Under the jurisdiction of the two vice-presidents, there are the Supervisory Hall, Law Enforcement Palace, and Supervision Hall, etc., with clear division of labor and a complete system.

In addition, there are countless cultivation halls and book holding halls in the fourth courtyard. It is the true Martial Arts Holy Land of the Sacred Domain mainland and the entire Sacred Domain Great World. There are countless young people in the Small World. Squeeze the head and want to go in.

The conditions for recruiting students in the Fourth Academy are extremely demanding, and it is hardly not for the elite, which makes many people sigh.

While Yang Xuan’s thoughts were turning, He Shaotian said: “In the fourth academy, I have the strongest teachers in Azure Dragon Academy and the most talented in the academy. Why not consider joining us Azure Dragon Academy?”


“Brother Shaotian, my cultivation is Fire Element Cultivation Art, and I have awakened the Martial Spirit of Flame.”

Yang Xuan opened his right hand, and a scarlet gold rose in his palm. The flame emits extremely high temperature, and the burning void is distorted.

Dongfang Yun and He Shaotian startled and said in unison: “Very powerful Martial Spirit!”

The two come from Great Family. They have seen people and saw scarlet gold at a glance. The terrifying place of the flame.

Throw this flame out, and you can burn to ashes any martial artist below the same level on the spot.

“Let the two laugh.” Yang Xuan laughed, the flames of his palms dispersed.

“Brother Xiao’s fleshy body is strong, and he has awakened the Martial Spirit of the mutant flame. It is really impressive.”

He Shaotian said, he glanced at Dongfang Yun, “You Vermilion Bird Academy tens of thousands of years has ranked bottom every year. This time I will definitely be able to stand up.”

“Indeed, Brother Xiao joined. In the fourth hospital tournament six months later, our Vermilion Bird Academy can at least Promote a ranking.” Dongfang Yun said with a smile.

“Two people, what is this fourth hospital tournament?” Yang Xuan asked.

“The tournament of the Fourth Academy is the battle stage of the students of the Fourth Academy. This confrontation is divided into three levels: Celestial Realm, Guiyi Realm, and Destiny Realm. Each level will determine the top 100, according to each The Academy has entered the top 100 students in the ranking, number, etc., and you can get the corresponding points. If you have more points, the natural ranking will be higher.”

Dongfang Yun said: “In previous years, in the fourth academy tournament, we Vermilion Bird Academy performed extremely poorly at three levels, and no one has even been able to break into the top ten, so in the fourth academy, our Vermilion Bird Academy ranked lowest.”

Speaking of which, Dongfang Yun laughed again “However, although our Vermilion Bird Academy ranks at the bottom, there are hundreds of thousands of students, which is the top four academies.”

“Oh, why is this?” Yang Xuan was curious. .

“Brother Xiao, what do you think of Xiu’er?” Dongfang Yun asked back.

“Very beautiful!”

“Yes, it is pretty, but in our Vermilion Bird Academy, there are three women who are not inferior to Xiuer, and in our Vermilion Bird Academy There are the largest number of female students, and many of them have good looks, so they have attracted many hedonistic sons of rich parents.”

“so that’s how it is!”

“Brother Xiao, it’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day, how about let’s discuss it now?”

At this moment, He Shaotian is a bit eager to have a try.

“On this ship?” Yang Xuan astonished.

“haha, don’t worry, Brother Xiao, this is a treasure ship handed down in the ancient times. Although it is not a Divine Item, its defensive power is comparable to a high grade Divine Item, and the powerhouse of the divine force cannot hurt it. Minutes.” Dongfang Yun said with a big smile.

“So, let’s fight.” Yang Xuan didn’t pretend, and strode to an open field.

“Okay, refreshing enough, but I don’t take advantage of Brother Xiao, let’s compete with Fleshy body.”

“No problem.”

Soon, the fighting broke out, attracting countless people onlookers.

Two people, one is a genius in the inner courtyard of Azure Dragon Academy, and the other is Xiao Feng, who killed Tu Fei and stunned Zhang Yuntao. Before the war, no one dared to assert strong and weaker.

Bang peng~ peng~!!!

The two attacked with fists and kicks, and everyone watching the match was dazzled, and they couldn’t tell how many times the two made their moves.


There was another muffled noise, and the two separated and stood still three meters apart.

“Evenly matched!” Someone sucked coldly, and others stared wide-eyed.

No wonder they are, because He Shaotian is different from Zhang Yuntao. He Shaotian is a real genius. Although he has only returned to the cultivation base of 8 Heavenly Layer, he has skipped grades to kill a few powerhouses. .

Although Yang Xuan and He Shaotian are now competing in fleshy body, this undoubtedly reduces He Shaotian’s strength, but even so, Yang Xuan’s strength is enough to shock people.

“Go on, why don’t you fight anymore?”

Yi Xiu’er waved her pink fist. She was still a little idle. Seeing Yang Xuan and He Shaotian fighting, she immediately started I am interested, wanting to see who is better.

“Sister Xiu’er, if I win, are there any rewards?” Yang Xuan tilted his head and looked towards Yi Xiu’er, raising his eyebrows and smiling.

“What reward do you want?” Yi Xiu’er pouted.

“I don’t want anything. You can blow a kiss to me.”

As soon as this statement came out, many people secretly smacked, because in the Sacred Domain mainland, Yi Xiu’er absolutely He is the sacred and inviolable heaven’s spoiled daughter, who knew Yang Xuan opened his mouth and asked for a kiss.

“Smelly pervert.” Yi Xiu’er was ashamed and angry, and urged He Shaotian: “Senior Shaotian, help me teach him well.”

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