This power may be far less than domineering, but you must know that Yang Xuan is not a natural treasure. A teenager with an ordinary physique can practice such Steel Muscles Iron Bones. It really makes people feel somewhat Incredible.

Perhaps the tyrannical right is right. Either Yang Xuan had cultivated a stunning body technique or had taken some kind of body tempering divine medicine, and only then could he have such a tyrannical fleshy body.

Chapter 464 Contending for the same generation

“My fleshy body is far from yours, so I won’t say more.”

Yang Xuan Shaking his head, he asked back: “I hit your dog, shouldn’t you come here to chat with me?”

“The nonsense ends here, I won’t take advantage of you. Will use Origin Force, and will suppress fleshly body strength to a level comparable to yours, and then dignified will defeat you.”

The domineering black hair is scattered, arrogant, and just open your mouth. To battle with Yang Xuan the same realm.

This is the self-confidence of the Blue Sky Tyrant Body. I think that under the same power, Yang Xuan will lose.

Yang Xuan was startled when he heard the unruly words, and then the corners of his mouth rose up, and a faintly discernable smile emerged, “Your temper fits my appetite, but we seem to be doomed Become a friend.”

“I have no friends, and I don’t need friends. Let’s take action.”

“Finally, I will compete with you, but before the war I have to remind you that under the same power, I am invincible.”

“haha, you are crazy, crazy than any genius I have seen in these years, but those who dare to be arrogant in front of me, All ended miserably, and no one died well.”

“Yes, I might be an exception.”

“boast shamelessly, let me meet you and see What kind of abilities do you have?”

He holds his own identity and does not want to make a move first, but Yang Xuan is too mad, and his heart is full of anger, no matter what others look at.

In a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, he stepped on the ground with his feet on the ground, and several meters roared in an instant. He slammed Yang Xuan with a powerful thunderbolt, swiftly and terrifying, punching The wind rumbling.

“It’s just right!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes are like electricity, his black hair is flying, and there is no expression on his face, but on him, there is a cloud of fighting intent rising to the sky .

His movements are clean, steady and accurate. With his right hand spread out his ten fingers, he grabbed his domineering fist and yanked into his arms violently, then he pushed his left knee and hit Ba Wu. Dao lower abdomen, very spicy and merciless.


The cold light in Tyrant Wudao’s eyes was full, and he raised his foot to block his knee bump.

With a bang, the two of them clashed with lightning, retreated together, and then rushed toward each other to start the attack.


This time, he still shot first with the unruly man, and shot out a strong palm, hitting Yang Xuan’s brow.

Yang Xuan took a few steps back, avoiding the overbearing edge. When his palm force was about to end, he blatantly attacked him, raising his fist and slamming on him.


The two of them went backwards, but Yang Xuan only took seven or eight steps, but Domineering took ten steps.

This is normal, the strength of the two is evenly matched, one palm force is exhausted, and the other takes advantage of the situation, and the overlord suddenly suffers a little loss.

However, his fleshy body is very strong, not at all.

However, everyone who watched the game had extraordinary eyesight, and they were all moved in an instant.

Blue Sky Tyrant Body, which has always come from the overlord of Xuantian Great World, is hard to see for 100,000 years. It is known as the strongest treasure in the world. It is powerful enough to sweep the same generation. It is incredible.

But Tyrant Wudao couldn’t help Yang Xuan at the moment, and he didn’t even harm Yang Xuan. Instead, Yang Xuan got a slight upper hand with his skillful breaking power.

This undoubtedly makes people’s hearts surging, and everyone’s heart cannot be calm.

Although he is overbearing in order to win beauty, he deliberately suppresses his power to a level comparable to Yang Xuan, but this is enough to shock people.

At least, Yang Xuan’s melee fighting skills are not inferior to domineering, or even worse.

“What the hell does this child come from!?”

The crowd’s eyes flickered, and they looked at Yang Xuan without blinking, constantly guessing his origin.

Sacred Domain Great World, vast and boundless, there are hundreds of Small Worlds from all parties, among which geniuses are not uncommon, but other geniuses like Yang Xuan’s monstrous talent level, don’t say a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again, but absolutely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, it is difficult to find a few.

Under one after another, Yang Xuan’s expression has not changed, and there is no arrogance on his face, but he has the upper hand that’s all.

This is because he is too arrogant and he doesn’t know his details.

If he fights again next, he won’t be so easy.

“Your strength is very strong, but in today’s battle, you are doomed to end in failure.”

The domineering face is gloomy and he didn’t defeat Yang Xuan in one blow. On the contrary, Yang Xuan took a full ten steps back, making him irritable and unbearable.

He was born in a tyrant family, has the Blue Sky Tyrant Body, and is destined to be famous for All Heavens Myriad Realms in the future.

But now everyone is in full view, but he has encountered a peer who is comparable to him.

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