“pay respects to Young Master!”

A group of dozens of people are kneeling on the ground, like a slave who is greeting the master.

“Get up.”

With a wave of his hand, Tyrant Wudao stood on Qiongqi’s back, and pupil light looked around the audience.

No one dared to look at him for a while. His eyes were as sharp as Divine Weapon, which made people feel like being delayed. Not long after, his eyes fixed on Yang Xuan.

Because Yang Xuan didn’t lower his head under his gaze.

Even the expression on his face remained unchanged.


A scornful smile evoked from the corner of Ba Wudao’s mouth, and his eyes turned away from Yang Xuan.

A waste that’s all of Celestial Realm 8 Heavenly Layer. Although he is courageous, he didn’t pay much attention to it, and he didn’t even bother to check it with Qi Viewing Technique.

“Do you treat me like an ant?”

Yang Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a sneer in his heart: “It’s very mad and domineering, but just after it breaks easily, This kind of temper will sooner or later provoke a terrible disaster.”

“How can the person who awakens the Blue Sky Tyrant Body be an idiot, Naha Wudao naturally understands that who can provoke who can’t be offended, and his The more domineering the behavior, the more beneficial it is to him.” The purgatory boy indifferently said.

“What’s the answer to this?” Yang Xuan was surprised.

“It’s very simple. The more overbearing he is, the more Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth can be plundered. Take a closer look. Is Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth converging towards him at a high speed.”

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, but looked intently at Tyrant, only to find that Tyrant’s robe was bulging.

With him as the center, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth riots within several dozen li of radius turned into one after another energy torrent, rushing toward him at an incredible speed, drilling into the pores of his body.

“What’s going on!?”

Such a sight naturally caused an uproar among the countless people in the square, among them those with insight out of the ordinary know what, whispered:” Blue Sky Tyrant Body is not in vain. He is absorbing Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth to refine the fleshy body.”

“Boy, see it, this is Blue Sky Tyrant Body , Looting Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth tempering fleshy body almost all the time.” The purgatory boy said.

Yang Xuan is speechless, this is simply taking the heaven and the earth as the furnace, the vitality as the fire, and constantly training himself.

Even if these people do not deliberately cultivation, the fleshy body will become stronger and stronger until the fleshy body is sanctified.

“haha, cool!”

With a big laugh, the rioting Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth disappeared quickly.

Everyone looked towards the tyrant, and they could clearly hear the crackle sound from his muscles, bones, flesh, bones, bones, flesh, and beans. Needless to say, his fleshy body became stronger again.

At this moment, almost everyone is stunned. This kind of physique doesn’t need the cultivation body tempering secret technique at all, nor does it need to take any body tempering Spirit Fruit. It only absorbs Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth to tempering The fleshy body is enough.


“Yes, I don’t know how powerful his fleshy body can burst out!?”

“At least seven 8000 Jin !”

“Mom, seven 8000 Jin, this fist goes down, the powerhouse of the ordinary fate will have to be crushed on the spot.”

When the audience was noisy, there was an old one. There was a powerful voice, “Quiet.”

The words fell, and the voice rose again, “Domineering, you come to the assessment. My fourth hospital is welcome, but you must also abide by the rules of my fourth hospital. Put your Qiongqi away.”

“Yes.” Nodded, nodded, with a wave of his hand, the Qiongqi under him was included in the jade bracelet on the right hand wrist.

“The beast control ring!” The crowd was surprised again.

The beast control ring belongs to Space Secret Treasure. All Heavens Myriad Realms are extremely rare. Not to mention self becomes a space, it is also suitable for Demonic beast living. It’s just that Qiongqi is Ancient Ominous Beast. The beast ring cannot accept it at all.

“This is definitely a top grade beast control ring!”

Someone whispered, and for a while, countless people’s eyes were all staring at the jade on the right hand wrist. bracelet.

The top grade beast control ring, the value is comparable to a high grade Divine Item. Anyone who sees it will be greedy, but it has an extraordinary history of domineering, and its own strength is extremely strong, and no one dares to beat it. He pays attention.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, the domineering expression remains the same, indifferently said: “Your Excellency, start the assessment.”

The crowd came back to his senses, and their eyes fell one after another. Examine the people who walked out of the hall from the front.

He was an old man with a short stature, white beard and hair, and a dark azure robe. He had the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak.

The old man didn’t pay attention to the domineering, and stepped up to a seven-eight-meter high platform outside the assessment hall, looked around the audience and said: “old man Li Anshan, Azure Dragon Academy Elder, yes This time, the examiner selected by the Fourth Academy.”

“I have seen Old Li.” Many people saluted.

“You don’t need to be polite.”

Li Anshan waved his hand and got back to business. “There are three assessments. First, the bone age is tested. People over 25 years old will not be used for assessment. . Second, test fleshly body strength, which is the basis of Martial Dao cultivation. If the fleshy body is not solid enough, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it’s useless. Third, test the purity of Origin Force. For those who are not pure enough of Origin Force, our Fourth Academy Don’t all.”

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