There is also a message inside, including the time, location and other information of the trial of the four hospitals. Finally, there are several arrays in the token, such as cameras, communications, etc. Features.

“many thanks Old Li.”

Yang Xuan retracted his mind and bowed to Li Anshan.

“Go down for a good cultivation, and strive for good results in half a month.”

Li Anshan is a talent cherishing person, and he really wants to recruit Yang Xuan into Azure Dragon Academy. Even compared to the overbearing and domineering, he favored Yang Xuan, a young talent with introverted edge.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what Li Anshan thought in his heart, and didn’t stay in the square for a long time. He left under the gaze of thousands of eyes.

It’s just a simple assessment, he didn’t take seriously, and he didn’t try his best in the fleshly body strength test just now, otherwise he could destroy the test crystal like a bully pillar.

The reason for this is that I don’t want to show off one’s ability too much, but the double ten results still caused big waves.

“This kid is so amazing. He actually has a double ten score. I have to go and tell Young Master.”

A young man from Peak watched Yang Xuan go away and immediately Soaring into the air, hurried to the center of Holy City.


Jade Emperor Restaurant, located in the most prosperous area in the center of Holy City, is the largest restaurant in Holy City.

The whole restaurant is shining brightly, gold and jade in glorious splendor, with a total of 100 floors, the consumption level is the highest in the entire Holy City.

Even if you are eating a meal in the lobby on the ground floor, you will have to spend thousands of Spirit Stone at least. It is said that for one night in the guest room on the top floor, you have to spend hundreds of Spirit Stone.

hundred thousand Spirit Stone is a hundred thousand top grade yuan stone.

This is not a small number. The average martial artist can only sigh. In addition, Spirit Stone alone is not enough. It is said that only the divine force powerhouse in the top floor can be accommodated.

This is the rule of the Jade Emperor Restaurant, which no one can break.

However, this rule was broken on this day.

I saw a luxuriously decorated suite on the top floor, and a teenager from the Peak of Returning One was sitting on a recliner in front of the window, drinking leisurely.

Juvenile 17-18 years old, black hair is like a waterfall, dashing eyebrows, and features are as handsome as a knife.

He is shirtless to his upper body, wearing only a pair of black shorts underneath, his muscles bulge and exude explosive power, which makes people can’t bear to look directly at him.

“Master, your servant has finished taking a shower…”

At this moment, a greasy sound that made people numb, and then a beautiful young age The woman Lianbu came to the boy and squatted down, gently kneading his thighs.

“Why, you annoying goblin want it again?”

The young man looked down at the woman with a faintly discernable smile at the corner of his mouth. It was because he had Blue Sky Tyrant Body’s domineering.

“The master is necrotic, and your servant is not a fairy.”

The charming eyes of women were like silk.

“I said you are you.”

Indifferently said overbearing, but his words showed an irresistible overbearing.

dong dong dong!! ! !

Suddenly, there was a rush of knocking on the door,

Frowned, but did not speak, and the woman asked dissatisfiedly, “Who?”

“That, Young Master, it’s me, Dong Fang.” Someone outside the door whispered.

“Master, look?” The woman looked at the domineering.

“Go open the door, Dong Fang should have something to report.”


The woman did not dare to defy, she was first in the domineering face After a kiss, he squeezed the water snake’s waist to open the door, and walked in with Dong Fang.

Dong Fang lowered his head and looked steadily forward. The woman in front of him was the imprisonment of their Young Master. If he took a few more glances, it would be a question of whether he could leave this luxurious suite alive.

“Dong Fang, why did you come here?” Domineering looked at Dong Fang and asked expressionlessly.

“Young Master, there is a young man…” Dong Fang knelt on the ground and simply said Yang Xuan’s assessment results.

“Tenth-grade fleshly body strength! Tenth-grade Origin Force fine purity!”

The half-squinted eyes opened in vain, and it was faintly visible that there was murderous intention in the eyes. , In his world, no peers are allowed to be outstanding by him.

“Young Master, the following sentence is true, never dare to make half false words.”

Dong Fang knelt on the ground, dare not to look at each other overbearingly.

“What’s the origin of that kid?” He asked Wudao.

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