been to our Sacred Domain continent!?” Yi Xiu’er was astonished, her eyes widened.

“Well, I come from a small remote star. This is the first time I have traveled far.”

“That’s right, but before you go out, your grown-up didn’t give you a star map. Is it?”

“What is the star map?”

“Oh, my sky, the star map is the Star Domain map, you don’t even know this?”


Yi Xiu’er’s mouth opened into an “O” shape. Even in remote places, there should be a simple star map, but Yang Xuan doesn’t even know what the star map is. Dare to come out.

The most incredible thing is that he actually came to Fen Meteorite alive.

“I really don’t know.” Yang Xuan looked embarrassed.

“Forget it, I’ll give you a picture.”

Yi Xiu’er is a kind-hearted little fox girl. I searched the storage ring for a while, and soon He took out a white jade with a big palm and handed it to Yang Xuan.

“This is jade slip, you sink your mind into it, and there is a complete star map of Sacred Domain Great World.”

“Girl Xiu’er, you are so kind , I don’t know if there is a sweetheart?”

“I’m still young, and it’s not time to talk about marriage. By the way, why are you asking this?”

“hehe, Since you don’t have a sweetheart, how about I be your big brother?”

“Who wants you to be my big brother, you, you guy, really can’t spit out ivory from your mouth, don’t give it to you It’s jade slip.”

“Don’t, I admit my mistakes, I confess, and I won’t make jokes anymore.”

Yang Xuan grabbed the jade slip, looked at it, and found out There is a three-dimensional map with a palm.

With a little thought, this three-dimensional map quickly zoomed in, and in a blink of an eye it became several hundred meters large.

This is a huge Star Domain, with many colorful stars appearing in it, and one of the huge stars should be the Sacred Domain continent.

While Yang Xuan was watching the star map, Dongfang Yun walked over and cup one fist in the other hand said: “Dongfang Yun, I don’t know what Little Brother is called?”

“Xiao Feng.” Yang Xuan put away the jade slip and arched his hands.

“Brother Xiao is so strong that I admire him.”

“Brother Dongfang praised me. I am just a fleshy body, and the guy in the lake is nothing. The waste everywhere, the strength is not proportional to the cultivation base.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, there was no arrogance on his face.

Dongfang Yun didn’t say much about this, but instead said: “Tu Fei is the wanted man of our four Great Saint Academy. Brother Xiao doesn’t mind if we take his body away?”

“A corpse that’s all, it’s useless for me to keep it, Brother Dongfang is at will.”

“Thanks, in return, we will take Brother Xiao for a ride, otherwise you It is not easy to reach the mainland of Sacred Domain, and there is a very possibility of encountering star storms on the way.”

“This will be a lot of work.”

“On the way, Brother Xiao is polite.”

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