“This blow is terrifying!”

“Yes, but Yang Xuan is also great, so avoid it in advance!”

People** The ears were both shocked by the overbearing power and Yang Xuan’s vigor.

But everyone can see that if the overbearing power is suppressed, it may be difficult to defeat Yang Xuan.

Even if it can be defeated, it will not be possible in a short time.

“Since my Ba Wudao debut, I have swept the invincible hand of the same generation. No one has ever been able to do a hundred moves in my hands, but you can fight me with a thousand moves.”


The overlord stayed on the spot, panting slightly, the words contained a bit of murderous intention.

“You are not bad, you are the strongest opponent I have encountered since my debut.”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath and said: “I am very excited to have an opponent like you , But we have no enmity in the past, and we have no grievances in the past. Although I injured a few of your men today, but I also showed mercy, we can’t turn hostility into friendship, can we become friends?”

, It’s rare to encounter an opponent, he doesn’t want to be an enemy, just doesn’t know what the hegemony will be.

Unfortunately, let him down.

Hegemony coldly said: “I said, I don’t need a friend, but you. Your strength is good. If you are willing to belong to me, I will never be hegemony from now on Treat you badly.”

“Sorry, I, Yang Xuan is a clank and iron bone, and I never thought to be a slave to anyone.”

Yang Xuan understands that things cannot be good, and No more nonsense: “Come on, let’s fight again, today, we must distinguish a superior.”

“You are very confident and arrogant.” The domineering pupil light is cold.

“I am a madman, why do I need to worship Buddhas and gods, born in Human World, ignoring Dharma and Duty.”

This is Yang Xuan’s life motto, and he casually said it .

With one word and a sound, it really swallows the mountains and rivers with anger, looks down on the common people, and reveals what an overlord is to the extreme.

The crowd was dumbfounded. Such rhetoric is as strong as the imperial powerhouse and may not dare to say.

But Yang Xuan, a weaker champion, said it grandiosely. It is indeed regardless of the law and of natural morality, as if he is alone in the world.

Everyone stared at him in a daze, with only a single thought in their mind, that is, this child is a madman if he hits in the bones.

“Haha, yes, this statement fits my heart!”

There was a loud laugh, and an old powerhouse spoke in the dark, his voice was old and powerful, like Hong Zhongda Lu Going over the entire Holy City, causing the whole city to shake.

Because just by this laughter, you know that the speaker is at least a noble one.

Only the nobleman, and even the powerhouse above the nobleman, can have such a great momentum.

“I have seen Senior.”

Yang Xuan hugs the cup one fist in the other hand towards the distance, he has a faint feeling that the person in the dark is not the supreme, but a Can accomplish all the good fortune powerhouse, so the attitude is very respectful.

“Well, you continue to fight, the old man has nothing to do, just watch the excitement.”

No one knows where the sound comes from, but everyone understands that there is The mysterious powerhouse is watching the battle in the dark.

For a time, all influence experts in the city, the students from the Fourth Academy, and the major Loose Cultivator powerhouses all moved by the wind and flew towards the place of battle.

“Uncle Rong, hurry up!”

“Ai, Young Lady, is that kid so important to you?”

human shadows fill the In the whole sky, Yi Xiu’er looked anxious and kept urging.

While Yi Yunrong smiled bitterly, he had to speed up and rushed to the place of the incident with his Young Lady.

In Holy City, communication is developed. Almost everyone has a communication stone on hand. News spreads extremely fast. When the domineering first arrived, one message after another was spread out quickly.

And when Tyrant Wudao was fighting with Yang Xuan, a group of martial artists rushed through the sky and crowded this area. Almost all above heaven under earth were people.

Some people with a low cultivation base were squeezed to the back. They could only fly high and gather their eyes, so that they could barely see clearly.

It can be said that the people closest to Yang Xuan and Domineering are experts, but no matter how high or low the cultivation base is, no one is too close to the battlefield, and they are all watching the battle.

This is the battle of two great young evildoers, enough to be recorded in the annals of history, how can they miss it.

“You have awakened your true self, and you are acting domineering?”

The domineering ignoring others, staring at Yang Xuan, the murderous intention contained in the voice is how strong Minute.

“Not bad.”

Yang Xuan nodded, there is nothing to hide, he admitted frankly.

“I have also awakened my true self, and walked in a domineering way!”

Between words, the domineering eyes opened wildly, and the murderous intention in the pupils penetrated.

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